District Administration > Inquiry > TSDS Level 1 Errors
This page is used to view and print a listing of Level 1 errors that occurred in various domains/entities when the API interface files begin processing into the TEA database. ASCENDER does not control the content of these errors.
All TSDS Level 1 Error reports are displayed and printed in landscape orientation by default.
A list of domains and entities is displayed along with the number of errors associated.
Select ❏ next to the domains (rows) to be included in the report. If multiple domains are selected, the report prints in dependency order (Domain > Entity), which is the same order used in the Ed-Fi error log.
Field | Description |
Domain | Displays the Ed-Fi domain name where the error(s) occurred (e.g. Education Organization). |
Entity | Displays the entity within the Ed-Fi domain where the error(s) occurred (e.g. LocalEducationAgency). |
Number of Errors | Displays the number of errors that occurred within the entity. |
❏ Click Print. The report is displayed with the error details as reported by TEA. The report includes key details for each entity within the domain; however, some endpoints may or may not be populated depending on the error.
Note: If included in the report, the Action Type column displays the expected action of the record that was sent to the Operational Data Store (ODS):
Application Programming Interface (API) Error Response Codes
API Error Response Codes Guidance
API Error Response Codes Guidance
HTTP Code | Example Message | How to Fix |
400 | Validation of 'RESOURCE' failed. FIELD is required. | An element of the JSON that is required is missing and needs to be added. Required fields are marked with '*' in swagger https://api.ed-fi.org/v6.1/docs/swagger/index.html?urls.primaryName=Resources |
400 | 'RESOURCE' failed. 'RESOURCE' reference could not be resolved. | A resource that was referenced from an entity does not yet exist: load the dependency resource first. See https://techdocs.ed-fi.org/display/ODSAPIS3V61/Resource+Dependency+Order |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized. The request requires authentication. The OAuth bearer token was either not provided or is invalid/expired. |
403 | Authorization denied. The claim does not have any established relationships with the requested resource | Likely Causes: 1. Your API credentials are not associated with the proper EducationOrganization or Namespace. See information under the section of this guide on “Authorization”. 2. The API cannot tie the resource you are creating or updating to a “root” entity for which you are authorized. For example, you may be trying to update a Student, but if that student is not enrolled (via StudentSchoolAssociation) the request will fail, as the API cannot determine that your client is authorized. 3. When the record is person-based (e.g., Attendance, Grades, Section Associations), it usually means the Student, Staff, or Parent record is not in the ODS so the records being sent for that person cannot be created. |
409 | A natural key conflict occurred when attempting to create a new resource 'RESOURCE' with a duplicate key. | The Ed-Fi API has a natural key system alongside a standard REST ID system. This error is often protecting against the erroneous creation of a duplicate record in the API. Unique Key Violation, referential errors: particularly anything that doesn't involve people or EdOrgs. |
409 | The resource (or a subordinate entity of the resource) cannot be deleted because it is a dependency of the 'RESOURCE' entity | The resource that the application is attempting to delete is referenced from another entity. Delete the other dependent entity first. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Load Order
Domain Name | Resource/Entity |
Education Organization Domain | EducationServiceCenter LocalEducationAgency School SSAOrgAssociationExt(TX) |
Student Identification and Demographics Domain | Parent Student StudentParentAssociation |
School Calendar Domain | Calendar CalendarDate Session |
Staff Domain | Staff StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation StaffSchoolAssociation |
Enrollment Domain | StudentSchoolAssociation StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation |
Restraint Event Domain Entity | RestraintEventExtension |
Finance Domain | PriorYearActualExt BudgetExt PayrollExt SharedServiceArrangementExt |
Discipline Domain | Disciplinelncident StudentDisciplinelncidentAssociation DisciplineAction |
Student Application Domain | StudentApplication |
Teaching and Learning Domain | CourseOffering Section StaffSectionAssociation StudentSectionAssociation |
Student Academic Record Domain | CourseTranscript StudentAcademicRecord |
Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain | Program StudentCTEProgramAssociation StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociation |
Prior Year Leaver Domain | PriorYearLeaver PriorYearLeaverParents PriorYearLeaverStudentParentAssociation |
Assessment Domain | Assessment Student Assessment |
Student Cohort | Cohort StaffCohortAssociation StudentCohortAssociation |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Education Organization Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
Schools | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'School' failed.\n\tSchoolGradeLevels requires at least one object in the collection.\n.”} | Check Low and High Grade Level. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - School Calendar Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
CalendarDate | 409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'calendar' resource does not exist.”} | Calendar date does not associate with a calendar. |
CalendarDate | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'CalendarDate' failed. Validation of 'Extensions' failed. CalendarDateExtension (TX): The field SchoolDayOperationalMinutes must be between 0 and 600.”} | Review Calendar Operational Minutes. |
Session | 400 BAD REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'Session' failed. Unable to resolve value 'uri:/local.texas.gov/TermDescriptor#1' to an existing 'TermDescriptor' resource.”} NOTE: May affect other domains. | The TEA-defined Claim Sets do not allow vendors to create and send local descriptor values. By default, vendors are only able to send TEA or Ed-Fi namespace values. TEA will be updating their Claim Sets to allow vendors to create and send local values. Workaround: A user-defined Claim Set can be created in the interim to allow for local values to be created and supplied by the vendor. Users can clone the existing TEA-defined Claim Sets and modify the create, read, update, and delete rights on the descriptor resources. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Student Identification and Demographics Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
Parent | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'Parent' failed.\n\tValidation of 'ParentAddresses' failed.\n\t\tParentAddress[0]: AddressTypeDescriptorId is required.\n\t\tParentAddress[0]: PostalCode is required.\n\t\tParentAddress[0]: StreetNumberName is required}. | Street name, street number, and the parent's postal code are required fields that are missing. |
Parent | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'Parent' failed.\n\tValidation of 'ParentAddresses' failed.\n\t\tParentAddress[0]: AddressTypeDescriptorId is required.\n”}. | Parent Street name information is missing. |
Parent | 403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and the resource item's 'ParentUniqueId' value.”} | Check the ODS to see if the Parent is loaded. |
Parent | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'Parent' failed. FirstName is required.”} | Parent's first name is missing. |
Student | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Unable to resolve value “uri:/tea.texas.gov/AsOfStatusLastDayEnrollmentDescriptor#B” to an existing “AsOfStatusLastDayEnrollmentDescriptor” resource.”} | AsOfStatus must be 'H' or “I'. |
Student | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'Student' failed. Unable to resolve value 'uri:/tea.texas.gov/CrisisEventDescriptor#10' to an existing 'CrisisEventDescriptor' resource.”} | Value must be valid in C178- CrisisEvent. |
Student | 403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and the resource item's 'StudentUniqueId' value.”} | —- |
StudentParentAssociation | 409 CONFLICT {message: “Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'Student' was not found.”} | Student was not loaded to ODS. |
StudentParentAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StudentParentAssociation' failed. Parent reference could not be resolved.”} | Parent was not loaded to ODS. |
StudentParentAssociation | 403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and one or more of the following properties of the resource item: 'ParentUniqueId', 'StudentUniqueId'”} | Parent/student are not associated together. |
StudentParentAssociation | 403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and the resource item's 'StudentUniqueId' value.”} | Student or parent was not loaded to ODS. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Teaching and Learning Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
EDFI_CRS_OFFRNG_STG | 409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'course' resource does not exist.”} | Course does not exist in ODS. |
EDFI_CRS_OFFRNG_STG | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Unable to resolve value 'uri:/tea.texas.gov/GradeLevelDescriptor#5' to an existing 'GradeLevelDescriptor' resource.”} | Grade level is missing leading 0. |
EDFI_CRS_OFFRNG_STG | 409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'session' resource does not exist.”} | Session does not exist in ODS. |
Section | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'Section' failed. Validation of 'AggregateExtensions' failed. Validation of 'SectionSets (TX)' failed. SectionSet[0]: The field CTEHours must be between 1 and 3.”} | CTE Hours must be between '1' and '3'. |
Section | 409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'courseOffering' resource does not exist.”} | Course for section does not exist in course offering. |
StaffSectionAssociation | 403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and one or more of the following properties of the resource item: 'SchoolId', 'StaffUniqueId'.} | Verify if Staff member is loaded to the ODS. |
StaffSectionAssociation | 409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'section' resource does not exist.”} | Section does not exist in ODS. |
StudentSectionAssociation | 409 CONFLICT {message: “Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'Staff' was not found.”} | Student does not exist in ODS. |
StudentSectionAssociation | 409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'section' resource does not exist.”} | Section does not exist in ODS. |
StudentSectionAssociation | 403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and one or more of the following properties of the resource item: 'SchoolId', 'StudentUniqueId'.”} | Student is not associated with School. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Staff Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
Staff | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'Staff' failed. Validation of 'StaffAddresses' failed. StaffAddress[0]: StreetNumberName property is part of the primary key and therefore its value cannot contain leading or trailing whitespace.”} | Review Staff address for leading or trailing blank space. |
StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation' failed. Staff reference could not be resolved.”} | Verify if Staff member is loaded to the ODS. |
StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation' failed. Validation of 'Extensions' failed. StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociationExtension (TX): The field NumberDaysEmployed must be between 1 and 3.”} | Value must be greater than 0. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Enrollment Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
StudentSchoolAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StudentSchoolAssociation' failed. Student reference could not be resolved.”} | Student reference does not match with School. |
StudentSchoolAssociation | 409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'calendar' resource does not exist.”} | Track does not match with calendar. |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation | 409 CONFLICT {message: “Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'Student' was not found.”} | Student does not exist in ODS. |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation' failed. Unable to resolve value 'uri:/tea.texas.gov/HomelessStatusDescriptor#1' to an existing 'HomelessStatusDescriptor' resource.”} | HomelessStatus value is not accepted by TEA. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Student Academic Record Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
StudentAcademicRecord | 409 CONFLICT {message: “Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'Student' was not found.”} | Student does not exist in ODS. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Finance Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
PriorYearActualExt | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Unable to resolve value 'uri:/tea.texas.gov/ProgramIntentDescriptor#32' to an existing 'ProgramIntentDescriptor' resource.”} | Program Intent value is not accepted by TEA. |
PriorYearActualExt | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Unable to resolve value 'uri:/tea.texas.gov/ObjectDescriptor#3700' to an existing 'ObjectDescriptor' resource.”} | Object value is not accepted by TEA. |
PayrollExt | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Unable to resolve value 'uri:/tea.texas.gov/ProgramIntentDescriptor#30' to an existing 'ObjectDescriptor' resource.”} | Program Intent value is not accepted by TEA. |
PayrollExt | 403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and the resource item's 'StaffUniqueId' value.”} | Staff member does not exist in ODS. |
PayrollExt | 409 CONFLICT {message: “Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'Staff' was not found.”} | Staff member does not exist in ODS. |
ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExt | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExt' failed. The field TotalContractedInstrStaffFTE must be between 0.01 and 999.99.”} | TotalContractedInstrStaffFTE must be between 0.01 and 999.99. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
StudentCTEProgramAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StudentCTEProgramAssociation' failed.\n\tStudent reference could not be resolved.\n.”} | Verify that the student is loaded into the ODS. |
StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation' failed. Student reference could not be resolved.”} | Verify that the student is loaded into the ODS. |
StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation' failed. Student reference could not be resolved. ”} | Verify that the student is loaded into the ODS. |
StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation' failed.\n\tUnable to resolve value 'uri:/tea.texas.gov/ToolOrAssessmentUsedDescriptor#01' to an existing 'ToolOrAssessmentUsedDescriptor' resource.\n.”} | Value must be valid in C320 - ToolOrAssessmentUsed. |
StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation' failed. Validation of 'AggregateExtensions' failed. Validation of 'StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationStudentResidentialFacilityAssociations (TX)' failed.”} | Review Residential Facility data. |
StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociation | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociation' failed. Student reference could not be resolved.”} | Verify that the student is loaded into the ODS. |
<color #ed1c24>tbd</color> | 409 CONFLICT {message: “Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'Student' was not found.”} | Verify that the student is loaded into the ODS. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Discipline Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation | 409 CONFLICT {message: “Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'Student' was not found.”} | Verify that the student is loaded into the ODS. |
StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation | 403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and one or more of the following properties of the resource item: 'SchoolId', 'StudentUniqueId'.”} | Check if Schools are loaded, then check to see if the student with that specific, unique student ID is loaded for the specific School in the ODS. |
TSDS Level 1 Errors - Prior Year Leaver Domain
Resource/Entity | Error Message | Issue |
Prior Year Leaver | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'PriorYearLeaver' failed. FirstName is required.”} | Leaver student First Name is missing. |
Prior Year Leaver | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'PriorYearLeaver' failed. AsOfStatusLastFridayOctoberDescriptorId is required.”} | AsOfStatusLastFridayOctoberDescriptor is a required field and that information is missing. |
Prior Year Leaver | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'PriorYearLeaver' failed. Unable to resolve value 'uri:/tea.texas.gov/ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor#80' to an existing 'ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor' resource.”} | Value must be valid in C162 - ExitWithdrawType. |
Prior Year Leaver | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “The request is invalid.”,“modelState”: {“request. Id”: [“The value 'id' is not valid for Id.”],“request. BirthCity”: [],“request. BirthDate”: [“The value 'birthDate' is not valid for BirthDate”} | Leaver Birth City and Birth Date are required fields and are missing. Birth Date format is missing hyphen. |
Prior Year Leaver | 400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'PriorYearLeaver' failed. Validation of 'PriorYearLeaverIndustryBasedCertificationSets' failed. PriorYearLeaverIndustryBasedCertificationSet[0]: PostSecondaryCertLicensureResultDescriptorId is required.”} | The Result field for Industry Based Certification is missing. Change school year to prior year. If district uses the GradPlan application, go to Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP tab > Industry Based Certification section. If district does not use GradPlan application, go to Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Graduation tab > Industry Based Certification section. |
The following buttons allow you to reprint the extract reports from the last instance of TSDS Processing. These reports are not resent to the TSDS email distribution lists on the District Administration > Options > TSDS > Options tab.
Extract Errors Reprint | Click to print the TSDS Extract Errors report. The report opens in a separate preview window and can be printed in PDF format. Review the report. |
Extract Prior Year Reprint | Click to print the TSDS Prior Year Actuals report. The report opens in a separate preview window and can be printed in PDF format. Review the report. |
Extract Budget Reprint | Click to print the TSDS Budget Data Extract report. The report opens in a separate preview window and can be printed in PDF format. Review the report. |
Extract Payroll Reprint | Click to print the TSDS Payroll Extract report. The report opens in a separate preview window and can be printed in PDF format. Review the report. |
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