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PMIS Employee Historical Data Inquiry - HRS6440

Position Management > Inquiry > PMIS Employee Historical Data Inquiry

This page is used to view historical information by employee name or employee number. The inquiry includes position data and salary information about the positions an employee has held.

Run an employee historical data inquiry:

Field Description
EmployeeType the employee name or number and click Retrieve. Or, click Directory to perform a search in the Employees directory.

Note: If a pay frequency is displayed for the employee in the directory, the employee has a pay info record in the CYR/NYR selection. If the frequency is blank, the employee does not have a pay info record in the CYR/NYR selection.

Start at Update DateType the beginning date for the inquiry in the MMDDYYYY format. Or, select a date from the calendar.

Note: If no specific data is entered in the Emp Number, Emp Name, or Start at Update Date field, all records are retrieved when you click Retrieve.

❏ Click Retrieve to display the employee information.

The following information is displayed for each employee:

  • Frequency
  • Employee number
  • Name
  • Update date - The date and time a change was made to the position are displayed.
  • Begin/End - Each time current year PMIS is rolled to next year PMIS, and then rolled back to current year payroll and PMIS, a snapshot of the position is saved to this inquiry. This allows the LEA to view what an employee/position looked like at the beginning of the school year and again at the end of the school year.
  • Pos Nbr - Position Number
  • Billet - Billet Number
  • Pos Typ - Position Type
  • Sch YR - The school year (fiscal year) for each transaction is displayed.
  • Description - The billet description for the position is displayed. If the billet description is changed, the change is reflected in history.
  • Orig Type - FCS indicates a change was made in forecast (NY PMIS). MNT indicates a change was made in current year PMIS.

❏ Click Spyglass Icon to display the position record, distribution, and date information for the selected row.

positionmanagement/inquiry/pmisemployeehistoricaldatainquiry.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/08 20:03 by emoreno