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Staff ID Export - HRS8700

Personnel > Utilities > Texas Unique Staff ID Interface > Staff ID Export

This utility is used to export employee demographic information to a file layout that the Texas Education Agency will use to assign a Texas Student Data System (TSDS) unique ID to each employee. Employees in the current and next payroll frequencies (e.g., 4, 5, or 6) who do not have an assigned Texas unique staff ID are exported based on the indicated parameters.

The pay type selection criteria is based on the highest primary job pay frequency with an Active pay status. If the pay status is inactive in all pay frequencies, the criteria will be based on the highest primary job pay frequency with an Inactive pay Status.

Non-employee instructional staff members are included if the First and Last name, Sex, Date of Birth, and SSN fields are populated, and at least one Race is selected on the Maintenance > Non-Employee page in District Administration.

The employee is extracted if the Original Emp Date or Latest Re-Employ Date is greater than the Termination Date.

Effective April 2, 2018, the export file format version was updated from 2.1 to 3.0.

Export staff ID tables:

❏ Under School Year:

  • The From field is preset and is display only.
  • In the To field, type the four-digit school year.

❏ Click Execute to execute the process.


  • All employees without a Texas Unique Staff ID are exported.
  • Pay type 1 employees who do not have a termination date are exported.
  • Pay type 1 employees who have a termination date, and the termination date is between 09-01-<From School Year> and 08-31-<To School Year> are exported.
  • Pay type 2 and pay type 3 employees who do not have a termination date and have an employee status of 1, 2, 3, or 8 are exported.
  • Pay type 2 and pay type 3 employees who have a termination date, and the termination date is between 09-01-<From School Year> and 08-31-<To School Year> and have an employee status of 1, 2, 3, or 8 are exported.
  • Long term substitutes (pay type = 4 , TRS member position = 02, and employee status = A) are exported.
  • When the employee's termination date is not between 09-01-<From School Year> and 08-31-<To School Year>, and the original employee date or the latest re-employment date is greater than the termination date, the employee is extracted.

The Texas Unique Staff ID Export Report is displayed. Review the report.

❏ Click Process to continue the export. Locate and select the folder on your computer or network where you want to save the file and click Save.

  • A message is displayed indicating that the file was created successfully. Click OK.
  • Another message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully. Click OK.

❏ Click Cancel to close the report and return to the Staff ID Export tab.

personnel/utilities/texasuniquestaffidinterface/staffidexport.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/01 19:50 by emoreno