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student:registration_import [2021/05/24 15:41] – lrosdahl | student:registration_import [2024/08/13 13:49] (current) – lrosdahl | ||
Line 1: | Line 1: | ||
- | ======Registration Import====== | + | ======Registration Import |
- | Used with external registration systems. | + | Used with ALL external registration systems.\\ \\ |
+ | Review the guidelines in [[https:// | ||
- | |Student ID|6 char for existing students; longer for new|Student ID| | + | |
- | |School Year|4 char|School Year| | + | |
- | |Campus|3 char|Campus ID| | + | **Notes**: |
- | |Date Entry|YYYYMMDD (8 Char)|Entry Date| | + | * The export filename should be saved as: // |
- | |Social Security Number|999999999 (9 Char)|State Student ID| | + | * Headers are required. The data **MUST** be in the order as shown in the table below. |
- | |Last Name|25 char|Last Name| | + | * New and returning students are loaded. |
- | |First Name|17 char|First Name| | + | * **New students**: The first character of the StudentID for New Students **MUST** be a single alphabetic (A-Z). This is generally determined by the third-party vendor. If one is not present in the saved export .CSV file, please append one to the existing StudentID value, as it is used in the import process to identify new students. |
- | |Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name| | + | * **Returning students**: Returning students should already have a record in ASCENDER (Student ID, Campus, Entry Date, School Year, SSN and DOB should match ASCENDER table data). The returning student should be active for the current school year. |
- | |Gen Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ GEN table (1 char)|Generation| | + | * The program accepts Social Security Numbers that begin with " |
- | |Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number| | + | * Errors: |
- | |Street Direction|2 char|Street Direction| | + | * If a returning student does not have matching data in the fields listed below, the student will not import into ASCENDER and will produce an error. |
- | |Street Name|19 char|Street Name| | + | * Before attaching a .CSV file to the Jira ticket requesting an import, please review the saved export file for extra commas at the end of each line. Extra commas will cause the import to fail. Remove the extra commas manually using an application such as //Notepad// on Windows and resave the file before attaching to Jira ticket. |
- | |Apt Number|7 char|Apartment Number| | + | * Students should have an active code of //1// and a status code of less than //4// in the campus for the current school year. |
- | |City|17 char|City| | + | |
- | |State|2 char|State| | + | ===Required Fields: |
- | |ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code| | + | |Student ID|6 char for existing students; longer for new|Student ID.| |
- | |ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four| | + | |School Year|4 char|School Year.| |
- | |Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD (8 Char)|Date of Birth| | + | |Campus|3 char|Campus ID.| |
- | |Sex|1 char (M or F)|Sex| | + | |Date Entry|YYYYMMDD (8 Char)|Entry Date.| |
- | |Physical Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number| | + | |Social Security Number|999999999 (9 Char)|State Student ID. Accepts the " |
- | |Physical Street Direction|2 char|Street Direction| | + | |Last Name|25 char|Last Name.| |
- | |Physical Street Name|19 char|Street Name| | + | |First Name|17 char|First Name.| |
- | |Physical Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number| | + | |Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name.| |
- | |Physical City|17 char|City| | + | |Gen Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ GEN table (1 char)|Generation.| |
- | |Physical ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code| | + | |Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number.| |
- | |Physical ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four| | + | |Street Direction|2 char|Street Direction.| |
- | |Student Home AC|3 char|Student Phone Area Code| | + | |Street Name|19 char|Street Name.| |
- | |Student Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphen)|Phone Number| | + | |Apt Number|7 char|Apartment Number.| |
- | |Ethnicity Hispanic|Y or N|Hispanic| | + | |City|17 char|City.| |
- | |Race Black|Y or N|African American| | + | |State|2 char|State.| |
- | |Race White|Y or N|White| | + | |ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code.| |
- | |Race Pacific Islander|Y or N|Pacific Islander| | + | |ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four.| |
- | |Race Am. Ind/ | + | |Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD (8 Char)|Date of Birth.| |
- | |Race Asian|Y or N|Asian| | + | |Sex|1 char (M or F)|Sex.| |
- | |Student Previous District Name|13 char|Previous District| | + | |Physical Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number.| |
- | |Student Previous Campus Name|34 char|Previous Campus| | + | |Physical Street Direction|2 char|Street Direction.| |
- | |Student Birth State| |This is a place holder .We are sending spaces now and the data received from registration vendor is not uploaded to any tables.| | + | |Physical Street Name|19 char|Street Name.| |
- | |Student Birth City| |This is a place holder .We are sending spaces now and the data received from ZippSlip is not uploaded to any tables.| | + | |Physical Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number.| |
- | |Contact1 Last Name|25 char|Last Name| | + | |Physical City|17 char|City.| |
- | |Contact1 First Name|17 char|First Name| | + | |Physical ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code.| |
- | |Contact1 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name| | + | |Physical ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four.| |
- | |Contact1 Generation CODE|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation| | + | |Student Home AC|3 char|Student Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact1 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship| | + | |Student Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphen)|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact1 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact| | + | |Ethnicity Hispanic|Y or N|Hispanic |
- | |Contact1 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact| | + | |Race Black|1 Char|African American (Y or N).| |
- | |Contact1 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant| | + | |Race White|1 Char|White (Y or N).| |
- | |Contact1 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number| | + | |Race Pacific Islander|1 Char|Pacific Islander (Y or N).| |
- | |Contact1 Street Name|19 char|Street Name| | + | |Race Am. Ind/ |
- | |Contact1 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number| | + | |Race Asian|1 Char|Asian (Y or N).| |
- | |Contact1 City|17 char|City| | + | |Student Previous District Name|13 char|Previous District.| |
- | |Contact1 State|2 char|State| | + | |Student Previous Campus Name|34 char|Previous Campus.| |
- | |Contact1 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP| | + | |Student Birth State| | .| |
- | |Contact1 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Plus Four| | + | |Student Birth City| | .| |
- | |Contact1 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact1 Last Name|25 char|Last Name.| |
- | |Contact1 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number| | + | |Contact1 First Name|17 char|First Name.| |
- | |Contact1 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact1 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name.| |
- | |Contact1 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number| | + | |Contact1 Generation CODE|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation.| |
- | |Contact1 Work Phone EXT|4 char|Business Phone Extension| | + | |Contact1 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship.| |
- | |Contact1 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact1 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact.| |
- | |Contact1 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact1 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact.| |
- | |Contact1 Cell Phone EXT|4 char| Cell Phone Extension| | + | |Contact1 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant.| |
- | |Contact1 Occup|25 char| Occupation| | + | |Contact1 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number.| |
- | |Contact1 Email|64 char|Email| | + | |Contact1 Street Name|19 char|Street Name.| |
- | |Contact1 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth| | + | |Contact1 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number.| |
- | |Contact1 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number| | + | |Contact1 City|17 char|City.| |
- | |CONT1 Mil Ind|1 char|Military| | + | |Contact1 State|2 char|State.| |
- | |Contact1 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch| | + | |Contact1 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP.| |
- | |Contact1 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank| | + | |Contact1 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Plus Four.| |
- | |Contact1 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation| | + | |Contact1 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact1 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make| | + | |Contact1 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact1 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model| | + | |Contact1 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact1 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color| | + | |Contact1 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact1 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number| | + | |Contact1 Work Phone EXT|4 char|Business Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact1 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State| | + | |Contact1 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact1 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number| | + | |Contact1 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact1 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State| | + | |Contact1 Cell Phone EXT|4 char| Cell Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact1 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year| | + | |Contact1 Occup|25 char| Occupation.| |
- | |Contact1 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority| | + | |Contact1 Email|64 char|Email.| |
- | |Contact1 Land CD|2 char| Language| | + | |Contact1 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth.| |
- | |Contact1 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact1 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number.| |
- | |Contact1 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference| | + | |CONT1 Mil Ind|1 char|Military.| |
- | |Contact1 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts| | + | |Contact1 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch.| |
- | |Contact2 Last Name|25 char|Last Name| | + | |Contact1 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank.| |
- | |Contact2 First Name|17 char|First Name| | + | |Contact1 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation.| |
- | |Contact2 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name| | + | |Contact1 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make.| |
- | |Contact2 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation| | + | |Contact1 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model.| |
- | |Contact2 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship| | + | |Contact1 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color.| |
- | |Contact2 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact| | + | |Contact1 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number.| |
- | |Contact2 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact| | + | |Contact1 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State.| |
- | |Contact2 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant| | + | |Contact1 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number.| |
- | |Contact2 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number| | + | |Contact1 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State.| |
- | |Contact2 Street Name|19 char|Street Name| | + | |Contact1 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year.| |
- | |Contact2 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number| | + | |Contact1 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority.| |
- | |Contact2 City|17 char|City| | + | |Contact1 Land CD|2 char| Language.| |
- | |Contact2 State|2 char|State| | + | |Contact1 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact2 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code| | + | |Contact1 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference.| |
- | |Contact2 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four| | + | |Contact1 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts.| |
- | |Contact2 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact2 Last Name|25 char|Last Name.| |
- | |Contact2 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number| | + | |Contact2 First Name|17 char|First Name.| |
- | |Contact2 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact2 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name.| |
- | |Contact2 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number| | + | |Contact2 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation.| |
- | |Contact2 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension| | + | |Contact2 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship.| |
- | |Contact2 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact2 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact.| |
- | |Contact2 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact2 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact.| |
- | |Contact2 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension| | + | |Contact2 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant.| |
- | |Contact2 Occup|25 char| Occupation| | + | |Contact2 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number.| |
- | |Contact2 Email|64 char|Email| | + | |Contact2 Street Name|19 char|Street Name.| |
- | |Contact2 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth| | + | |Contact2 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number.| |
- | |Contact2 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number| | + | |Contact2 City|17 char|City.| |
- | |Contact2 Mil Ind|1 char|Military| | + | |Contact2 State|2 char|State.| |
- | |Contact2 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch| | + | |Contact2 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code.| |
- | |Contact2 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank| | + | |Contact2 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four.| |
- | |Contact2 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation| | + | |Contact2 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact2 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make| | + | |Contact2 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact2 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model| | + | |Contact2 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact2 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color| | + | |Contact2 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact2 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number| | + | |Contact2 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact2 Veh Lic Str|2 char| License Plate State| | + | |Contact2 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact2 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number| | + | |Contact2 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact2 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State| | + | |Contact2 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact2 | + | |Contact2 Occup|25 char| Occupation.| |
- | |Contact2 | + | |Contact2 Email|64 char|Email.| |
- | |Contact2 Lang CD|2 char| Language| | + | |Contact2 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth.| |
- | |Contact2 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact2 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number.| |
- | |Contact2 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference| | + | |Contact2 Mil Ind|1 char|Military.| |
- | |Contact2 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts| | + | |Contact2 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch.| |
- | |Contact3 Last Name|25 char|Last Name| | + | |Contact2 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank.| |
- | |Contact3 First Name|17 char|First Name| | + | |Contact2 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation.| |
- | |Contact3 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name| | + | |Contact2 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make.| |
- | |Contact3 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ GEN table 1 char|Generation| | + | |Contact2 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model.| |
- | |Contact3 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship| | + | |Contact2 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color.| |
- | |Contact3 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact| | + | |Contact2 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number.| |
- | |Contact3 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact| | + | |Contact2 Veh Lic Str|2 char| License Plate State.| |
- | |Contact3 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant| | + | |Contact2 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number.| |
- | |Contact3 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number| | + | |Contact2 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State.| |
- | |Contact3 Street Name|19 char|Street Name| | + | |Contact2 |
- | |Contact3 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number| | + | |Contact2 |
- | |Contact3 City|17 char|City| | + | |Contact2 Lang CD|2 char| Language.| |
- | |Contact3 State|2 char|State| | + | |Contact2 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact3 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code| | + | |Contact2 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference.| |
- | |Contact3 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP CodePlus Four| | + | |Contact2 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts.| |
- | |Contact3 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact3 Last Name|25 char|Last Name.| |
- | |Contact3 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number| | + | |Contact3 First Name|17 char|First Name.| |
- | |Contact3 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact3 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name.| |
- | |Contact3 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number| | + | |Contact3 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ GEN table 1 char|Generation.| |
- | |Contact3 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension| | + | |Contact3 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship.| |
- | |Contact3 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact3 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact.| |
- | |Contact3 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact3 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact.| |
- | |Contact3 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension| | + | |Contact3 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant.| |
- | |Contact3 Occup|25 char| Occupation| | + | |Contact3 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number.| |
- | |Contact3 Email|64 char|Email| | + | |Contact3 Street Name|19 char|Street Name.| |
- | |Contact3 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth| | + | |Contact3 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number.| |
- | |Contact3 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number| | + | |Contact3 City|17 char|City.| |
- | |Contact3 Mil Ind|1 char|Military| | + | |Contact3 State|2 char|State.| |
- | |Contact3 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch| | + | |Contact3 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code.| |
- | |Contact3 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank| | + | |Contact3 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP CodePlus Four.| |
- | |Contact3 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation| | + | |Contact3 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact3 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make| | + | |Contact3 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact3 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model| | + | |Contact3 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact3 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color| | + | |Contact3 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact3 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number| | + | |Contact3 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact3 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State| | + | |Contact3 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact3 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number| | + | |Contact3 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact3 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State| | + | |Contact3 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact3 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year| | + | |Contact3 Occup|25 char| Occupation.| |
- | |Contact3 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority| | + | |Contact3 Email|64 char|Email.| |
- | |Contact3 Lang CD|2 char| Language| | + | |Contact3 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth.| |
- | |Contact3 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact3 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number.| |
- | |Contact3 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference| | + | |Contact3 Mil Ind|1 char|Military.| |
- | |Contact3 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts| | + | |Contact3 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch.| |
- | |Contact4 Last Nam|25 char|Last Name| | + | |Contact3 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank.| |
- | |Contact4 First Name|17 char|First Name| | + | |Contact3 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation.| |
- | |Contact4 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name| | + | |Contact3 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make.| |
- | |Contact4 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation| | + | |Contact3 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model.| |
- | |Contact4 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship| | + | |Contact3 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color.| |
- | |Contact4 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact| | + | |Contact3 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number.| |
- | |Contact4 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact| | + | |Contact3 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State.| |
- | |Contact4 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant| | + | |Contact3 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number.| |
- | |Contact4 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number| | + | |Contact3 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State.| |
- | |Contact4 Street Name|19 char|Street Name| | + | |Contact3 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year.| |
- | |Contact4 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number| | + | |Contact3 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority.| |
- | |Contact4 City|17 char|City| | + | |Contact3 Lang CD|2 char| Language.| |
- | |Contact4 State|2 char|State| | + | |Contact3 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact4 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code| | + | |Contact3 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference.| |
- | |Contact4 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four| | + | |Contact3 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts.| |
- | |Contact4 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact4 Last Nam|25 char|Last Name.| |
- | |Contact4 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number| | + | |Contact4 First Name|17 char|First Name.| |
- | |Contact4 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact4 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name.| |
- | |Contact4 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number| | + | |Contact4 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation.| |
- | |Contact4 Work Phone EXT|4 char|Business Phone Extension| | + | |Contact4 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship.| |
- | |Contact4 Cell AC|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact4 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact.| |
- | |Contact4 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact4 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact.| |
- | |Contact4 Cell Phone EXT|4 char| Cell Phone Extension| | + | |Contact4 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant.| |
- | |Contact4 Occup|25 char| Occupation| | + | |Contact4 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number.| |
- | |Contact4 Email|64 char|Email| | + | |Contact4 Street Name|19 char|Street Name.| |
- | |Contact4 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth| | + | |Contact4 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number.| |
- | |Contact4 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number| | + | |Contact4 City|17 char|City.| |
- | |Contact4 Mil Ind|1 char|Military| | + | |Contact4 State|2 char|State.| |
- | |Contact4 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch| | + | |Contact4 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code.| |
- | |Contact4 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank| | + | |Contact4 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four.| |
- | |Contact4 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation| | + | |Contact4 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact4 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make| | + | |Contact4 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact4 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model| | + | |Contact4 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact4 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color| | + | |Contact4 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact4 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number| | + | |Contact4 Work Phone EXT|4 char|Business Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact4 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State| | + | |Contact4 Cell AC|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact4 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number| | + | |Contact4 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact4 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State| | + | |Contact4 Cell Phone EXT|4 char| Cell Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact4 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year| | + | |Contact4 Occup|25 char| Occupation.| |
- | |Contact4 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority| | + | |Contact4 Email|64 char|Email.| |
- | |Contact4 Lang CD|2 char| Language| | + | |Contact4 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth.| |
- | |Contact4 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact4 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number.| |
- | |Contact4 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference| | + | |Contact4 Mil Ind|1 char|Military.| |
- | |Contact4 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts| | + | |Contact4 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch.| |
- | |Contact5 Last Name|25 char|Last Name| | + | |Contact4 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank.| |
- | |Contact5 First Name|17 char|First Name| | + | |Contact4 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation.| |
- | |Contact5 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name| | + | |Contact4 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make.| |
- | |Contact5 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation| | + | |Contact4 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model.| |
- | |Contact5 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship| | + | |Contact4 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color.| |
- | |Contact5 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact| | + | |Contact4 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number.| |
- | |Contact5 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact| | + | |Contact4 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State.| |
- | |Contact5 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant| | + | |Contact4 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number.| |
- | |Contact5 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number| | + | |Contact4 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State.| |
- | |Contact5 Street Name|19 char|Street Name| | + | |Contact4 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year.| |
- | |Contact5 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number| | + | |Contact4 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority.| |
- | |Contact5 City|17 char|City| | + | |Contact4 Lang CD|2 char| Language.| |
- | |Contact5 State|2 char|State| | + | |Contact4 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact5 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code| | + | |Contact4 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference.| |
- | |Contact5 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four| | + | |Contact4 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts.| |
- | |Contact5 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact5 Last Name|25 char|Last Name.| |
- | |Contact5 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number| | + | |Contact5 First Name|17 char|First Name.| |
- | |Contact5 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact5 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name.| |
- | |Contact5 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number| | + | |Contact5 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation.| |
- | |Contact5 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension| | + | |Contact5 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship.| |
- | |Contact5 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact5 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact.| |
- | |Contact5 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact5 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact.| |
- | |Contact5 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension| | + | |Contact5 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant.| |
- | |Contact5 Occup|25 char| Occupation| | + | |Contact5 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number.| |
- | |Contact5 Email|64 char|Email| | + | |Contact5 Street Name|19 char|Street Name.| |
- | |Contact5 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth| | + | |Contact5 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number.| |
- | |Contact5 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number| | + | |Contact5 City|17 char|City.| |
- | |Contact5 Mil Ind|1 char|Military| | + | |Contact5 State|2 char|State.| |
- | |Contact5 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch| | + | |Contact5 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code.| |
- | |Contact5 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank| | + | |Contact5 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four.| |
- | |Contact5 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation| | + | |Contact5 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact5 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make| | + | |Contact5 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact5 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model| | + | |Contact5 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact5 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color| | + | |Contact5 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact5 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number| | + | |Contact5 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact5 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State| | + | |Contact5 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact5 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number| | + | |Contact5 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact5 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State| | + | |Contact5 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact5 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year| | + | |Contact5 Occup|25 char| Occupation.| |
- | |Contact5 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority| | + | |Contact5 Email|64 char|Email.| |
- | |Contact5 Lang Cd|2 char| Language| | + | |Contact5 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth.| |
- | |Contact5 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact5 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number.| |
- | |Contact5 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference| | + | |Contact5 Mil Ind|1 char|Military.| |
- | |Contact5 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts| | + | |Contact5 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch.| |
- | |Contact6 Last Name|25 char|Last Name| | + | |Contact5 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank.| |
- | |Contact6 First Name|17 char|First Name| | + | |Contact5 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation.| |
- | |Contact6 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name| | + | |Contact5 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make.| |
- | |Contact6 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation| | + | |Contact5 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model.| |
- | |Contact6 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship| | + | |Contact5 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color.| |
- | |Contact6 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact| | + | |Contact5 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number.| |
- | |Contact6 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact| | + | |Contact5 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State.| |
- | |Contact6 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant| | + | |Contact5 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number.| |
- | |Contact6 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number| | + | |Contact5 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State.| |
- | |Contact6 Street Name|19 char|Street Name| | + | |Contact5 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year.| |
- | |Contact6 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number| | + | |Contact5 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority.| |
- | |Contact6 City|17 char|City| | + | |Contact5 Lang Cd|2 char| Language.| |
- | |Contact6 State|2 char|State| | + | |Contact5 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact6 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code| | + | |Contact5 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference.| |
- | |Contact6 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four| | + | |Contact5 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts.| |
- | |Contact6 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact6 Last Name|25 char|Last Name.| |
- | |Contact6 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number| | + | |Contact6 First Name|17 char|First Name.| |
- | |Contact6 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact6 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name.| |
- | |Contact6 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number| | + | |Contact6 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation.| |
- | |Contact6 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension| | + | |Contact6 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship.| |
- | |Contact6 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact6 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact.| |
- | |Contact6 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact6 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact.| |
- | |Contact6 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension| | + | |Contact6 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant.| |
- | |Contact6 Occup|25 char| Occupation| | + | |Contact6 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number.| |
- | |Contact6 Email|64 char|Email| | + | |Contact6 Street Name|19 char|Street Name.| |
- | |Contact6 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth| | + | |Contact6 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number.| |
- | |Contact6 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number| | + | |Contact6 City|17 char|City.| |
- | |Contact6 Mil Ind|1 char|Military| | + | |Contact6 State|2 char|State.| |
- | |Contact6 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch| | + | |Contact6 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code.| |
- | |Contact6 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank| | + | |Contact6 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP Code Plus Four.| |
- | |Contact6 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation| | + | |Contact6 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact6 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make| | + | |Contact6 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact6 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model| | + | |Contact6 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact6 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color| | + | |Contact6 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact6 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number| | + | |Contact6 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact6 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State| | + | |Contact6 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact6 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number| | + | |Contact6 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact6 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State| | + | |Contact6 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact6 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year| | + | |Contact6 Occup|25 char| Occupation.| |
- | |Contact6 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority| | + | |Contact6 Email|64 char|Email.| |
- | |Contact6 Lang Cd|2 char| Language| | + | |Contact6 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth.| |
- | |Contact6 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact6 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number.| |
- | |Contact6 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference| | + | |Contact6 Mil Ind|1 char|Military.| |
- | |Contact6 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts| | + | |Contact6 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch.| |
- | |Contact7 Last Name|25 char|Last Name| | + | |Contact6 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank.| |
- | |Contact7 First Name|17 char|First Name| | + | |Contact6 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation.| |
- | |Contact7 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name| | + | |Contact6 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make.| |
- | |Contact7 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation| | + | |Contact6 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model.| |
- | |Contact7 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship| | + | |Contact6 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color.| |
- | |Contact7 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact| | + | |Contact6 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number.| |
- | |Contact7 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact| | + | |Contact6 Veh Lic St|2 char| License Plate State.| |
- | |Contact7 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant| | + | |Contact6 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number.| |
- | |Contact7 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number| | + | |Contact6 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State.| |
- | |Contact7 Street Name|19 char|Street Name| | + | |Contact6 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year.| |
- | |Contact7 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number| | + | |Contact6 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority.| |
- | |Contact7 City|17 char|City| | + | |Contact6 Lang Cd|2 char| Language.| |
- | |Contact7 State|2 char|State| | + | |Contact6 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact7 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code| | + | |Contact6 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference.| |
- | |Contact7 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP CodePlus Four| | + | |Contact6 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts.| |
- | |Contact7 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact7 Last Name|25 char|Last Name.| |
- | |Contact7 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number| | + | |Contact7 First Name|17 char|First Name.| |
- | |Contact7 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact7 Middle Name|14 char|Middle Name.| |
- | |Contact7 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number| | + | |Contact7 Generation Code|Valid values from ET_C012_ Generationtable 1 char|Generation.| |
- | |Contact7 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension| | + | |Contact7 Relationship 1|2 char|Relationship.| |
- | |Contact7 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code| | + | |Contact7 Primary Flag|1 char|Primary Contact.| |
- | |Contact7 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact7 Emergency Flag|1 char|Emergency Contact.| |
- | |Contact7 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension| | + | |Contact7 Migrant Flag|1 char| Migrant.| |
- | |Contact7 Occup|25 char| Occupation| | + | |Contact7 Street Nbr|6 char|Street Number.| |
- | |Contact7 Email|64 char|Email| | + | |Contact7 Street Name|19 char|Street Name.| |
- | |Contact7 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth| | + | |Contact7 Apt Nbr|7 char|Apartment Number.| |
- | |Contact7 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number| | + | |Contact7 City|17 char|City.| |
- | |Contact7 Mil Ind|1 char|Military| | + | |Contact7 State|2 char|State.| |
- | |Contact7 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch| | + | |Contact7 ZIP Code|5 char|ZIP Code.| |
- | |Contact7 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank| | + | |Contact7 ZIP Code+4|4 char|ZIP CodePlus Four.| |
- | |Contact7 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation| | + | |Contact7 Home Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact7 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make| | + | |Contact7 Home Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact7 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model| | + | |Contact7 Work Phone AC|3 char|Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact7 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color| | + | |Contact7 Work Phone Nbr|7 char|Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact7 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number| | + | |Contact7 Work Phone Ext|4 char|Business Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact7 Veh Lic STR|2 char| License Plate State| | + | |Contact7 Cell Area Code|3 char|Cell Phone Area Code.| |
- | |Contact7 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number| | + | |Contact7 Cell Phone Nbr|7 char (no hyphens)|Cell Phone Number.| |
- | |Contact7 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State| | + | |Contact7 Cell Phone Ext|4 char| Cell Phone Extension.| |
- | |Contact7 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year| | + | |Contact7 Occup|25 char| Occupation.| |
- | |Contact7 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority| | + | |Contact7 Email|64 char|Email.| |
- | |Contact7 Lang Cd|2 char| Language| | + | |Contact7 Date of Birth|YYYYMMDD|Date of Birth.| |
- | |Contact7 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number| | + | |Contact7 Social Security Number|9 char (no hyphens)|Social Security Number.| |
- | |Contact7 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference| | + | |Contact7 Mil Ind|1 char|Military.| |
- | |Contact7 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts| | + | |Contact7 Mil Branch|1 char|Military Branch.| |
+ | |Contact7 Mil Rank|5 char| Military Rank.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Transport Ind|1 char|Transportation.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Veh Make|15 char|Vehicle Make.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Veh Model|15 char|Vehicle Model.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Veh Color|10 char|Vehicle Color.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Veh Lic|8 char|License Plate Number.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Veh Lic STR|2 char| License Plate State.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Drv Lic Nbr|21 char|Drivers License Number.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Drv Lic St|2 char|Drivers License State.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Sch Yr|4 char|School Year.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Seq Nbr|Integer|Priority.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Lang Cd|2 char| Language.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Cell Phn|10 char| Cell Phone Number.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Phn Pref|1 char| Phone Preference.| | ||
+ | |Contact7 Rcv Mailouts|1 char|Receives Mailouts.| |