Print the Campus Local Program Rollover Status report and verify that the ASDR Next Year column is set correctly for each program.

Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > Local Program Codes

District Local Program Codes page with Print Generic Ent/Wd by Campus button circled

Print Local Programs by CampusClick to print the Campus Local Program Rollover Status report.

The report lists the code, description, and ASDR next year status by campus, allowing you to see if a local program will be written to the next year record when ASDR is run.

The status is determined by the campus or district options:

• If the district Annual Student Data Rollover field is Y, the campus Move Program to Next Year code and description print in the ASDR Next Year column.

• If the district Move Program to Next Year field is N, the ASDR Next Year column displays “Drop Program NYR (By District)” because the district option N overrides the campus Move Program to Next Year field.

Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Local Program Codes

This page allows you to set up campus-level local program codes. At the campus level, the codes are chosen from the codes set up at the district level. You cannot add program codes that are not set up at the district level.

TSDS Data Elements for local programs:

Existing codes are displayed in order by code.

❏ Click +Add.

A blank row is displayed added to grid.

Program Code

Select the district program code. These codes are established by the district on Maintenance > District Profile > Local Program Codes.

Program Title

The program title for the selected code is displayed.

Move Program to Next Year

Select the code indicating how Annual Student Data Rollover (ASDR) handles local programs. This field only applies if the district-level Move Program to Next Year field is set to Y on Maintenance > District Profile > Local Program Codes. Otherwise, this field is ignored.

You can drop the program for next year, keep the program but drop all students from the program, or keep the program and re-enroll all students.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.