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Attendance > Maintenance > Student > Student Posting with Comments

❏ Modified By Period, By Individual, By Date/Control Nbr, By Date/Grade and Code, By Date/Course, and By Generic Program to allow posting and viewing of either an absence or presence code for students.

❏ Removed the P option to delete an absence (Present is now PR).

❏ Added the following presence codes to the Posting Code ellipsis: Present (PR), Remote Synchronous (RS), and Remote Asynchronous (RA).

NOTE: When you replace any saved posting code with a Present (PR), that row in the posting table will be deleted and an audit row will be created for it.

New Posting Presence Codes

Attendance > Maintenance > Student > Student Inquiry

❏ Modified Attendance Audit to include the presence posting code.

releasenotes/issue/tsm-2226.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/20 16:25 by emoreno