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Contract Format- REQ2300

Purchasing > Maintenance > Contract Type/Format > Contract Format

This tab is used to create and maintain a list of contract templates to be assigned to a requisition.

Create a contract format:

A list of available contract templates is displayed.

❏ Under Display Contract, click Spyglass Icon to view the contract template. The contract template details are displayed.

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Field Description
ActiveSelect if the contract is active. This field is selected by default.

Type a code for the contract format. The field can be a maximum of six characters.

NameType the name of the contract format.
Top MarginType the top page margin (in inches) for the contract page format.
Bottom MarginType the bottom page margin (in inches) for the contract page format.
Left MarginType the left page margin (in inches) for the contract page format.
Right MarginType the right page margin (in inches) for the contract page format.

At the bottom of the tab, a formatting toolbar and a blank page are displayed. The buttons on the toolbar are used to change the font, size of font, attributes (e.g., bold, italic, underline, strikeout), alignment, spacing, etc. of the typed text. For additional information about the text editor features, click here.

❏ In the blank page, place the cursor where you want to insert a variable and click Variables. Scroll through the variable descriptions and select a variable. Otherwise, click Cancel to close the listing without selecting any variables.

❏ Click Save.

Note: You cannot edit or delete a contract type that is already assigned to a requisition.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

Dup From ExistingClick to duplicate a contract format.

Select the row to be duplicated and click Dup From Existing. The contract format information for the selected row is copied to a new row.

Type a new name for the contract format.

PrintPrint a list of the contract formats. Review the report.
Printer Icon

Click to print the contract template that you created.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save. A message is displayed confirming that you want to delete the row.

Click Yes to delete the row.
Click No to not delete the row.

purchasing/maintenance/contracttypeformat/contractformat.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/26 16:31 by emoreno