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Midpoint - HRS8200

Payroll > Utilities > Salary Simulation > Midpoint

This tab is used to manage the pay rates for hourly, noncontract employees, and contract employees not covered under the Annual or Hourly/Daily salary tables.

Midpoint Salary Schedule

Set up midpoint salary data:

❏ Under Records:

Simulation NameClick Drop-down Arrow to select the simulation name entered on the Simulation Options tab.
DescriptionThis field is populated automatically with the simulation description as entered on the Simulation Options tab.
Pay GradeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the appropriate pay grade for the current simulation. This option will limit your selection.

Note: In addition, you can click the Midpoint button to retrieve and select multiple pay grades from the midpoint table, or create new entries to be included in the simulation phase.

❏ Click Retrieve. The midpoint salary data is displayed.

❏ Under Modify, select either of the following criteria to modify midpoint salaries:

  • By Percent
  • By Dollar Amt

❏ Under Salary:

MinimumType the percentage or dollar amount each row will increase by.
MaximumType the percentage or dollar amount each row will increase by.
MidpointType the percentage or dollar amount each row will increase by.

❏ Click Default to apply the amounts entered in the Minimum, Maximum, and Midpoint fields to each row.

Note: Only those rows that have no value in the % Increase or Amt Increase columns are affected when applying the default values.

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Pay GradeType the locally assigned, three-character code for the pay grade.
Pay TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select a of pay type code.
HoursType the number of hours authorized for this pay grade.

When pay types 1, 2, and 4 are calculated as daily rates, the Hours field is left blank.

When pay type 3 is calculated on an hourly pay rate, the Hours field requires a value.

The system populates the Minimum field with the lowest pay rate for this pay grade/pay type from the Midpoint NYR table.

Note: Each row can only be changed by a percent or dollar amount, not both, and if a row previously had a value entered in the Amount Increase column, and now a value is entered in the % Increase column, the Amount Increase column will change to zero.

% IncreaseType the percentage of the increase.
Amt IncreaseType the dollar amount of the increase.
New MinThis field is calculated by the system.

The system populates the Maximum field with the highest pay rate for this pay grade/pay type from the Midpoint NYR table.

% IncreaseType the percentage of the increase.
Amt IncreaseType the dollar amount of the increase.
New MaxThis field is calculated by the system.

The system populates the Midpoint field with the calculated midpoint pay rate for this pay grade/pay type from the Midpoint NYR table.

% IncreaseType the percentage of the increase.
Amt IncreaseType the dollar amount of the increase.
New MidpointThis field is calculated by the system.

❏ Click Save to save the changes.

❏ Click Print to display the Simulation Midpoint Salary Table report.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

payroll/utilities/salarysimulation/midpoint.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/18 16:35 by emoreno