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OCR > Options

This page allows you to set the school year for the application and the as-of date for the district’s OCR reporting.

OCR Options page

Submission Year

Type the ending year of the submission year.

The submission year must be a year prior to the current school year.

The year is used by all OCR maintenance pages and applicable reports to populate edit tables and drop-down lists.

As-of Date

Type the as-of date for OCR reporting.

The OCR states that the closest school day to October 1 should be used. However, some districts use the PEIMS as-of date for convenience.

LEA 7 Digit NCES ID Code

Type the district’s seven-digit National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) code, which can be located using

❏ Click Save.

academy/ocr_district_options.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/31 16:12 by jstanford