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BWH1150 - Print Shipping Order

Warehouse > Reports > Warehouse Reports > Print Shipping Order

This report provides an automated way to print a shipping order. You can print one route, more than one route, or all routes. Even if you do not actually print the shipping order, you must click PDF Icon to register the shipping order.

Parameter Description
Include Item Location? (Y/N)

Y - Include item location (e.g., aisle, bin, etc.).

N - Do not include item location (e.g., aisle, bin, etc.).

Select Shipping Order(s), or blank for All

Type the six-digit shipping order number, separating multiple shipping order numbers with a comma. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select from a list of available shipping order numbers. Otherwise, leave blank to use all shipping order numbers.

Select Requisition(s), or blank for All

Type the six-digit requisition number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple requisition numbers with a comma (e.g., 000008, 091929). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select from a list of available requisition numbers. Otherwise, leave blank to use all requisition numbers.

Receiving Address ID, Blank for All

Type the three-digit receiving addresses (or campus ID numbers), including all leading zeros and separating multiple receiving addresses with a comma (e.g., 001, 098). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select from a list of available receiving addresses. Otherwise, leave blank to use all receiving addresses.

Select SO Warehouse Route Nbr(s), or blank for All

Type the three-character shipping order warehouse route number, separating multiple shipping order warehouse route numbers with a comma. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select from a list of available shipping order warehouse route numbers. Otherwise, leave blank to use all shipping order warehouse route numbers.

Generate the report.

warehouse/reports/warehousereports/printshippingorder.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/21 19:07 by emoreno