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Job Info - HRS7700

Payroll > Utilities > Payroll Simulation > Job Info

The Payroll Simulation tabs are used to create simulated payrolls for individual employees or groups of employees. This feature can show new employees what their checks will be or to show existing employees the changes to their paychecks before the changes become effective.

The Job Info tab is used to retrieve job information for a current employee or create job information for a pending employee in the current year or next year payroll. The data allows you to create simulated payroll changes for proposed position changes or promotions. This data includes calendar data, contract information, accrual information, and specifics about the employee's salary. Before using this tab, ensure that each employee has a demographic record as created using the Demographic Information tab on the Staff Demographic page.

This tab consists of a grid at the top and a free-form area at the bottom.

Add payroll simulation job information:

❏ Under Parameters, select the employee to be retrieved.

Field Description
Pay StatusSelect whether active, inactive, or both groups are to be included in the process.
Pay TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-digit pay type to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Job CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the four-digit job code to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Accrual CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-character accrual code to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Pay GradeType the three-digit pay grade to be included in the process.
Prior Yr Emp DateType a date in the MMDDYYYY format for the previous school year reemployment date. The system will select all employees who were hired on or before that date. If there is no reemployment date from the previous school year, the system will use the employee's original employment date.
Primary CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the three-digit primary campus to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Pay CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the three-digit pay campus to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Contract Begin DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select the exact contract begin date to be included in the process.
Contract End DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select the exact contract end date to be included in the process.
Contract MonthsType the contract months to be included in the process.
Payoff DateClick Ellipsis Icon to select the payoff date to be included in the process.
Payroll FreqClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-digit payroll frequency to be included in the process. The system is set to the current logged-on payroll frequency. A specific payroll frequency must be selected; otherwise, no data displays.
Salary ConceptClick Drop-down Arrow to select the salary concept to be used in the process. The system is set to All. However, when calculating salaries, a specific salary concept must be selected (e.g., A - Use annual salary table, D - Use hourly/daily rate table, or M - Use mid-point table). If All is selected, the system will not perform salary calculations.
Extract IDClick Drop-down Arrow to select a three-character, locally assigned code (e.g., En1 = English 1, AL2 = Algebra 2, HI4 = History 4) for grouping employees. The code is used to tag employee records for a batch process (e.g., copy or extract). Each employee must have the Extract ID set in the Employment Info tab before they can be selected using this function.
Employee NbrIf you want to update data for only one employee, type the employee number, if known. If the employee number is not known or multiple employees are needed, click Ellipsis Icon to select employees.


  • If more than one employee is selected, the system only populates the Addendum tab with all selected employees. The other Payroll Simulation tabs are not populated.
  • Once an employee is selected, the same employee's information is presented on all tabs of the Payroll Simulation utility.
  • A specific payroll frequency must be selected before clicking Execute; otherwise, no data displays. The user can select either current year or next year frequencies. All other parameters are optional.

❏ Click Execute to retrieve the selected employee.

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Job CodeType the four-digit job code to which the employee is assigned, or click Ellipsis Icon to select a job code from the Job Codes list.
PrimarySelect if this is the primary job for the employee. An employee may have only one primary job.
% AssignedType the number which indicates the total percentage of the employee’s responsibilities represented by the job entered. For example, if the job represents half of his total assignment, type 50.
Pay TypeThis field is display-only and is populated based on the job code.
Primary CampusClick Drop-down Arrowto select the three-digit code for the campus to which the teacher is assigned.
DeptType the one-digit code used by the LEA to further categorize the employee.

❏ Under Contract Info:

Pay TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-digit code that best describes how the employee’s pay is calculated by the system.

Pay type 1 employees are generally those employees that are under contract such as superintendents, principals, teachers, etc. (exempt employees under FLSA) whose pay rate remains constant during the course of their contract.

Pay type 2 employees are generally paraprofessional, auxiliary, or clerical (nonexempt employees under FLSA) whose pay rate usually remains constant during the course of the year but are eligible for overtime.

Pay type 3 employees are hourly employees (nonexempt under FLSA) who are paid only when hours are earned, so their pay rate fluctuates every pay date.

Pay type 4 employees are substitutes that are paid at either an hourly or daily rate of pay and only when they work.

Note: If Use PMIS is selected on the District Administration > Options > Position Management page, the Pay Type field is required.
Pay GradeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the pay grade at which the employee is paid. The field is used to identify the correct salary amount on the salary table.
Pay StepClick Drop-down Arrow to select the pay step at which the employee is paid. The field is used to identify the correct salary amount on the salary table.
SchedClick Drop-down Arrow to select the local subschedule of the employee’s pay grade and step. The field is used to identify the correct salary amount on the salary table.
Max DaysDisplays the number of contract days which relate to the correct salary on the salary table.

Note: If Use PMIS is selected on the District Administration > Options > Position Management page, the Max Days field will be enabled.
Hrs Per DayType the standard number of hours per day to be worked by the employee. The field is disabled for all XTRA coded jobs and is calculated automatically for pay type 2 employees when you click Calculate. The field is used exclusively by a timekeeping system when the Merge Payroll Transactions Files is used and regular hours exist in the import file.

Note: For pay type 3 employees, the Hours field on the Midpoint Salary table must be populated. Data from the Hours field on the Midpoint table populates the Hrs/Day field on the Job Info page. The Hrs/Day field can be modified on the Job Info tab, if necessary.
Incr Pay StepSelect if the employee is eligible for an incremental pay step.
TotalType the contract amount for the employee.

Note: Extra duty pay codes that are account type “G - Standard Gross pay” must have the job amount manually added to or deducted from the Contract Info Total field when being updated.
BalanceType the total amount remaining to be paid to the employee during the current contract period.
# of Annual PymtsType the total number of annual payments due the employee. This number may differ from the contract months when an employee is on a ten-month contract but receives 12 monthly checks.
Remaining PymtsType the number of payments remaining to be made to the employee during the current contract period.
ConceptThis field is display only and identifies the salary table used to compute the employee’s salary (e.g., local annual, hourly/daily, or midpoint).
# of Months in ContractType the total number of months the employee is scheduled to work.
Stat Min DaysClick Drop-down Arrow to select the number of days in the contract for the employee.
Base AnnualThis field is display only. The field is calculated based on the salary concept associated with the job and pay grade, step, schedule, and maximum days when entered.
Daily RateType the gross amount of pay due the employee on a per-day basis. The rate is computed by dividing the base annual pay by the number of days employed. If you selected to automatically compute the daily rate in District HR Options, the field is display only and the system computes the value.
Contract TotalDisplays the amount from the Total field.
# of Days EmpldDisplays the value from the # of Days Empld field from the Accrual Info section.
# Days OffType the number of days that the employee is eligible to take off. This information is used for Position Management.
Vacant JobSelect if the job is currently not filled. This option is only enabled when using Position Management functionality.
Pay RateType the gross amount of pay due to the employee per pay period. The rate is computed by dividing the contract amount by the number of annual payments. If you selected to automatically compute the pay rate in District HR Options, this field is display only, and the system computes the value.
# Annual PymtsDisplays the value from the # of Annual Pymts field.
Payoff DateType the date on which the employee's contract is paid off in the MMDDYYYY format. When this date and the pay date match, contract payoff occurs.

❏ Click Calculate to display the Employee Salary Calculation dialog box.

❏ Under Type of Calculation, select one of the following:

SalarySelect to run the regular salary calculation.
State Minimum OnlySelect to run the state minimum calculation only.
Apply Percent of Day Employed to Salary AmountSelect to calculate the salary for either the Salary option or the State Minimum Only option based on the percentage of day employed.

❏ Click Execute to start the recalculation process.

❏ Click Cancel to close the page without recalculating.


  • The Calculate button only calculates the selected job. If the employee has multiple jobs, each job needs to be selected and calculated.
  • If Use PMIS is selected on the District Administration > Options > Position Management page, the Calculate button will be disabled.

Caution: When calculating a midpoint salary, if the LEA has selected the Amount option in the Distributions Built by Amt or % field of the HR Options table, the system requires that a distribution amount be greater than zero and is not saved until an amount is entered for a new employee or an employee with a salary change. Since the system is not saved with zero amounts the user has to enter an amount manually. When a manual amount is entered into the distribution amount and contract balance and the user clicks Calculate, the amounts are not changed or updated. Since midpoint has no steps, the assumption is that the employee remains at that salary level without regard to whether the employee is within minimum or maximum ranges.

When calculating a midpoint salary, if the LEA has selected the Percentage option in the Distributions Built by Amt or % field of the HR Options table, the program saves zero as an amount in distribution and contract balance allowing the percent to equal 100%. When saved without a distribution amount and a contract amount, and the user clicks Calculate, the system populates these fields automatically with amounts from the Midpoint salary table.

Midpoint calculation examples

Reg Hrs WorkedThis field is for employees with hourly jobs (i.e., pay type 3). When the pay type is 3, type the regular hours the employee works. When pay type is not 3, the field displays 0. If the field is completed and payroll is processed, standard gross pay is calculated based on these hours. If hours are entered in the Reg Hrs field in Hours/Pay Transmittals, the field is not used for calculation of pay.
OVTM EligSelect if the employee is eligible for overtime pay. If the field is selected, the OVTM Rate field becomes enabled, and the employee can be accessed in the Create Hours and/or Ovtm Hrs tab on the Hours/Pay Transmittals page.
OVTM RateType the rate at which the employee is paid for any hours worked in excess of the number of regular hours. The field is used as the default when the employee is selected in the Create Hours and/or Ovtm Hrs tab on the Hours/Pay Transmittals page and can be modified if necessary.
Hrly RateType the hourly rate of pay for pay type 2 employees only. The field is disabled for any other Pay Type.
Exempt StatusSelect if the employee is exempt from overtime pay. The field relates to whether or not the employee is considered eligible for overtime pay.
EEOCClick Drop-down Arrow to select the two-digit code indicating any applicable Equal Employment Opportunity Commission data.

❏ Under State Info:

State StepType the state step that the employee has earned based on years of service plus career ladder step(s), if applicable.
Yrs in Career LadderType the code identifying the current career ladder level for an employee. The field can be a single digit.
TRS YearSelect to indicate those employees whose contract year begins in July or August (nonstandard) and who receive a contract payment before the beginning of the school year. If TRS Year is selected, the payroll calculation program determines if a new school year record should be created when updating the TRS Deposit and Nbr Days Earned fields, and accrual amounts for those July and August employees.

Example: An employee accrues and has a 12-month contract with the first payment in July; therefore, the actual salary and benefit amounts update the current school year (2009), and the Nbr Days Earned, accrual salary, and benefits update the new school year (2010). When the 2010 school year begins, the amounts accrued are available for use during the 2010 school year.


The beginning of the school year is determined by when the majority of the employees are paid, which is normally September.

Do not select TRS Year if the employee accrues and the contract begins during any month other than July and August. Otherwise, an incorrect school year is created, which affects the accrued salary and benefits. If the employee does not accrue, TRS Year does not have an adverse effect on the creation of a school year record.
TRS Member PosClick Drop-down Arrow to select a one-digit code indicating the employee's classification.
State Min SalaryType the annual state minimum salary applicable to the employee. The salary is computed by multiplying the foundation daily rate by the percent assigned times the number of days in the contract. The value is automatically computed when an employee record is selected, but may be overwritten.
Foundation Daily RateDisplays the rate from the State Minimum Salaries table.
% AssignedEnter up to 100% assigned.
# of DaysDisplays a value based on the following:

If the TRS Member Pos field is 01, the # of Days field is populated with the # of Days Empld.

If the TRS Member Pos field is 02 or 05 and the # of Days Empld field is greater than or equal to the # of Days in Contract field, the # of Days field is populated with the # of Days in Contract.

If the TRS Member Pos field is 02 or 05 and the # of Days Empld field is less than the # of Days in Contract field, the # of Days field is populated with the # of Days Empld.

If the TRS Member Pos field is 02 or 05, the # of Days in Contract field is 187, and the # of Days Empld field is changed to less than 187, the user is prompted to recalculate the state minimum salary. Click Yes to recalculate the state minimum salary, or click No to retain the original salary.

If the TRS Member Pos field is 03 or 04, the # of Days field is populated with zero.

❏ Under Calendar Info/Local Info:

Calendar CdType the calendar code, or click Ellipsis Icon to select the two-digit code identifying the calendar for the employee. The calendar indicates the dates of the employee’s workdays and holidays. This field relates to the School Calendar table built with the holidays, in-service days, and work days for different LEA employees.
Begin DateType the beginning date for the calendar selected in the MMDDYYYY format.
End DateType the ending date for the calendar selected in the MMDDYYYY format.
# of Days EmpldType the number of employee work days for the calendar selected. If the Calendar field is selected, the field automatically displays the total number of days the employee is scheduled to work based on begin and end dates. This field can only change when begin and end dates are changed. If the Calendar field is not used, the user can enter the number of workdays the employee is scheduled to work.
Exclude Days for TEASelect to exclude the number of days employed (for the selected job) from TEA reporting. For example, this field would be used for an employee who performs two separate jobs on the same day.
Years Job ExpType the number of years of job experience the employee has for the selected job. The field can be a maximum of two digits.
Local Contract DaysType the number of days an employee is required to work in the selected job in order to meet LEA contract requirements. The field can be a maximum of three digits, is user-defined, is not used in calculations, does not display on any reports other than User Created Reports, and can be updated using Mass Update in Utilities.

❏ Under Worker's Comp Info:

WC CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the type of workers' compensation for the employee. The WC code is used to calculate the workers' compensation premiums for all types of LEA employee records. The workers' compensation codes and descriptions are user-defined and can be changed to local preference. These codes are located in the Workers' Compensation Code table and must exist before a code can be selected from this field.

Note: If the workers’ compensation code is changed, the code is also changed for the distribution records associated to the job. If the distribution records are types B, T, or G with extra duty codes, the distribution WC code is only changed if the original workers’ compensation codes in the job record and the distribution records matched before the job record was changed.

Calculating workers' compensation
WC Ann PymtsType the number of annual workers' compensation payments for the contract period.
WC RemainType the number of remaining workers' compensation payments to be made during the contract period.

❏ Under Accrual Info:

CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-character, LEA-defined code required if the LEA is using the accrual pay special option. The code must match a code used to identify a calendar on the Accrual Calendar tab. If an accrual code is entered, it applies to the current job. Each job can have a different number of days earned per pay date processed.
Accrual RateType the rate which is the annual contract amount divided by the number of days employed. If you selected to compute the accrual rate automatically in District HR Options, the field is display only, and the system computes the value.
TotalDisplays the amount from the Contract Info Total field.
# of Days EmpldDisplays the value from the Calendar Info # of Days Empld field.
payroll/utilities/payrollsimulation/jobinfo.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/04 18:54 by emoreno