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TSDS Level 1 Errors - DA4550

District Administration > Inquiry > TSDS Level 1 Errors

This page is used to view and print a listing of Level 1 errors that occurred in various domains/entities when the API interface files begin processing into the TEA database. ASCENDER does not control the content of these errors.

All TSDS Level 1 Error reports are displayed and printed in landscape orientation by default.

View and print errors:

A list of domains and entities is displayed along with the number of errors associated.

Select ❏ next to the domains (rows) to be included in the report. If multiple domains are selected, the report prints in dependency order (Domain > Entity), which is the same order used in the Ed-Fi error log.

Field Description
DomainDisplays the Ed-Fi domain name where the error(s) occurred (e.g. Education Organization).
EntityDisplays the entity within the Ed-Fi domain where the error(s) occurred (e.g. LocalEducationAgency).
Number of ErrorsDisplays the number of errors that occurred within the entity.

❏ Click Print. The report is displayed with the error details as reported by TEA. The report includes key details for each entity within the domain; however, some endpoints may or may not be populated depending on the error.

Note: If included in the report, the Action Type column displays the expected action of the record that was sent to the Operational Data Store (ODS):

  • I - Insert
  • U - Update
  • D - Delete

TSDS Level 1 Errors Guidance

Application Programming Interface (API) Error Response Codes

API Error Response Codes Guidance

TSDS Level 1 Errors

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Load Order

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Education Organization Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - School Calendar Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Student Identification and Demographics Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Teaching and Learning Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Staff Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Enrollment Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Student Academic Record Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Finance Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Discipline Domain

TSDS Level 1 Errors - Prior Year Leaver Domain

Other functions and features:

The following buttons allow you to reprint the extract reports from the last instance of TSDS Processing. These reports are not resent to the TSDS email distribution lists on the District Administration > Options > TSDS > Options tab.

Extract Errors ReprintClick to print the TSDS Extract Errors report. The report opens in a separate preview window and can be printed in PDF format. Review the report.
Extract Prior Year ReprintClick to print the TSDS Prior Year Actuals report. The report opens in a separate preview window and can be printed in PDF format. Review the report.
Extract Budget ReprintClick to print the TSDS Budget Data Extract report. The report opens in a separate preview window and can be printed in PDF format. Review the report.
Extract Payroll ReprintClick to print the TSDS Payroll Extract report. The report opens in a separate preview window and can be printed in PDF format. Review the report.
inquiry/tsdslevel1errors.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/27 17:36 by emoreno