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Import Commodity Codes File Layout

This file layout is used to import a list of commodity codes using a tab-delimited file.

Field LengthType Notes
Group ID3Char If the value is zero (0, 00, or 000), then the column defaults to blank in the database.
Commodity Type8CharIf the value is zero (0, 00, 000, 0000, 00000, 000000, 0000000, or 00000000), then the column defaults to blank in the database.
Description30CharIf the value exceeds 30, the value is truncated to 30 when saved to the database.
Threshold999999999.99NumericThe value must be positive. If not supplied, the column defaults to zero in the database.


  • If a duplicate is found, the first occurrence is used.
  • If a record already exists, the Description and Threshold are updated.
  • The Description is required.
  • An error is displayed if both the Group ID and Commodity Type are blank.
  • The Threshold is not required. If the threshold value exists, it is populated, and if blank, it is populated with 0.00.
  • If the Description is greater than 30 characters, it is truncated.
  • The Threshold must be positive. If it is negative, an error is displayed and the record is not imported or updated if it exists.
  • Special characters are removed from the file before the upload.
business/importcommoditycodes.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/30 15:32 by