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Position Records File Layout

The Import Position Records page is used to import position records or distribution records into the position management tables. When importing position records, ensure the payroll frequency of the archived file is the same as that of the logged-on payroll frequency.


  • If importing current year records, you must be logged on to a current year pay frequency.
  • If importing forecast records, you must be logged on to a next year pay frequency.
  • The file type is comma-separated file.
  • Leading zeros are required. For example, if the job code is 0204, then the file should have 0204 not 204.
  • Amount columns that have decimal values should include the decimal point in the column. For example, if the amount is 210, then the file should have 210.00 not 2.10.

Position Records:

All fields with a Y in the 2nd column is required on every file upload.

Fields with an S in the 2nd column are only required if the position is filled (it is staff specific information).

Field/ColumnReqPosition Type Data TypeMax Length (including decimal) Expected Value Notes
Cyr Nyr FlgYP / SCharacter1 C, N
Pos NbrYP / SCharacter13
Billet NbrYP / SCharacter5
Pos TypYP / SCharacter1P (regular)
S (supplement, extra duty, stipend)
Pos Descr P / SCharacter30
Pos Stat P / SCharacter1
Pos Sch Yr P / SCharacter4
Pay Freq P / SCharacter1If current year (C), then 4, 5, or 6.
If next year (N), then D, E, or F.
Occ Emp NbrSP / SCharacter6 Only required for filled positions.
Prim JobSPCharacter1Y,NOnly required for filled positions.
Each employee can only have 1 position as primary.
Incr EligSPCharacter1Y,NOnly required for filled positions.
Occ Pay GrdSPCharacter3 Only required for filled positions.
Occ Pay StpSPCharacter2 Only required for filled positions.
Occ Pay SchedSPCharacter1 Only required for filled positions.
St StpSPCharacer2 Only required for filled positions.
Contr Dt BegSPCharacter8YYYYMMDDOnly required for filled positions.
Contr Dt EndSPCharacter8YYYYMMDDOnly required for filled positions.
Dt PayoffSPCharacter8YYYYMMDDOnly required for filled positions.
Nbr Days OffSPNumeric6 (1 digit to right of decimal)
Act Hrly Dly RateSPNumeric8 (3 digits to right of decimal) Only required for filled positions.
Sal AmtSPNumeric10 (2 digits to right of decimal) Only required for filled positions.
Nbr Remain PymtsSP / SNumeric3 (0 digits to right of decimal) Only required for filled positions.
Job Categ P / SCharacter5
Suppl Atch PCharacter1Y,NSet to N and simulation will update.
Job Cd PCharacter4
Frst Paydt Cd PCharacter3
Cal Cd PCharacter2
Campus Id P / SCharacter3
Dept P / SCharacter1
Hrs Per Day PNumeric6 (3 digits to right of decimal)
Day Empld Pct PNumeric4 (2 digits to right of decimal)
Pct Of Yr PNumeric4 (2 digits to right of decimal)
Trs Pos Cd PCharacter2
Max Days P / SNumeric6 (1 digit to right of decimal)
Max Pymts P / SNumeric3 (0 digits to right of decimal)
Ovtm Elig Flg PCharacter1Y,N
St Min Days PNumeric3 (0 digits to right of decimal)
Spvsr Pos Nbr PCharacter13 Not required
Spvsr Billet Nbr PCharacter5 Not required
Suppl Extra Days SNumeric4 (1 digit to right of decimal)
Suppl To Pos Nbr SCharacter13 Position number of the “full time” job to attach this supplement to (required for extra days)
Suppl To Pos Billet SCharacter5 Billet number of the “full time” job to attach this supplement to (required for extra days)
Extra Duty Cd SCharacter2
Suppl Typ SCharacter1 G, S, B, T
Suppl Max Amt SNumeric8 (2 digits to right of decimal)
Bas Suppl On Dly Rate SCharacter1Y,N
Suppl Pay 1time SCharacter1Y,N
Dt Suppl 1time SCharacter8YYYYMMDD
Acpt Chg P / SCharacter1Y,NSet to Y
Dt Create Updt P / SCharacter8YYYYMMDDNot required – will default
Dt Fill P / SCharacter8YYYYMMDDNot required – will default
Fill Pos Rsn P / SCharacter2
Dt Criteria P / SCharacter8YYYYMMDDNot required
Dt Auth P / SCharacter8YYYYMMDDNot required
Dt Auth End P / SCharacter8YYYYMMDDNot required
Dt Entry P / SCharacter8YYYYMMDDNot required
Dt Inactv P / SCharacter8YYYYMMDDNot required
Inactv Rsn Cd P / SCharacter2
Vac Rsn P / SCharacter2
Pay Grd PCharacter3 “budgeting” pay grade
Pay Stp PCharacter2 “budgeting” pay step
Pay Sched PCharacter1 “budgeting” pay scheduling
Equiv Unts PNumeric6 (4 digits to right of decimal)
Midpnt Bas PCharacter1D = midpoint, or N = minimum, or X = maximum“budgeting” on scale
Pct Of Midpnt PNumeric6 (4 digits to right of decimal) “budgeting” extra percentage (can be 0)
Unemp Elig Flg PCharacter1Y,N
Fica Elig PCharacter1M,N,Y
Trs Stat Cd PCharacter1
Bud Amt P / SNumeric10 (2 digits to right of decimal) Can be 0 as simulation will update
Bud Sal Ovrrid P / SCharacter1Y,NSet to N
Act Bud Ind P / SCharacter1Y,NSet to Y

Distribution Records:

All fields with a Y in the 2nd column is required on every file upload.

Fields with an S in the 2nd column are only required if the position is filled (it is staff specific information).

Field/ColumnReqPosition Type Data TypeMax Length (including decimal) Expected Value Notes
Cyr Nyr FlgYP / SCharacter1C,N
Pos NbrYP / SCharacter13
Billet NbrYP / SCharacter5
Pos TypYP / SCharacter1P,S
Distr SeqYP / SNumeric3 (0 digits to right of decimal)
Pay FreqYP / SCharacter1 If cyr_nyr_flg = C, then 4, 5, or 6.
If cyr_nyr_flg = N, then D, E, or F.
Job CdYP / SCharacter4
Acct TypYP / SCharacter1B,G,S,T
Pay ActyYP / SCharacter2
FundYP / SCharacter3
FuncYP / SCharacter2
ObjYP / SCharacter4
SobjYP / SCharacter2
OrgYP / SCharacter3
Fscl YrYP / SCharacter1
PgmYP / SCharacter2
Ed SpanYP / SCharacter1
Proj DtlYP / SCharacter2
Acct AmtYP / SCharacter10 (2 digits to right of decimal)
Acct PctYP / SNumeric8 (5 digits to right of decimal)
Extra Duty CdYP / SNumeric2(if applicable)
Expense 373YP / SCharacter1Y,N
Contrib Acct FlgYP / SCharacter1Y,N
business/position_records.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/30 15:32 by