EmployeePortal > Inquiry > W-2 Information

This page is used to view your W-2 information. Additionally, you can indicate how you want to receive and access your W-2 form; electronically or printed, by mail. Previous year and frequency combinations are available for selection. Official W-2s can be printed from calendar year 2009 or greater. W-2s from years prior to 2009 can be viewed but not printed.

If this page is not enabled, check with your EmployeePortal administrator as the LEA may have opted to not allow access.

If a message is available from your LEA, it is displayed in red at the top of the page.

In addition, you can use this page to indicate your W-2 electronic consent preference. If you have not previously indicated your electronic consent preference, the W-2 Electronic Consent window opens when you access the W-2 Information page. You can change your electronic consent preference at any time.

W2 Information Inquiry

❏ Click Print to display a printable PDF version of your Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement.