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ASCENDER ParentPortal - Quick Checklist Campus: Accept Student & Issue ParentPortal ID
NOTE: These steps are completed in TxEIS Registration.
StepCompletion DateCompleted ByNotes
Review Each Pending Enrollment Request & Enroll Student
Verify that student’s submitted data is valid.
Add additional demographic information for the student.
Attach supporting documentation if needed.
Student is enrolled and student ID is assigned when you save.
Review any documents submitted by the parent online, such as an immunization record.
Review data submitted via online forms.
Record the date of any forms delivered in person.
Print ParentPortal ID Letters
Ensure that a ParentPortal ID letter has been created and includes the nine portal ID variables.
Select the students to print letters for.
Select the letter to be printed.
Run the letters.
Print the letters.
Distribute the letters to parents.
general/parentportal_campus_accept_student_issue_id.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/19 15:32 by apape