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Import Actual Hours Worked File Layout

This file record layout is used to import actual hours worked data for variable hour employees.

Field Length Type Example Description
Employee Number6Numeric123=000123Required value; program will zero fill
Actual Hours Worked Date8Numeric20140102YYYYMMDD format; if left blank, the field defaults to the pay period end date for the selected pay date. If the actual date is blank, then the pay period ending date from the employee’s pay date record is used as the actual date. If the actual date is populated, it must be a valid date.
Actual Hours Worked-999.99Numeric545.30 or -545.30Required value; hours can range from -999.99 to 999.99. A decimal and two decimal places should be entered. If a whole number without a decimal is entered, a decimal and two decimal places are automatically added. The value can be negative or positive.
Job Code4Alphanumeric0050Optional value; if left blank, the field defaults to the primary job code.


The file type is comma-delimited (.txt).

The file should include the employee number, actual date in the YYYYMMDD format, and actual hours.

business/import_actual_hours_worked.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/30 15:32 by