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ASCENDER - Assign a TSDS Unique ID

Created: 11/30/2023
Reviewed: 12/14/2023
Revised: 12/14/2023

The purpose of this document is to guide you through the process of assigning a Unique ID using the TSDS Unique ID button in District Administration. This functionality works in conjunction with the Texas Student Data System (TSDS). TSDS uses web services for Unique ID and for the Data Transmission Utility (DTU) allowing ASCENDER to interact directly with their Unique ID application to assign Unique IDs.

Prior to using the TSDS Unique ID button in ASCENDER, the LEA's designated TEAL user must obtain web service access. See Obtain Web Service Access in the Before You Begin section of this document.

This document assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business system and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.

Before You Begin

Review the following:


SAMService Account Manager status in TEAL that provides one access to manage TSDS service accounts for the LEA.
Service AccountAn account managed through TEAL allowing an LEA to use a specific web service. A service account must be set up by the Service Account Manager. The service account provides user name and password credentials that can be entered into a web application via an administrative interface to enable the application to use the web service.
TEATexas Education Agency
TEALTexas Education Agency Login
TSDS Unique ID/TX Unique Staff ID/Unique IDThe unique number assigned to a staff member by TEA’s Texas Student Data System (TSDS) Unique ID system. This ID is used for internal and state reporting purposes.
Web ServiceThe web service references the specific TEA application to which the service account has access. For the purpose of this guide, the Application is Uniq-ID Web Services.

Helpful Links:

Obtain Web Service Access

The TSDS Unique ID Web Services allows the transfer of information using an approved service account and valid credentials to authenticate access. These credentials are acquired by request using Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL). TEAL serves as the secure link between entities and provides access to various TEA web services such as Unique ID. This access must be requested by the individual at the LEA with TEAL access. This TEAL user must ensure the following steps are accomplished in order to create a web services account.

  • Each LEA that will be using the Unique ID Web Service must designate at least one Service Account Manager (SAM), whose access must first be approved by the TEAL Approver.
  • The designated Service Account Manager (SAM) is responsible for creating and managing service accounts, which are also approved by the TEAL Approver, for each web service used.

For detailed information about requesting Service Account Manager status and creating and managing service accounts in TEAL, reference the following documents:

After a Service Account Manager (SAM) is designated and approved, and has requested a new service account, identified the Unique ID Web Service will use the new service account, and received the web service user name and password from TEAL, the LEA can begin using the TSDS Unique ID button in ASCENDER to assign Texas Unique Staff IDs.

Assign a TSDS Unique ID Process

District Administration > Maintenance > Non-Employee

Retrieve an existing non-employee record or follow the appropriate steps to create a new record. A new non-employee record must be saved prior to using the TSDS Unique ID functionality. This allows the non-employee's demographic information to be validated in the TSDS Unique ID application.

Non Employee Page

❏ Click TSDS Unique ID. The Texas Unique Staff ID pop-up window is displayed.

  • In the User ID and Password fields, type the user ID and password for the service account using the Unique ID Web Service. This is the user ID and password provided by TEAL.

Texas Unique ID Window

  • Click Search to submit the non-employee's information through the TSDS Unique ID Web Service to verify whether or not the non-employee has already been assigned a Unique ID. The following Demographic fields are required for a successful search:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Staff ID/SSN (Nine-digit SSN)
    • DOB (Date of Birth)
    • Sex (Gender)
    • Race (At least one)
  • If the search returns a match or near match record in the Unique ID web service, the Match Probability column is displayed with a percentage indicating how closely the submitted record matches the existing record in the web service. This helps to determine if the record is for the same non-employee.

Note: Per TSDS, records should not be considered matches if they are not higher than the Upper Near Match Threshold configured in the system.

TX Unique ID Probability

  • If the search returns no matches, the following message is displayed: “TX Unique Staff ID cannot be found with provided credentials.” This indicates that the non-employee has not been previously assigned a TX Unique ID.

TX Unique ID Message

  • Click Assign New ID. If the non-employee record contains the required information, the non-employee's information is displayed and a new Unique ID is either generated or if already existing, is displayed in the TX Unique Staff ID field.

Texas Unique ID Staff Demo

  • Staff ID
  • Tx Unique Staff ID
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • SSN
  • DOB
  • Status - Displays the status of the non-employee's Unique ID record from the Unique ID Web Service. This status varies based on the individual non-employee's record. Review the list of possible TSDS Unique ID Status Messages.

If the employee has multiple matching records, a list of records is displayed. Review the records and verify the non-employee's details to determine the best match.

Multiple Unique ID Records

  • After reviewing and verifying the data, select the radio button for the correct row. The Unique ID is populated in the TX Unique Staff ID field on the Non-Employee page. Click Assign New ID.

Texas Unique ID Radio Button

  • Click X to close the Texas Unique Staff ID pop-up window and return to the Non-Employee page.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the process. The pop-up window is closed and the Unique ID is not populated on the Non-Employee page.

Note: If you click Cancel, the Unique ID that was generated for the non-employee will remain assigned in the Unique ID Web Service. This allows you to revisit the non-employee's record at a later time and assign the Unique ID in ASCENDER.

❏ Click Save to assign and save the Texas Unique Staff ID to the non-employee's record in District Administration.

Saved Non Employee Record

academy/district_admin_texasuniqueidassignment.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/14 16:14 by emoreno