The ASCENDER District Administration application provides program data for each collection from the ASCENDER Student system. These programs are reviewed and modified annually, per the published Texas Web-Enabled Data Standards (TWEDS), to ensure that the data extracted to the district database is as accurate as possible. The extracts provide many of the edits as defined in the TWEDS.
The PEIMS Fall submission (Submission 1) includes program data for organization and student enrollment and program data records as of (and including) the Fall snapshot date.
The extract programs create the appropriate records in the district database, taking into account the school-start window and the Fall snapshot date. The as-of-status code is automatically generated for each student record.
For a complete list of submission rules and edits, see
• PEIMS Fall First Submission due - January 16, 2025
• PEIMS Fall Resubmission due - January 30, 2025
IMPORTANT: Each LEA will have unique situations. Some of the dates, images, and examples provided in this document are for informational and instructional purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA's process.
Verify data in the district and campus master schedules. This data must be correct to ensure that Career & Technical Education, Staff Responsibilities, and other data is extracted correctly for Submission 1. It is recommended that you run applicable reports first, and then use the Grade Reporting maintenance pages to update data where needed.
Data in the district master schedule can be verified by running the following reports:
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Instructors > SGR0140 - Instructor List (Grd Rpting)
SGR0140 allows you to verify that staff IDs are correct.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Instructors > SGR2500 - Schedule of Classes (Grd Rpting)
Run SGR2500 before staff responsibilities data is extracted. The report provides a count of students in each instructor’s class, as well as service ID and total students. You can compare data to the database after the staff data is extracted.
For elementary campuses:
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Instructors > SGR2550 - Teaching Assignments
IMPORTANT: CTE must be selected for the instructor on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section.
Set Sort parameter to D (Subject Area).
Cert CTE is set to Y for all VOED and COMP courses in the Subject Area column for all weighted state career and technical funding courses and CTE-certified teachers.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0050 - District Master List (Grd Rpting)
SGR0050 allows you to verify that district course information is correct. Verify data in the Service ID, Pop Srv, Role ID, and Class Type columns.
You can also use SGR0050 to identify service IDs in the C022 code table that are not appropriate for the CTE course.
You can filter for CTE courses (in numerical order and alpha order, or individually):
Sort the report by service ID so that all CTE courses are displayed together.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0110 - Master Schedule PEIMS (Grd Rpting)
SGR0110 allows you to verify that campus course information is correct at the section level. Section-level settings override district information, so ensure that the information is correct. The report also indicates invalid service IDs that must be corrected. Verify Beg Time and End Time are correct if they are used to report Teacher Responsibilities. If using crosswalks in State Reporting, the Beg Time and End Time should be blank.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0220 - Invalid Service ID
SGR0220 compares the district course service IDs to the C022 table for the current year and identifies any courses that have service IDs not found in the C022 table. Any courses with invalid service IDs are listed in the report.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Student Verification > SGR1600 - Career and Technology Code Verification
SGR1600 lists the students enrolled in CTE courses, equivalent TEA course numbers, and entry and withdrawal dates. You can run SGR0400 to identify students in the course, and then compare data in SGR1600 for students enrolled in the course.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Create Grade Reporting Reports
You can create a custom report to verify master schedule data.
NOTE: To display the PEIMS fields in the grid, click the PEIMS heading below the grid. An arrow is displayed next to the PEIMS heading to indicate that those fields are displayed above.
Reported Elements from District Schedule: reported in the Course Entity.
Verify that the following are correct for all courses in the district master schedule:
❏ Pop Srvd - Verify that the population served code indicates the population for which the course was designed. The default code is 01 (i.e., Regular students).
❏ Class Type - Verify that the code correctly indicates if the instruction for the class is provided in a regular or non-regular classroom.
❏ Role ID - Verify that the role ID is appropriate for the course. In most cases, the code is 087 (i.e., Teacher).
Several fields exist on both the district and campus master schedules. These fields only need to be updated in the campus master schedule if they require different values than the district master schedule.
NOTE: To display the applicable fields in the grid, click the Section Information heading below the grid. An arrow is displayed next to the heading to indicate that those fields are displayed above.
❏ Pop Srvd - Verify the field for all course-sections.
❏ Class Type - Verify the field for all course-sections.
❏ Class Role (Classroom Position) - Verify the field for all course-sections. This value is used when extracting staff responsibility data to identify the teacher of record.
❏ Sped Stu Age - Verify the age range of the students to whom teaching and paraprofessional staff will provide services.
The following fields must be entered in the campus master schedule (section record); they do not exist in the district master schedule:
❏ Days (of the week), Time Begin, and Time End - Used to calculate monthly minutes for extracting staff responsibility data.
❏ Class Role - Verify the field for all course-sections. This value is used when extracting staff responsibility data to identify the teacher of record.
NOTE: For instructional staff, these records may come from staff demo record in Personnel or from the master schedule in Grade Reporting, or both, depending on how your district is set up.
Reported Elements from Section: reported in the Section Entity.
❏ If the district has converted staff IDs (SSNs) to employee IDs, the Staff ID column will no longer display SSNs. Employee IDs should be displayed instead. Ensure that an employee ID is displayed for all staff hired after the utility was run.
❏ Select Excl From Fall PEIMS if the instructor should not be extracted when staff responsibility data is extracted.
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > TSDS Crosswalks
Build and update any necessary crosswalk tables. For Submission 1, the following tables can be used:
Crosswalks are retained from year to year. If tables exist from prior years, ensure that they are up to date.
Staff Responsibilities 042 and 043 Notes:
Crosswalk tables allow you to define periods and service IDs and used to calculate monthly minutes. Using crosswalks is recommended, particularly for campuses that use a modified block schedule.
The service ID and period at the campus must be unique in the table. You can only create one record per period per campus in each crosswalk table, and you can only create one record per service ID per campus in each table.
If you use crosswalk tables to calculate instructional minutes, leave the Time Begin and Time End fields blank on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section for each section at the campus. When the fields are blank, the crosswalk tables are used.
You can enter Time Begin and Time End for some sections and leave others blank.
The staff responsibility extract will always use data from the section record if it exists, even if a crosswalk exists.
If the Time Begin and Time End fields are blank, the extract program looks at the Responsibilities - From Campus/Service ID to Minutes crosswalk. If that crosswalk is blank, the program looks at the Responsibilities - From Campus/Period to Minutes crosswalk.
The monthly minutes value is calculated as follows:
(Number of minutes of the class (period)) x (number of days in the week the class meets) x (Number of weeks in the month the class meets)
A class taught for one hour every day:
(60 minutes of the class) x (5 days per week) x (4 weeks per month) = 1200
A class taught for one hour three times per week:
(60 minutes of the class) x (3 days per week) x (4 weeks per month) = 720
Note that four weeks per month is the default, because there are generally four weeks prior to the fall snapshot date.
❏ In the Crosswalk Table field, select 042-Responsibilities - From Campus/Period to Minutes.
❏ Any existing data is displayed. Add and delete data as needed.
❏ Click Save.
Block Schedule Example (A/B bell schedule):
A Day: Periods are 1-4. In weeks 1 and 3, classes meet 3 days per week. In weeks 2 and 4, classes meet 2 days per week.
B Day: Periods are 5-8. In weeks 1 and 3, classes meet 2 days per week. In weeks 2 and 4, classes meet 3 days per week.
Classes are 85 minutes each day.
Monthly minutes calculation:
(85 x 3 days x 2 weeks) + (85 x 2 days x 2 weeks)
85 x 5 x 2 = 850 minutes
❏ In the Crosswalk Table field, select 043-Responsibilities - From Campus/Service ID to Minutes. Click Retrieve.
❏ Any existing data is displayed. Add and delete data as needed.
❏ Click Save.
This crosswalk allows you to enter the number of days and minutes in which the PE teacher provides physical education instruction each week at the campus for the four weeks in October that include the last Friday in October. This is required for all teachers of record for course-sections associated with the following physical education (PE) service IDs:
All districts will use this crosswalk, except for Business-only districts whose responsibility records come from Human Resources, or if PE service IDs are not used for PE courses, or if your PE service ID courses do not have students.
Important: Minutes for any holidays should be included.
These fields are not reported for employees with PE substitution responsibilities (i.e., employees with service IDs PES00000-PES00015).
Records are created for non-campus-based PE courses (i.e., Non Campus Based is greater than 00 in the campus master schedule) if the course is taught during semester 1 and at least one student is enrolled in the class.
This crosswalk is not used for Business-only districts whose responsibility records come from Personnel, or if PE service IDs are not used for PE courses, or if your PE service ID courses do not have students. All other districts should use this crosswalk.
❏ In the Crosswalk Table field, select 044-PE Responsibilities - Campus/Crs/Sec.
❏ The first time you access the page, there will be rows from the previous year displayed. Click Delete then click Create to add current year courses.
A list of course-sections associated with physical education (PE) service IDs is listed. This list is predefined and cannot be changed.
The From column lists course-sections in the campus-course-section format, where:
❏ For the Teacher of Record for each course-section listed, enter the following information for the four weeks in October that include the last Friday in October:
These fields are automatically populated according to the Days code entered on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section for each course-section meeting time. The program calculates the minutes in the days from the section Time Begin/End and sums for each meeting time the days per week for that meeting time, then multiplies the minutes per day for that meeting time to calculate the minutes for each week.
❏ Click Save.
❏ Click Print to print the data displayed.
❏ If new PE responsibilities records are found the next time you access the page, the Create button will be replaced with the Refresh button. Click Refresh to add new records to the grid.
NOTE: You cannot delete data row by row. You must click Delete to delete all rows on the page. Then, click Create to populate the page with PE course-sections. Then, you can re-enter all data.
WARNING: If you click Delete, all rows are deleted.
Verify data for each element in the following ASCENDER Student applications. It is suggested that you run reports first, and then use the maintenance pages in the Student applications to update data where needed.
Hard-coded and calculated elements
The following elements are either hard-coded in or calculated by the software. Hard coded values are built into the program, are the same each time they are extracted, and cannot be changed by the user. Calculated values are determined by the program and can be changed if source data is updated or changed.
❏ Organization (E0319) identifies the unique organizational unit within the local education agency with which the account is associated. For campuses, this is the three-digit campus number registered with the Texas Education Agency. For non-campuses, this must be one of the administrative units required in the Resource Guide, or 998 or 999.This is hard coded in the program as “ESC,” “LEA,” or “School” according to the county-district number.
❏ LocalEducationAgency (E0212) is the county-district ID registered with the TEA.
❏ SchoolId (E0266) is the unique campus ID number registered with the TEA. It is the linking of DISTRICT-ID with the campus identification number. A campus ID cannot be greater than 698. The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID must match the value of the DISTRICT-ID in the LEA’s LocalEducationAgencyExtension complex type.
❏ CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) is required for students with as-of-status codes C, E, or G. This is the campus at which the student was enrolled. The field cannot be updated from any page in ASCENDER.
❏ LocalStudentId (E0923) is the student’s local ID assigned by the district (optional).
❏ AsOfStatusLastFridayOctober (E3007) is generated by the program during the extracts. The code is based on the student’s current year status within the school start window (i.e., first day of school thru the last Friday in September) and the snapshot date (i.e., last Friday in October).
❏ COURSE-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM (E1089) is the system used to identify the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students. This is hard coded in the program as “State Course Code.”
❏ STUDENT-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM (E1090) is the coding scheme used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student. This is hard coded in the program as “State” and the student’s SSN is used.
❏ StudentUniqueId (E1523) is the unique number assigned to a student by the TEA.
❏ FiscalYear (E0974) is the last digit of the current fiscal year for the fund (e.g., the fiscal year is 0 for the 2019-2020 fiscal year).
Reported Elements from PGP: reported in the PriorYearLeaver Entity.
For students who do not have a graduation plan, this information is entered on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3.
IMPORTANT The IBC Exam Fee Amount has a revised domain of values from 0-100 to 0.00-700.00.
❏ Credentials and Certifications are added on Graduation Plan > Maintenance > District > Tables.
Reported Elements from Performance Acknowledgement: reported in the PriorYearLeaver Entity and the StudentAcademicRecord Entity.
Registration data can be verified by running the following reports:
Registration > Reports > Create Registration Report
Demo1, Demo3, At Risk, Bilingual/ESL enrollment data, and local program data can be verified by creating a customized report.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Program > SRG0600 - Student Special Program Listing
Set the Check if At Risk Year parameter to C Current.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Program > SRG1200 - Student Status Changes by Program
To verify special ed data, set the Print Special Ed Records parameter to Y, and set all other parameters to blank or N.
To verify GT data, set the Print Gifted/Talented Records parameter to Y, and set all other parameters to blank or N.
To verify bilingual/ESL data, set the Print Bilingual/ESL Records parameter to Y, and set all other parameters to blank or N.
To verify PK enrollment, set the Print PK Enroll Records parameter to Y, and set all other parameters to blank or N.
To verify Title I data, set the Print Title I Records parameter to Y, and set all other parameters to blank or N.
To verify eligibility, attribution code, campus of residence, and economic disadvantage status, set the Print Enroll Records parameter to Y, and set all other parameters to blank or N. The report is run by campus.
At Risk data can be verified by running the following report:
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Program > SRG1500 - Student At Risk Listing
SRG1500 is required for state compensatory audits.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Program > SRG1600 - Student At Risk Profile
(Optional) SRG1600 displays at-risk criteria per student. One page is printed per student.
Local program data can be verified by running the following report:
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Program > SRG1900 - Local Program Enrollment Count
Set the Local Program Code parameter to the code for the specific local program. Run the report for each local program code.
NOTE: The following Local Program codes are reported in the Fall PEIMS Submission: Dyslexia (DYS), Early College High School (ECHS), Individual Graduation Committee (IGC), Intervention Strategy (INT), Pathways in Technology (P-TECH), 504 and Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM).
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Student > SRG1800 - Enrollment by District of Residence
SRG1800 provides a list of students who were enrolled during the selected attendance cycle, grouped by district of residence. Use the report to verify campus ID of residence (CIR).
The report is sorted by campus ID of residence (CIR). If the Exclude Blank District Of Residence Detail parameter is blank or N, all students with a blank CIR are listed at the beginning of the report. Summary totals by CIR are listed at the end of the
Reported Elements from Demo1: are reported in the following:
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Entity
StudentSchoolAssociation Entity
PriorYearLeaver Entity
Student Entity
Reported Elements from Demo2: reported in the Student Entity.
❏ Update census block data.
Registration > Utilities > TEA Census Block > Export Address
IMPORTANT: This utility must be run in the Firefox browser. This utility allows you to create a file for the purposes of assigning a Census Block GEO ID.
NOTE: Users will use the Census Block Group Tool to look up a census block number for a single address, or upload a .CSV file with multiple addresses to which the system applies a census block number. For additional information and instructions on how to download the Census Block Group Tool, login to the TSDS Portal (TEA Login (TEAL)) and refer to the TSDS Census Block Group Tool User Guide PDF.
❏ Click Missing/Invalid Data Report.
A report opens that provides a list of students not eligible for the census block export due to errors.
Students are included on the report if they are ineligible due to any of the following conditions:
• Blank UID - The column displays Yes for students with a blank Texas Unique Student ID.
• Homeless - The column displays Yes if the student is homeless.
• Invalid Address - The column displays Yes if the student has an invalid physical address.
• ADA Eligibility - The column displays Yes if the student's code is 0, 4, 5, or 8 (by PEIMS As-of date). The student's code must be 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, or 9 (as of the PEIMS date).
❏ Click Execute.
A .csv file is generated that can be exported to the TEA to obtain census block data for eligible students who do not have it. The file contains the student's Texas Unique Student ID and physical address (street number and name, city, state, and zip code).
IMPORTANT: The TEA-calculated file must complete in text format and must be saved Save as Type .CSV (comma delimited) to import.
Registration > Utilities > TEA Census Block > Import Census Block
IMPORTANT: This utility must be run in the Firefox browser. This utility allows you to import a .csv file of Census Block GEO ID to assign the Census Block data to eligible students. This automatically populates the Student Census Block field on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo2.
❏ Save the file as a .csv file with a unique name (e.g., ASCENDERISD_CENSUS_BLOCK.csv).
❏ Click Browse to locate and select the .csv file provided by the TEA.
❏ Click Import.
Records are created in the census block table that contain the student's social security number and GEO ID.
❏ Click Print Report to view the file and any errors. The number of records updated or inserted in the census block table is also included.
This process also applies if you changed the address for one or several students, putting them into a different block:
❏ Add the student(s) to TEA spreadsheet and calculate.
❏ Created a new TEA .csv with only that one student (or several students).
❏ Import the file.
You can use the Set Student At Risk Indicators utility to set at-risk indicators for Submission 1:
See online Help for additional information.
Reported Elements from At Risk: reported in the StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Entity.
Every student who is withdrawn with Reason code 44 (i.e., No Show) will automatically be set to code 98 (i.e., Dropout) when the fall data is extracted. If this is not correct for the student, you must change the student’s status code from 44 to the appropriate code once the correct code is determined.
NOTE: The following withdrawal codes are also set to code 98 when the fall data is extracted: 02, 04, 09, 10, 14, 15, 19, 22, 30, 44, 61, 72, 79, and 84.
The following codes are set to blank and are not extracted: 31, 33, 49, 63, 64, 80, and EP.
Any user-defined codes that do not get set to blank will be set to code 98.
If the student met graduation requirements by August 31, change the Reason code from 44 (i.e., No Show) to 01 (i.e., Graduated from a campus in this district or charter) and enter the student’s graduation date. It is not necessary to create a leaver record on the Prior Year Leaver Tracking page.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Withdrawal > SRG2200 - Student No Show Report
Use SRG2200 to determine the students for whom you need to update code 44. The Ending School Year parameter should be set to the ending year of the current school year.
Reported Elements from W/R Enroll: reported in the StudentSchoolAssociation Entity.
Reported Elements from SpecEd: reported in the SpecialEducationProgramReportingPeriodAttendance Entity.
Reported Elements from Bil/ESL: reported in the following:
PriorYearLeaver Entity
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Entity
StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation Entity
Reported Elements from Title I: reported in the StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociation Entity.
If the student is enrolled in the program, the Other Spc Pgms field will be set to the district-defined code for the program.
For a student to be enrolled in a local program, the program must be set up at the district level on Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > Local Program Codes. Then, the program must be selected at the campus level on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Local Program Codes to make it available at the campus.
Reported Elements from Local Programs: reported in the StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Entity.
The PK Enroll tab is only enabled to campuses that serve grade level PK as indicated in the grade level range specified on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info.
If a student transfers to a different campus within the district, you must manually create the PK enrollment record at the new campus. You can only create PK enrollment records for PK students.
Refer to the charts in the TWEDS for additional information about student codes.
Reported Elements from PK Enroll: reported in the StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Entity.
Special education data can be verified by running the following reports:
Special Education > Reports > Student Sp Ed > Program > SEM0850 - PEIMS Verification List
SEM0850 allows you to verify disability, speech therapy indicator, Child Count Funding, Early Childhood indicator, Regional Day School for the Deaf, and PPCD. The As-of Date parameter must be set to the fall snapshot date.
Reported Elements from Program Information: reported in the StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation Entity.
Registration > Utilities > Create Leaver Tracking Records
This utility creates leaver tracking records for the current school year for graduates, withdrawn students, and No Show students as part of the Annual Student Data Rollover (ASDR) process. Any existing leaver tracking records for the current school year are deleted.
For the for the 2023-2024 school year, type 09292023 for the School Start Window (SSW) Date.
❏ Click Create Tracking Records to run the utility.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Withdrawal > SRG1700 - Leaver Tracking Report
SRG1700 reflects the changes made when the Create Leaver Tracking Records utility is run. It provides a list of all students who will potentially be reported as leavers.
<color #ed1c24>NEW for 2024-2025</color>
Registration > Maintenance > Prior Year Leaver Tracking
This page provides the master list for prior year leaver students. This data is initially created when you run the Create Leaver Tracking Records utility. Leaver records cannot be deleted.
Leaver data is sent submitted to TEA via API for all students who withdrew during the school year. The data is extracted from the student demographic and enrollment tables during ASDR and saved to a leaver tracking table. In the fall of each school year, prior year leaver data is submitted to PEIMS along with No Show leaver data for the current school year.
If a student was excluded from leaver tracking by mistake, the Prior Year Leaver Tracking page can be used add the student. Use this page carefully.
NOTE: No Show leaver data, which is current year data, must be updated on Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll.
IMPORTANT: If you change any data for a student on the Prior Year Leaver Tracking page, you must also change the data in the prior year records on the Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment tabs.
Add a student to leaver tracking:
Note that you cannot delete a student from leaver tracking, but you can exclude the student from being extracted.
A graduate is a student who met graduation requirements by August 31.
A leaver is a student who was enrolled at least one day at a Texas public school in grade level 7-12 during the prior year and did not enroll in a Texas public school the following Fall by the end of the school start window due to a specific reason defined by the leaver reason code table (C162).
A No Show is a student who did not withdraw last year but is not attending this year.
Ensure that all data is accurate for graduates, leavers, and No Shows.
Leaver data is reported for all students who were in grade level 7-12 in the prior year and were withdrawn or No Show in the current year, except for those who earned a GED, enrolled in another district in the school-start window, or were otherwise accounted for.
Graduation data is reported for all students who graduated during the prior school year, including summer graduates up through August 31.
Reported Elements: reported in the PriorYearLeaver Entity.
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