This section allows the district to set options that apply to all campuses when running ASDR.

District ASDR Options tab

Clear Bus Data

Select if the transportation information on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Bus Info button) for all students should be cleared in the next year student records for the entire district.

Only bus data entered in Registration is cleared. Any fields entered in Special Education, such as special seating and wheelchair information, are not cleared.

Most LEAs that have bus data do not select this field.

Move Registration Student Comments

Select if you want to copy the student’s registration comments (i.e., Comments window on Maintenance > Student Enrollment) to the next school year. Only comments from the student’s latest campus are copied.

Clear NSLP Code

Select if the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) code (i.e., NSLP field on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1) should be cleared for all students in the district for the next school year, except those with Economic Disadvantage code 99.

NOTE: National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is an optional program. However, the Economic Disadvantage data is collected for TSDS PEIMS reporting (submissions 1 and 3). Campuses that do not offer NSLP to enrolled students must set the Eco Disadvan code for all students to either 00-Not identified as Economically Disadvantaged or 99-Other Economic Disadvantage, based on the results of a locally developed income survey form.

Clear Current Eligibility Code

Select to reset the Elig Code field to 1 (eligible for full-day attendance) on Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1 for all students. The field applies to enrolled students only.

Most LEAs do not select this field.

If selected, the Elig Code field for all students is reset to 1-full day/full year in the next school year. The student’s Attribution Cd and Camp Id Resid fields on Demo1 are also cleared.

Whether selected or not, the following is true:

• For PK students promoted to KG, the Elig Code field is reset according to the Type Kindergarten field on Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Next Year Campus Options (either 1-full day/full year or 3-half day/full year).

• If the student’s next year grade level is PK and he is not in special education, the Elig Code field is set to 2 (i.e., eligible for half-day attendance).

Rules for eligibility code

Move Next Year Magnet to Current Year

Select if the value in the Magnet next year field on Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo2 should be rolled over to the Magnet this year field on Demo2. The Magnet next year field will be cleared (N).

Most campuses are not magnet schools. If this does not apply to your LEA, do not select the field.

Move Current Year At Risk Records to Next Year

Select to move current year At Risk data to the next school year, except for data that is automatically cleared during ASDR.

Most LEAs select this field.

If the field is not selected, all At Risk data is cleared in the next school year.

The following PEIMS at-risk criteria fields on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > At Risk, as well as their documentation check boxes, are always cleared during ASDR:

1. Unsatisfactory performance on readiness test (PK - 03)
4. Unsatisfactory performance on assessment instrument
5. Pregnant/parent
6. Placed in a DAEP (TEC37.006)
7. Expelled (TEC37.007)
11. Is in the custody or care of the DFPS or has been referred to DFPS
12. Homeless

Increment Student Grade Level

Select if the student’s current grade level in the next entry/withdrawal record (Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll) should be increased by one.

Most LEAs select this field.

If selected:

• PK students are promoted to KG if they are five years old by September 1st and have a “promoted” year-end-status code.

• KG students are promoted to 1st grade.

Whether or not this field is selected, EE students grade levels are not changed.

If Increment, Use Year End Status

The setting of this field is ignored unless Increment Student Grade Level is selected.

Select if the grade level should be increased by one for all students whose year-end-status code (i.e., the Year End Status field on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3) indicates they were not retained. Grade levels are not changed for students whose year-end-status code indicates they were retained.

If this field is not selected, grade level are increased by one for all students.

IMPORTANT! Ensure that the Year End Status field on Demo3 has been set properly for all students.

Students with year-end-status code 13 (GED) are not created in the next school year; a record is added for the student in the leaver table.

If Drop Unsched Stu New Sch Yr is selected on the District Administration > Utilities > Annual Student Data Rollover, Campus ASDR Options tab, the following applies for students whose Record Status is 1 (enrolled at the campus) on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1:

• Students with year-end-status code 14 (met requirements, but did not pass the state assessment) who have a next year schedule are created in the next school year but not advanced to the next grade level. Students without a next year schedule are not created in the next school year; a record is added for the student in the leaver table.

• Students with year-end-status code 15 (grade 12, not enough credits to graduate) who have a next year schedule are created in the next school year. Students without a next year schedule are not created in the next school year; a record is added for the student in the leaver table.

• Students with a year-end-status code 21 (pending completion of summer school) or 22 (pending other) who have a next year schedule are promoted to the next grade level. Students without a next year schedule may not be created in the next school year, depending on the options selected on the District Administration > Utilities > Annual Student Data Rollover, Campus ASDR Options tab. If these students are not created in the next school year, they are written to the leaver table.

Delete TeacherPortal Administrative Users

Select to delete all TeacherPortal administrative user accounts during ASDR (i.e., all district-level accounts listed on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > District > Administrative Users, and all campus-level accounts listed on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > Campus > Administrative Users).

If not selected, the administrator login information will be retained for the upcoming school year.

Withdraw Cutoff Date

You can specify a date for determining if a withdrawn student should be created in the next year records. If a date is entered, next year records are not created during ASDR for any student who withdrew before this date. Next year records are only created for any students who withdrew after this date. You may choose to use this field if you have entered a next year schedule for a student who withdrew after a specified date.

Most LEAs leave this field blank.

Because historical information is available, it may not be necessary to use the Withdraw Cutoff Date field for ASDR. If you need to enter a student from a prior year, such as a migrant student, you can find the student in the Historical Directory and automatically reenter him in the current year.

If a date is entered in this field, the following applies:

• If the student withdrew before the withdrawal cutoff date, he is dropped for next year even if he has a schedule.

• If Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr is blank on the Campus ASDR Options tab, the program drops students whose withdrawal date is before the withdraw cutoff date.

• If Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr is selected, the Withdraw Cutoff Date field is not used.

Rules for withdraw cutoff date

If a withdrawal cutoff date is not entered, ASDR will not drop any students based on their withdrawal date (unless Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr is selected for a campus on the Campus ASDR Options tab, in which case all withdrawn students are dropped.)

NOTE: If Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr is selected for a campus, it supersedes the Withdraw Cutoff Date whether or not there is a value.

Drop Students for New Sch Yr at Highest Grade

Indicate if next year records should be created for students whose current grade level equals the highest grade level at the campus. This field affects only students with Record Status Code 1 (enrolled at campus) or 3 (currently enrolled at campus, will attend next year).

Valid options:

S - Drop non-special education students at the highest grade level (i.e., drop any 12th grade student that is not retained and not actively special ed.) This option can be used for districts that have special ed students who may attend school beyond 12th grade.

Y - Drop all students for the next school year at the highest grade level (except students with year-end-status code 02, 10, 14, or 15).

Most LEAs select Y.

Year-end-status codes:

• If If Increment, Use Year End Status is selected, and the Year End Status field on Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3 indicates the student will be retained, a row is created for the student for next year.

• If Drop Status = 1 New Sch Yr or Drop Unsched Stu New Sch Yr field is selected on Campus ASDR Options, students with Record Status Code 1 (enrolled at campus) are dropped for next year if they do not have course requests.

• No next year student records are created for students with Record Status Code 3 (currently enrolled at campus, will attend next year) who have been group-transferred to their next year campus.

NOTE: Students with year-end-status code 12, 13, or 23, are dropped regardless of grade level.

Sort Order For Dropped Student List

Select the order in which you want records listed on the report of students whose records will be dropped for next year.

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