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Prior Release Notes for ASCENDER Release 5.0 | TxEIS Release 3.5
Release Date: 7/16/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0219
Finance > Utilities > Out of Balance Correction
❏ Corrected various issues that caused inaccurate out-of-balance conditions.
Personnel > Tables > Job/Contract > Job Codes & Job/Contract NYR > Job Codes
❏ Corrected the issue that caused a database error to occur when saving a new job record.
Release Date: 7/02/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0218
The ASCENDER MemberPortal is now available. The MemberPortal allows SSA members to submit grant budget revision requests and reimbursement requests to their respective fiscal agents. This functionality provides fiscal agents a more efficient way to manage grant budget amounts and payments.
Personnel > Tables > Salaries > Extra Duty & Salaries NYR > Extra Duty
❏ Added the Use for ST OT and Display in WJ check boxes to identify which extra duties will use standard overtime rates and be displayed for the WorkJournal feature in EmployeePortal. These fields are only enabled for G-type and S-type extra duty codes.
❏ Added the functionality to freeze the Delete, Code, and Description columns when using the horizontal scroll bar to scroll left and right to reveal additional columns.
Personnel > Tables > Job/Contract > Job Codes & Job/Contract NYR > Job Codes
❏ Added the Time Option, Pay Type 2 Dock, and Auto Lunch columns to identify how employees with certain job codes enter their time and how their time is calculated for the WorkJournal feature in EmployeePortal.
❏ Added the functionality to freeze the Delete, Job Code, and Job Description columns when using the horizontal scroll bar to scroll left and right to reveal additional columns.
Phase 2: SSA Fiscal Agent Management
Grants and Projects > Maintenance > Approval Dashboard
❏ Added this page to allow signed-on approvers to view a list of all member grant budget revision requests and reimbursement requests awaiting approval for a year/grant type. Approvers can elect to approve all requests, individual requests, or return all requests or individual requests. Additionally, approvers can update the details in an individual request prior to approving or returning the request.
Phase 2: Travel Reimbursement Requests
Bank Reconciliation > Tables > Bank Account Fund Groups > Bank Account Group
❏ Renamed the Extract HR column to Extract Payroll.
Finance > Maintenance > Pending Payables
❏ Modified the Invoice Nbr field to increase the number of characters allowed from 10 to 15.
Finance > Maintenance > EFT Processing
❏ Modified the program to improve the amount of time it takes to load/retrieve data.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > Run Payroll
❏ Modified payroll calculations to calculate 403B FICA Alternative accruals.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > Special Adjustments
❏ Modified the program to allow employee and employer 403B FICA Alternative Annuity amounts to be interfaced. Also, added the applicable columns to the necessary reports.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > Special Adjustments > Expense Only
❏ Renamed the Recalc Grants button to Recalc Grts/403B. Also, added the Emplr 403B FICA Contrib field to the list of expenses. This field cannot be modified and is calculated based on the expense pay entered if the original 403B FICA contribution was not zero.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > Special Adjustments > Accruals Only
❏ Added the Accru Emplr 403B FICA Contr field to the list of expenses.
Payroll > Utilities > Zero School YTD Accruals
❏ Modified the program to allow employer 403B FICA Alternative Annuity amounts to be zeroed out and interfaced to Finance.
Payroll > Utilities > Payroll Accrual Variance Extract
❏ Modified the program to calculate and interface employer accrual variance 403B FICA Alternative Annuity amounts.
Payroll > Reports > Year To Date Reports > HRS3650 - YTD Special Adjustment Report
❏ Modified the program to include employer 403B FICA Alternative Annuity amount special adjustments.
Personnel > Utilities > Mass Update > Employee
❏ Corrected the issue that caused employee years of experience to be incremented even though the re-employment date was greater than the date in the Employment Date< field.
❏ Renamed the Increment section to Update Experience, and added the Increment and Decrement check boxes to allow the selected years of employee experience to either be increased or decreased by one.
Position Management > Utilities > Salary Simulation (Next Year)
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented supplemental transactions from being included in the stat min calculations when the Acct Type is set to S Supplemental Pay and Exp 373 is selected.
❏ Modified PMIS salary simulations and reports to include 403B FICA Alternative contribution calculations.
Release Date: 6/16/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0216
Accounts Receivable > Utilities > Purge Prior Year Invoices
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented this process from being successfully completed.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the following processes from being successfully completed:
Position Management > Utilities > Salary Simulation
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented TRS373 calculations from being calculated for TRS Position Code 05. Also, corrected the issue that caused TRS373 to be calculated for employees without a stat min salary.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the following processes from being successfully completed:
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the following processes from being successfully completed:
Release Date: 6/8/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0215
Accounts Receivable, Finance, Purchasing, Warehouse
❏ Corrected the workflow issue that caused requisitions to remain in a Pending status even after being successfully approved by the final approver. Also, corrected the functionality of the Return button to update the requisition status to Returned regardless of the approver.
Release Date: 6/4/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0214
NEW: SSA Fiscal Agent Management
The new Shared Service Arrangement (SSA) Fiscal Agent Management feature provides fiscal agents a more efficient way to handle grant budget revision requests and reimbursement requests from SSA members. ESCs and LEAs can both serve as a fiscal agent.
Grants and Projects > Tables > SSA Members > Bank Code
❏ Added this tab to allow fiscal agents to maintain bank information for members receiving payments via electronic funds transfer. In addition, the fiscal agent can use the Security Administration application to limit the users who can access this information.
NEW: Travel Reimbursement Requests
The new Travel Reimbursement Requests feature allows employees to request reimbursement of mileage, lodging, meals, and incidentals stemming from official business travel. This features offers a summary/detailed view of travel reimbursement requests and allows for a customized approval path to ensure timely reimbursement payments.
District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Accounts
❏ Added the TRAVEL check box to the list of processes. If Travel is selected, the Travel Request application is displayed under APPS on the User Accounts Validation Report next to the associated account code(s).
❏ Removed the Account Description column.
❏ Removed the Refresh Description link as it is no longer applicable.
District Administration > Workflow > Alternate Approvers
❏ Added the Travel Reimbursement option to the Workflow drop down allowing alternate approvers to be assigned to other approvers who are unable to perform their assigned approval duties during a specified timeframe for employee travel reimbursement requests.
❏ Corrected the link that displays when users do not have access to an application. Previously, clicking the link resulted in an error.
Session Timer
❏ Corrected the Payroll, Personnel, and Position Management applications to use the session timer values from the District Administration > Options > Session Timers page. Previously, the session timer for these applications was automatically set to 60 minutes.
Accounts Receivable > Reports > BAR4000 - Invoice Listing by Revenue Code
❏ Modified the program to include credit memo amounts in the Adjustments and Balance amounts.
Bank Reconciliation > Utilities > Mass Delete Transactions
❏ Corrected the program to only include items from the selected bank account group. Previously, if Outstanding Only was selected, all outstanding items from all bank account groups were included.
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Journal Budget & Journal Actual
❏ Corrected the server error that occurred when trying to delete a journal voucher of a substantial amount.
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Purchase Order
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented vendor numbers from being changed on purchase orders that were created in Finance.
Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Close
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented this process from being successfully executed.
Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Info > Job Info
❏ Corrected the program error that occurred when trying to retrieve an employee without an existing job/payroll record (i.e., no data on the Staff Job/Pay Info tabs).
Payroll > Maintenance > Leave Account Transaction > Employee Substitute
❏ Modified the program to prevent an employee/substitute transmittal from being created for a leave type not on the employee's leave record.
Payroll > Maintenance > Hours/Pay Transmittals > Addl Ded & Ded Refund
❏ Modified the program to exclude A3 (403B FICA Annuity) deduction codes from the deduction code drop-down lists.
Payroll > Maintenance > School YTD Data
❏ Added Emplr 403B FICA Contr under Accrued Data to display the total employer contribution amount for the 403B FICA Annuity deduction. Also, added this information to the detail window under Accrued Data by Job.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > Run Payroll
❏ Modified payroll calculations to calculate 403B FICA Alternative employee and employer amounts.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > Interface Processing > Create General Journal
❏ Modified the program to include 403B FICA Alternative Annuity employee and employer amounts in the general journal.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > TRS Processing > Maintenance
❏ Corrected the issue that caused the actual hours to be doubled on the RP20 extract for hours that were added to pay type 3 XTRA extra duty transmittals.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > TRS Processing > Interface
❏ Added validation to prevent invalid posting dates from being processed.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Adjustments > Check Void
❏ Modified the program to include new 403B FICA Contribution columns in the void process.
Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Adjustments > Check Issue
❏ Modified the program to include 403B FICA Contribution calculations.
Payroll > Reports > Payroll Reports > HRS2000 - Payroll Control Listing
❏ Added the Annuity Rates section, which includes the Emp 457, Emplr 457, Emp 403B FICA, and Emplr 403B FICA columns.
Payroll > Reports > Payroll Reports > HRS2050 - Proof List of Payroll Transactions
❏ Renamed the Apply 457 column to FICA Alt.
Payroll > Reports > Payroll Reports > HRS2300 - Account Distribution Journal
❏ Removed the Include 457 Deferred Comp Data? (Y/N) report parameter. Now, this information is automatically included.
❏ Added the Employer Contrib column.
Payroll > Reports > Year to Date Reports > HRS3050 - School Year To Date Report
❏ Added the 403B FICA column to the regular school YTD and job accrual details.
Personnel > Reports > Payroll Information Reports > HRS5250 - 1095-B Forms & HRS5255 - 1095-C Forms
❏ Corrected the manifest files for prior year ACA files per IRS specifications.
Payroll > Reports > User Created Reports
❏ Modified the program to display the Certification, Responsibility, and Employment sections from Personnel if the user has access to these pages in Security Administration.
Personnel > Utilities > Mass Delete
❏ Corrected various display and sort issues to improve user experience.
Personnel > Utilities > Mass Delete > Permit Data
❏ Removed the Mass Delete Mode Selection section, which included the Permits, Responsibilities, and Employee options.
❏ Removed the Pay Type column.
❏ Removed the pay frequency from the report header.
Personnel > Utilities > Mass Delete > Responsibility Data
❏ Corrected the issue that caused a program error to occur when trying to delete responsibility records.
❏ Removed the pay frequency from the report header.
Personnel > Utilities > Mass Delete > Employee Data
❏ Added the CYR Frequency and NYR Frequency check boxes to select applicable pay frequencies.
Personnel > Reports > User Created Reports
❏ Corrected the issue that caused an error to occur when trying to retrieve a Personnel report template with saved Payroll selections. Now, the applicable Personnel data is retrieved along with a message indicating that the Payroll selections will not be included in the report. In addition, the saved Payroll selections are permanently deleted from the saved template.
Position Management > Reports > User Created Reports
❏ Corrected the report to include the Employee Demo fields when selected.
Purchasing > Maintenance > Create/Modify Requisition
❏ Corrected the Commodity Code field validation to display the appropriate error message when the user enters a code that does not exist on the District Administration > Tables > Commodity Codes page. Previously, a program error occurred.
Purchasing > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry
❏ Modified the program to improve the amount of time it takes to display the general ledger inquiry section.
Warehouse > Maintenance > Inventory Maintenance
❏ Modified the Item Number field to allow alphanumeric characters.
Warehouse > Maintenance > Create/Modify Warehouse Requisitions
❏ Corrected the functionality of the Uniform Acct Distr button. Previously, clicking the button resulted in a blank page being displayed.
Warehouse > Maintenance > Create/Modify Inventory Restock Requisitions
❏ Corrected the functionality of the Uniform Acct Distr button. Previously, clicking the button resulted in a blank page being displayed.
Warehouse > Maintenance > Approve Warehouse Requisitions
❏ Corrected the functionality of the Path button. Previously, clicking the button resulted in a blank page being displayed.
❏ Corrected the functionality of the Uniform Acct Distr button. Previously, clicking the button resulted in a blank page being displayed.
Warehouse > Maintenance > Approve Inventory Restock Requisitions
❏ Corrected the functionality of the Path button. Previously, clicking the button resulted in a blank page being displayed.
❏ Corrected the functionality of the Uniform Acct Distr button. Previously, clicking the button resulted in a blank page being displayed.
Warehouse > Reports > Warehouse Reports > BWH1150 - Print Shipping Order
❏ Disabled the PDF and CSV buttons for this report.
EmployeePortal > Leave Requests
❏ Corrected the spelling of EmployeePortal in the leave approval email notification.
Release Date: 5/26/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0211
Document Attachments
❏ Corrected various issues in an attempt to prevent an occasional Ajax error from occurring when trying to access Document Attachments.
Release Date: 5/11/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0207
ASCENDER Homepage > Dashboard > Approval Summary
❏ Corrected the program to display Finance budget amendment approvals from file ID C along with any approvals in the previous file ID associated with file ID C.
❏ Corrected the program to display Warehouse approvals.
Release Date: 4/19/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0206
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Check Processing - PA & Check Processing - PO
❏ Corrected the Document (Document Attachments) link to properly function when the Invoice Nbr contains spaces or allowed special characters.
Finance > Maintenance > Credit Card > Posting - PA & Posting - PO
❏ Added a scroll bar to the Credit Card Transactions table to prevent credit card transactions from overlapping into the Account Code Summary table when adding multiple transaction lines (+10).
Finance > Budget Amendment
❏ Corrected the Documents (Document Attachments) button to properly display and function when the budget Amendment Nbr contains spaces or allowed special characters.
Release Date: 4/7/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0204
Document Attachments
❏ Corrected the program to remove the case-sensitive validation from the document file extension. Previously, this issue prevented some documents from being successfully uploaded.
❏ Corrected the program to allow documents with multiple periods in the document name (e.g., doc.3.5.pdf ) to be successfully uploaded.
Release Date: 3/30/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0203
Personnel > Utilities > ACA 1094/1095 Correction/Replacement > 1094/1095-C
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the ACA 1095-C correction file from being processed.
Release Date: 3/30/2021 TxEIS Update: 3.5.0234
Human Resources > Utilities > ACA 1094/1095 Correction/Replacement > 1094/1095-C
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the ACA 1095-C correction file from being processed.
Release Date: 3/23/2021 ASCENDER Update: 5.0.0202
Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Adjustments > Check Void
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented a check from being voided after the original payroll run inadvertently caused multiple checks to be generated for an employee.
Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Responsibility
❏ Modified the program to display the Grade Level field on this tab as well as the User Created Reports page. Previously, the field was not displayed.
Release Date: 3/23/2021 TxEIS Update: 3.5.0233
Human Resources > Payroll Processing > Payroll Adjustments > Check Void
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented a check from being voided after the original payroll run inadvertently caused multiple checks to be generated for an employee.
Release Date: 3/1/21 TxEIS Update: 3.5.0231
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Employment Info
❏ Added the Prior Teaching field to the Years Experience section to indicate the total years of prior teaching experience for the employee.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Personnel Reports > HRS1250 - Employee Data Listing
❏ Added the Yrs Prior Teaching column to the Experience section.
Human Resources > Reports > User Created Reports > HR Report
❏ Added the Yrs Prior Teaching check box to the Employment section.
Release Date: 3/1/21 TxEIS Update: 3.5.0231 ParentPortal Update: 5.0.0200
❏ Updated the application login page with new background images and creation/maintenance wizards.
❏ Updated the application login page with new background images and creation/maintenance wizards.
EmployeePortal > Create Account
❏ Modified the program to display a more informative error message when users try to create a new account with a duplicated user name. Now, the error message informs users that the selected user name is already in use at the LEA and they must select a different, unique user name.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > 1095 Information
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the employee from printing the 2020 1095-C form. Previously, an “Oops” message was displayed.
EmployeePortal > Self-Service
❏ Corrected the program to only highlight the updated fields. Previously, all fields available for edit were highlighted. Also, corrected the email message to only list the updated fields.
Release Date: 01/20/2021 TxEIS/ASCENDER Update: 3.5.0227 EmployeePortal Update:
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > W-2 Information
❏ Corrected the issue that caused the Statutory Employee box to be selected when printing the W-2 even though it did not apply to the employee.
Release Date: 01/15/2021 TxEIS/ASCENDER Update: 3.5.0226
Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Vendor/Purchase Order Reports > FIN2100 - 1099 Forms
❏ Corrected the alignment on Form 1099-MISC Copy A to properly print the legal fees in Box 10.
❏ Corrected the alignment on Form 1099-NEC Copy A to properly print the income and withholding tax amounts in the appropriate boxes. Also, added the withholding taxes to the submission file.
Human Resources > Tables > ACA 1095 Codes > 1095-B Coverage Type
❏ Updated the tab to support the 2020 tax year.
Human Resources > Tables > ACA 1095 Codes > 1095-C Offer of Coverage
❏ Updated the tab to support the 2020 tax year.
Human Resources > Tables > ACA 1095 Codes > 1095-C Safe Harbor
❏ Updated the tab to support the 2020 tax year.
Human Resources > Utilities > ACA 1094/1095 Correction/Replacement
❏ Per IRS requirements, updated the utility to support the 2020 tax year.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Quarterly/Annual Reports > HRS5250 - 1095-B
❏ Per IRS requirements, updated the 1095-B form/instructions and all 1095-B functionality to support the 2020 tax year.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Quarterly/Annual Reports > HRS5255 - 1095-C
❏ Per IRS requirements, updated the 1095-C form/instructions and all 1095-C functionality to support the 2020 tax year including adding the Employees Age and Zip Code fields to the form.
Release Date: 01/15/2021 TxEIS/ASCENDER: 3.5.0226 EmployeePortal Update: 4.0.1
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > Calendar Year to Date
❏ Corrected various Marital Status issues for active employees who exist in multiple pay frequencies.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > W-2 Information
❏ Corrected the 2020 W-2 form instructions to include the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) information.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > 1095 Information
❏ Per IRS requirements, updated the 1095-B/1095-C form/instructions and all 1095 functionality to support the 2020 tax year.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > 1095 Information
❏ Corrected various 1095 Consent window issues.
Release Date: 12/04/2020 TxEIS/ASCENDER Update: 3.5.0219
Accounts Receivable > Maintenance > Invoice Payments > Payments
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented a payment from being posted to an invoice with an applied credit memo.
Finance > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry
Finance > Inquiry > GL Inquiry > GL Inquiry
❏ Updated the default Retrieve function to only display active account codes. Also, added the Include Inactive Accounts check box to display the inactive account codes in the inquiry.
Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Vendor/Purchase Order Reports > FIN2050 - 1099 Report
❏ (Mandated Change) Added the For Tax Year > 2019, Print 1099-MISC (M), 1099-NEC (N), or blank for ALL parameter to report the following for tax years greater than 2019:
Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Vendor/Purchase Order Reports > FIN2100 - Printing 1099-MISC Form
❏ (Mandated Change) Renamed this report from Printing 1099-MISC Form to 1099 Forms.
❏ (Mandated Change) Added the For Tax Year > 2019, Print 1099-MISC (M) or 1099-NEC (N) parameter to print the 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC forms for tax years greater than 2019.
❏ (Mandated Change) Per IRS requirements, updated the 1099 form/instructions and all 1099 functionality to support the 2020 tax year.
Human Resources > Tables > Tax/Deductions > Income Tax
❏ Modified the But less than field to allow seven characters and to be automatically populated with 9,999,999 to accommodate the tax rates being changed to annual amounts.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Calendar YTD Data > Calendar YTD
❏ (Mandated Change) Added the FFCRA (Families First Coronavirus Response Act) Payments section allowing users to view and modify year-to-date FFCRA payment amounts for the 2020 calendar year. This section includes the following:
You can either manually update the fields on the Calendar YTD page or use the new Update Cal YTD button on Human Resources > Utilities > FFCRA Payments page to update the fields.
NOTE: If any of these amounts are greater than zero, the field and amount are displayed in Box 14 on the employee's W-2.
Human Resources > Utilities > FFCRA Payments
❏ (Mandated Change) Added the Update Cal YTD button to recalculate the FFCRA Payment amounts for processed pay dates where the leave transmittals still exist.
This utility can be used to update the FFCRA Payment amounts on the Human Resources > Maintenance > Calendar YTD Data > Calendar YTD for W-2 processing. Additional information can be found in Help.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Quarterly/Annual Reports > HRS5100 - W-2 Forms
❏ (Mandated Change) Per IRS requirements, updated the W-2 form/instructions and all W-2 functionality to support the 2020 tax year.
Purchasing > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry
❏ Updated the default Retrieve function to only display active account codes. Also, added the Include Inactive Accounts check box to display the inactive account codes in the inquiry.
Warehouse > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry
❏ Updated the default Retrieve function to only display active account codes. Also, added the Include Inactive Accounts check box to display the inactive account codes in the inquiry.
Release Date: 12/04/2020 TxEIS/ASCENDER: 3.5.0219 EmployeePortal Update: 4.0.1
❏ Corrected the program to properly display the Help button in the lower right corner of each page in the application.
EmployeePortal > Change Password
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented employees from changing their password if Self-Service Demographic was not selected in TxEIS.
EmployeePortal > Self-Service Profile
❏ Corrected the program to properly handle changes submitted by the employee when the Alternate Address option is set to N on the Human Resources > Tables > EA Self-Service Assignments > Demographic page. Previously, an “Oops” message was displayed.
❏ Corrected the issue that allowed the Filing Status field to be left blank even though it was marked as a required field on the Human Resources > Tables > EA Self-Service Assignments > Payroll page.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry
❏ Added the following W-4 Withholding fields to the Calendar Year to Date, Current Pay Information, Deductions, and Earnings pages:
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > Calendar Year to Date
❏ Corrected the program to display all active pay frequencies. Previously, if an employee was paid from multiple pay frequencies, only data from one of the pay frequencies was displayed.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > Earnings
❏ Corrected the PDF to include complete bank, leave, and address information.
❏ Corrected the program to display the correct Total Earnings amount. Previously, if an employee had a Non-TRS Non-pay Taxable amount, that amount was doubled in the Total Earnings amount.
❏ Modified the User Interface colors and shading to meet ASCENDER style standards.
❏ Corrected the program to display the correct leave type and units used.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > W-2 Information
❏ (Mandated Change) Per IRS requirements, updated the W-2 form/instructions and all W-2 functionality to support the 2020 tax year.
❏ (Mandated Change) Added the following fields for the 2020 calendar year:
NOTE: If any of these amounts are greater than zero, the field and amount are displayed in Box 14 on the employee's W-2.
❏ Corrected the program to display the correct Medicare tax withholding values on the report when using the mouse right-click to print the page.
EmployeePortal > Leave Requests
❏ Corrected the program to automatically populate the End Date field with the same date entered or selected in the Start Date field.
❏ Corrected the program to allow employees to edit or delete a submitted leave request at any point prior to the transmittal being created in payroll.
EmployeePortal > Supervisor > Approve Leave Requests
❏ Corrected the program to display the correct Absence Reason description as originally selected by the requestor.
Release Date: 11/17/20 TxEIS/ASCENDER Update: 3.5.0217
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Responsibility
❏ Corrected the program to allow duplicate responsibility records with different Grade Levels to be saved.
Release Date: 10/2/2020 TxEIS/ASCENDER Update: 3.5.0206
Accounts Receivable > Maintenance > Credit Memo
❏ Corrected the issue that caused the following error to occur when the Accounts Receivable, Current, and Next accounting periods in Finance were all the same: “Invalid accounting period for Accounts Receivable in Finance Options.”
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Journal Actual
❏ Corrected the issue that caused revenue and expenditure accounts to be out-of-balance when a journal voucher was deleted from this tab.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Responsibility
❏ (Mandated Change) Added the Grade Level field. This field must be populated if the Pop Served field is set to 06 and the Role ID field is set to either 033, 047, or 087. Otherwise, the field should be left blank.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Employment Info
❏ (Mandated Change) Added the Paraprofessional Certification check box allowing you to indicate whether a paraprofessional employee is certified.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Personnel Reports > HRS1250 - Employee Data Listing
❏ (Mandated Change) Added the Paraprofessional Certification check box to the Personnel Information section.
❏ (Mandated Change) Added the Grd Lvl column to the Staff Responsibilities section.
Release Date: 9/25/20 TxEIS/ASCENDER Update: 3.5.0204
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Journal Budget
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Journal Actual
❏ Corrected the program to properly retrieve the continuing funds journal entry created by the Fiscal Year Close process on the Journal Budget tab instead of the Journal Actual tab.
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Journal Actual
❏ Modified the program to allow the deletion of TRS On-Behalf journal entries. Now, a trashcan icon is displayed for these entries.
Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Processing > Create New Accounts By Fund
❏ Corrected the error that occurred during processing, which was caused by the system trying to re-create duplicate accounts.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the preview report from being generated.
Update 3.5.0190 Finance
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Purchase Order
❏ Corrected the program to allow reversing a PO created in Finance. Previously, an error was displayed.
Update 3.5.0190
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Purchase Order
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented purchase orders with balances from being retrieved.
Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Close
❏ Modified the program to only enable this menu item when logged on to file ID C.
❏ Corrected the purchase order re-encumbrance for continuing funds to include encumbrance adjustments and liquidation adjustments from check/credit card transactions.
❏ Corrected the program to not re-encumber outstanding purchase orders that are split between funds.
❏ Modified the program validation to ignore all payrolls that have not been interfaced where the payroll is in the same month as the LEA’s Starting Accounting Period on the District Finance Options tab.
Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Processing > Create New Accounts By Fund
❏ Corrected the program to properly post the journal voucher entries. Now, the closing entries will post separately to the budget and actual fund balance object codes that are listed in the account code table.
Update 3.5.0182
Grants and Projects > Reports
❏ Removed this menu option as it is not currently available. Previously, the menu displayed the Bank Reconciliation Reports, which resulted in a program error if selected.
Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Close
❏ Corrected the program error that occurred when you accessed the page. This issue was caused when the total number of funds in the file ID was a multiple of 15. For example, 15, 30, 45, 60 caused an issue but 18 did not even though the first page had the maximum.
Update 3.5.0181
The Grants and Projects is a new application that allows you to view grant/project data for the entire grant period regardless of the fiscal year. The application includes the following pages:
Grants and Projects > Tables > Grants and Projects Table
❏ Added this page to define grant codes that can be tracked in the Grants and Projects application.
Grants and Projects > Inquiry > GL Inquiry
❏ Added this page to perform the general ledger inquiries for a specific grant/project code.
District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Grants and Projects
❏ Added this tab to assign specific grant code(s) to users allowing them to view the grant code details in the Grants and Projects application.
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Journal Budget & Journal Actual
❏ Added the Ignore for Grants and Projects check box allowing you to indicate that all entries for the JV should be ignored for the Grants and Projects application. For example, a user can post a JV in a file ID and it will not be displayed in the Grants and Projects inquiry. This can be helpful with auditor’s entries.
Finance > Maintenance > Fiscal Year Close
❏ Corrected the issue that allowed a single fund with multiple years separated between pages to be incremented instead of being defaulted to only allow the fund to be continued. For example, if fund 616/8 was listed on one page and 616/9 was listed on the next page, the Increment option should not be available for 616/8.
❏ Corrected the issue with possible out-of-balance issues stemming from running the closing process. Now, the Finance > Utilities > Out of Balance Correction utility is processed prior to processing any of the Fiscal Year Close functions.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented report headers from being displayed if there was nothing to report on the Fiscal Year Close pre-post Unprocessed Budget Amendment report; only a blank page was displayed.
❏ Corrected the pre-post JV report to retrieve the Finance end-of-year stored procedure to accurately generate the opening entries.
❏ Modified the program to identify the purchase order encumbrances created for rollover funds in order to prevent them from being displayed multiple times in the Grants and Projects inquiry.
Update 3.5.0180
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Demo
❏ Corrected the Document Attachments issue that prevented the Driver License option from being displayed in the Document Upload Type drop-down list.
Update 3.5.0178
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Check Processing-PA
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented you from adding a new purchase authorization (PA) after one was already added and saved.
Update 3.5.0177
These issues are a high priority and will be corrected as quickly as possible.
Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Close
❏ The Fiscal Year Close process may cause an out-of-balance in file ID C. Workaround: Run the Finance > Utilities > Out of Balance Correction utility to correct it.
❏ The Fiscal Year Close pre-post JV report is incorrect.
❏ If there is nothing to report on the Fiscal Year Close pre-post Unprocessed Budget Amendment report, the report headers are not displayed.
Finance > Maintenance > Check Processing > Print Checks
❏ Corrected the error that occurred when trying to post a vendor check.
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Journal Budget & Journal Actual
❏ Added the Print button to print the journal voucher report.
❏ Added the trashcan icon to delete previously saved individual journal voucher transactions. These deletions will be included in the Audit Log Inquiry.
❏ Replaced the Delete JV button with the Delete button to delete journal vouchers.
❏ Added the Reset button to clear unsaved data from the page.
Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Check Processing - PA
❏ Added the trashcan icon to delete previously saved individual purchase authorization transactions. These deletions will be included in the Audit Log Inquiry.
❏ Replaced the Delete PA button with the Delete button to delete purchase authorizations.
❏ Added the Reset button to clear unsaved data from the page.
Finance > Inquiry > Vendor Inquiry > Vendor Payment Inquiry
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented attached documents from being displayed.
Finance > Utilities > Move Current to New File ID
❏ Changed this utility to no longer function in the current file ID (file ID C).
Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Processing > Delete Funds
❏ Changed this utility to no longer function in the current file ID (file ID C).
❏ Removed the following utilities as they are included in the new Fiscal Year Close process and no longer necessary as stand-alone functions.
❏ Removed the export (backup) prompt from the following utilities:
Update 3.5.0176
Update 3.5.0174
❏ Removed the What's HOT in TxEIS button from the Login Page as the newsletter is obsolete.
Accounts Receivable > Maintenance > Credit Memo
❏ Modified the program to correctly handle credit memos when the accounting period is the same as the next accounting period in Finance. Previously, when trying to apply a credit memo to an invoice, a credit memo error was displayed and an out-of-balance condition occurred in Finance. Now, the credit memo is correctly applied to the invoice and an overpayment is created if the credit memo caused a negative balance.
Accounts Receivable > Reports > Accounts Receivable Reports > BAR7500 - Reprint Invoices Report
❏ Modified the program to allow prior year account codes to be printed even if they do not exist in the current year Finance chart of accounts.
Human Resources > Utilities > Mass Update > Salary Calculation
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the daily rate and accrual rate from being updated when performing salary calculations using the local annual concept.
CareerPortal Login
❏ Added Help before the question mark icon.
❏ Added Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn icons with links after the Help link.
EmployeePortal Login
❏ Changed the login statement from Please Login to Login to Your Account.
❏ Added Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn icons with links after the Help link.
❏ Removed the Contact Us link.
Update 3.5.0172
Finance > Maintenance > Check Processing > Void Check
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented PO encumbrance transactions from being posted to the logged-on accounting period.
Finance > Inquiry > Vendor Inquiry > Vendor Payment Inquiry
❏ Corrected the Document Attachments issue that caused a delay in retrieving data on the page.
Update 3.5.0171
Finance > Maintenance > Check Processing > Void Check
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented deferred checks from being reposted with the original check transaction account codes.
❏ Updated the state minimum salary calculations to allow TRS Position Codes 02 and 05 to be based on days greater than 187.
❏ Corrected the state minimum salary calculation to use the # of Days Empld instead of the Max Days.
Human Resources > Maintenance > PMIS Change In Position > Change In Compensation
❏ Corrected the contract and pay rate amount calculations for pay type 2 employees who are paid with the hourly/daily pay concept at an hourly rate.
Human Resources > Payroll Processing > Run Payroll
❏ Corrected the issue that caused the federal income tax to be calculated even though the employee was marked as tax exempt and had zero original exemptions and no selections in the new W-4 fields.
Human Resources > Utilities > PMIS
❏ Updated the following utilities to verify the job code salary concept and display any failures on the error report.
Human Resources > Utilities > PMIS > Move Forecast to CYR Position and Payroll
❏ Corrected the issue that caused an error when updating current year records.
Human Resources > Reports > TRS Reports > HRS7815 - TRS Non-OASDI Employer Contribution & HRS8905 - Regular Payroll (RP)
❏ Corrected the issue that caused the TRS Non-OASDI amount to be doubled when performance pay was included.
EmployeePortal > Forgot Password
❏ Corrected the issue that caused users to receive an error message. This issue only occurred if the LEA selected to use the Social Security Number on the Human Resources > Tables > District EA Options > Employee Access Options tab.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > W-2 Information
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the Print button from being displayed.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the third-party sick pay from being displayed. Also, corrected the third-party sick pay label.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > 1095 Information
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the Print button from being displayed.
EmployeePortal > Leave Balances
❏ Corrected the issue that caused this tab to be enabled for employees in EmployeePortal even though it was not enabled on the Human Resources > Tables > District EA Options > Employee Access Options tab.
EmployeePortal > Leave Requests
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented leave from being posted to a leave type with a zero balance even if the Post Against Zero Balance option was selected for the leave type.
❏ Modified the program to display all of the employee's active assigned leave types even if the leave type amount is zero.
Update 3.5.0170
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Quarterly/Annual Reports > HRS5100 - W-2 Forms
❏ Corrected the issue that caused the employee's full name (first, middle, and last) to be printed in the Employee's First Name box on Copy A (red form) of the W-2 form.
EmployeePortal > Self-Service
❏ Corrected the W-4 data displayed under W4 Marital Status Information.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > W-2 Information
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the W-2 Electronic Consent selection from being saved if the employee did not have W-2 historical data.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented Box 12 Code E (annuity amount) from being displayed properly.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > 1095 Information
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the 1095 Electronic Consent selection from being saved if the employee did not have 1095 historical data.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > Current Pay Information
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the current pay information from being displayed if the employee had data in multiple pay frequencies.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the campus name from being displayed.
Update 3.5.0169
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Pay Info
❏ Corrected the issue that caused a W-4 Marital Status code validation error to occur when trying to add W-4 information for a new employee.
Human Resources > Payroll Processing > Special Adjustments > Percent
❏ Corrected the issue that caused an error to occur when trying to process a Special Adjustment.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented news users from being created in some databases.
EmployeePortal > Forgot Password
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the Forgot Password functionality from reading the email server information for each database.
Update 3.5.0168
EmployeePortal > Self-Service
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the employee from adding a new direct deposit account.
EmployeePortal > Inquiry > Earnings
❏ Corrected the wage and earnings reporting per pay date for Business only districts.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the employee from printing their current earnings if they were paid with a physical payroll check instead of an EFT.
Human Resources > Utilities > Payroll Accrual Variance Report > Post to Master/Interface to Finance
❏ Corrected the issue that caused a program error to occur when trying to run this utility.
The TCC is excited to announce the launch of the new ASCENDER CareerPortal and EmployeePortal applications! Check out the ASCENDER Resources page for training guides and marketing materials.
The CareerPortal application uses the new ASCENDER user interface (UI) and it is now included.
❏ New URL:
Default login information:
The EmployeePortal application uses the new ASCENDER user interface (UI), offers a Spanish language translation, and has a new calendar view for Leave Requests.
❏ New URL:
District Administration > Tables > Electronic Signatures
❏ Corrected the issue that caused an error to occur when trying to upload a signature on a new database.
Bank Reconciliation > Maintenance > Bank Transactions > Create Transactions
❏ Corrected the program to extract the original and voided check transactions even if the original and voided check transactions have the same date.
❏ Corrected the program to extract JV entries for credit card transactions.
Finance > Maintenance > Pending Payables
❏ Renamed the Submit button to Submit/Return. The functionality is the same as the original Submit button. After completing the required fields and then clicking Submit/Return, the check transaction is created, the pending payable transaction is deleted and you are returned to the main page.
❏ Added the Submit/Stay button. This functionality does not delete the pending payable transaction but instead adds a submit date to the record and you remain on the same page (PO details page). The Document Attachment functionality becomes available and the Inv Documents button is displayed allowing you to upload documents. The Document Attachments functionality is not available for bundled requisitions.
❏ Added the read-only Document Attachments functionality for requisition documents if a purchase order has documents attached. The read-only Document Attachments functionality is not available for bundled requisitions.
❏ Modified the program to allow this page to handle bundled requisitions/purchase orders.
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented posting in the Next accounting period.
Finance > Maintenance > Check Processing > Print Checks
❏ Changed the Vendor Check Transaction Detail Report to sort by the invoice number and then account code when the invoice number is the same.
Finance > Utilities > Move Current to New File ID
❏ Modified the program to prevent a fund from being moved or copied if a pending payable record is tied to it.
Finance > Utilities > Mass Change Account Codes > Mask Crosswalk
❏ Modified the program to include the pending payable distribution table when crosswalking from one account code to another.
Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Processing > Fund Close 5XXX-8XXX and Fund Close 1XXX-4XXX
❏ Modified the program to prevent a fund from being deleted or closed if a pending payable record is tied to it.
Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Journals, Checks, Detail Ledgers > FIN1750 - Year to Date Check Payments List
❏ Corrected the published report to sort data according to the sort option selected in the Sort by Ck#/Acct (1), Acct/Ck# (2), Vendor#/Ck#/Acct (3), Vendor#/Acct/Ck# (4) parameter.
Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Vendor/Purchase Order Reports > FIN2100 - Printing 1099-MISC Form
❏ Per IRS requirements, updated the 1099-MISC Forms to support the 2019 tax year.
❏ Changed the Print 1099 Form only (1), 1099 form including 1099 file (2), Non-preprinted Copy B (B) or Copy C (C) parameter to Print 1099 Form only (1), 1099 form including 1099 file (2), Non-preprinted Copy B and C (3). Option 3 prints Copies B and C on one page for the same vendor and includes the instructions for both copies on the back of the page.
❏ Per IRS requirements, added the new W-4 fields to the following pages/reports:
Be sure to review Publication 15-T, which contains the withholding tax calculations.
❏ Removed the withholding status and exemptions from payroll check forms:
❏ Per IRS requirements, updated the 1095-B/1095-C forms and all ACA functionality to support the 2019 tax year.
Human Resources > Tables > Tax/Deductions > Exemptions
❏ Per IRS requirements, exemptions will no longer be used as of the 2020 calendar year. As a result, all data fields were removed from this tab for calendar years greater than 2019 and the following message is displayed: Exemption data is no longer valid.
Human Resources > Tables > Tax/Deductions > Income Tax
Per IRS requirements, modified this tab to accommodate the income tax guidelines for calendar years greater than 2019.
❏ For tax years less than or equal to 2019, the original data fields are displayed (except for the table column headers, which changed per IRS documentation) and data is saved per marital status and per pay frequency.
❏ For tax years greater than or equal to 2020, the new data fields are displayed and data is saved per the following guidelines:
The pay frequency for these rate tables will be empty as the rate tables are now stored as annual amounts. When payroll calculations are processed, the rates will be divided by 26, 24 and 12 for each of the respective pay frequencies (4, 5, and 6).
Codes G, H, and I are used for individual exemption or credit amounts:
Human Resources Tables > Tax/Deductions > Earned Income Credit
❏ Removed this tab as it is obsolete.
Human Resources > Tables > Workday Calendars > Accrual Calendar
❏ Corrected the sorting issue on the report.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Pay Info
❏ Removed the EIC Code field as it is obsolete.
❏ Per IRS requirements, added the W-4 Withholding Certificate section with the following fields:
❏ Modified the program to provide an option to update the W-4 fields (new and existing) in the alternate pay frequency. For example, if the employee has an existing pay info record in the alternate pay frequency (CYR to NYR or NYR to CYR), a message is displayed prompting you to update the alternate pay frequency. If you accept the update, the new W-4 Withholding Certificate fields and the existing W-4 Marital Status and Exemptions fields are updated for the employee in the alternate pay frequency.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Responsibility
❏ Added validation to allow the following PE service IDs. Also, included the service IDs in the Service ID ellipsis.
Human Resources > Maintenance > Hours/Pay Transmittals > Abs Ded
❏ Corrected the issue that caused an error message about having a salary adjust code to be displayed when using the duplicate feature to duplicate absence deduction and coded absence deduction transmittals.
Human Resources > Payroll Processing
❏ Modified the payroll calculations to handle the withholding tax calculations based on the new IRS W-4 requirements. These changes are effective for pay dates beginning 1/1/2020.
Human Resources > Payroll Processing > TRS Processing > Extract
❏ Corrected the RP20 extract to include the correct number of actual hours worked when the pay date has duplicate reported hours.
Human Resources > Utilities > Install Salary/Tax Tables
❏ Per IRS requirements, the following changes were made to accommodate the new W-4 guidelines.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Quarterly/Annual Reports > HRS5100 - W-2 Forms
❏ Per IRS requirements, updated the W-2 forms and all W-2 functionality to support the 2019 tax year.
❏ Removed the W2 Forms - 3 Up (U) parameter option as this version of the form is no longer available.
❏ Modified the Non-preprinted 3 Up (N) parameter option to print the W-2 form instructions on the back of the form three times per page.
❏ Added the Tax Year > 2018, Include instructions (Y/N) or Print instructions only (I) parameter to indicate your printing preference for the W-2 form instructions when the Non-preprinted 3 Up (N) parameter option is selected and the tax year is greater than 2018. If the tax year is less than or equal to 2018, no instructions are printed on the back of the form regardless of the selection in this parameter.
❏ Modified the program to reference the W-2 Print Options section on the Human Resources > Tables > District HR Options page allowing you to select the amounts to be printed on the employee W-2 form (Box 14). This change also applies to W-2 forms printed from ASCENDER EmployeePortal.
❏ Modified the program to use the long version of the employee name when extracting names for W-2 forms. This change applies to the following parameter options: Validation Report (V), Copy A (A), and Non-preprinted 3 Up (N). The program does not truncate characters for the W2Report File (F) option.
Human Resources > Reports > HR Reports > Quarterly/Annual Reports > HRS5250 -1095-B Forms & HRS5255 - 1095-C Forms
❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the complete Social Security number from being on the Comparison report even if the Print SSN (S), or Masked SSN (M) parameter is set to S.
Purchasing > Maintenance > Create/Modify Requisition
❏ Corrected various page usability issues to improve the user experience.
Purchasing > Maintenance > Receiving
❏ Modified the program to exclude completed pending payable transactions.
❏ Modified the program to display a message indicating that one of the following conditions exists for the purchase order that was retrieved. The message is displayed again when the record is saved.
Purchasing > Maintenance > Receiving > Bundled/Bid Requisitions
❏ Modified the program to create records in the pending payables table instead of the check or credit card transaction tables when receiving bundled requisitions.
Warehouse > Maintenance > Receive Inventory Items
❏ Modified the program to exclude completed pending payable transactions.
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