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Release 3.5

State Reporting > Extracts > Fall

❏ Corrected the extract to include graduates who are not Graduation Type 34, 35, 54, 55, 56 or 57.

State Reporting > Extracts > Summer

❏ Added the following fields to the extract for Dyslexia Services Reporting, per TEDS 2020.2.1:

Dyslexia Risk
Section 504 Services
SBEC/Trained Staff
Section 39.023 Mods

State Reporting > Maintenance > Fall > Student > Demo

❏ Modified the program to remove census block data for a student if any of the following demographic information was changed for the student in TxEIS Registration, making that student ineligible for Census Block reporting:

Eco Disadvan (Demo1) is not 00, and
Elig Code (Demo1 or W/R Enroll) is 1-3, 6, or 7, and
Homeless Status Cd (Demo3) is 0, and
Attribution Cd (Demo1 or W/R Enroll) is not 21 or 23
Physical Address (Demo1)

State Reporting > Maintenance > Fall > Student > Leaver

❏ Modified the program to bypass edit 40203-0010 starting with PEIMS submission year 2020. The interchange that creates the Student Graduation Program Extension will correct it.

❏ Modified the program to consider values 0 and blank as the same (i.e., not participating) for edit 48011-0028, which only allows students with Graduation Type 34, 35, or 54-57 to have values for endorsements and distinguished level coursework.

State Reporting > Maintenance > Mid Year > Finance Actual

❏ Added object code 6491 (Statutorily Required Public Notices) to the Object ellipsis lookup for the 2019-2020 school year.

Object ellipsis lookup with new code highlighted

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Demo

❏ Modified the program to allow you to enter and save up to 60 characters each in the First, Middle, and Last Name fields.

State Reporting > Utilities > Create TSDS PEIMS Interchanges

❏ Renamed the Create State Reporting Interchanges page to Create TSDS PEIMS Interchanges.


❏ Added new elements to the following summer interchanges:

• Student Interchange - TX-DyslexiaRiskCode (C222)
• Student Program Interchange - TX-DyslexiaServicesCode (C224)

State Reporting > Utilities > Create TSDS Core Collections Interchanges

❏ Added the page which allows you to create the Residential Facility Tracking interchanges from data in the State Reporting tables. Additional Core Collections interchanges will be added in the future.

Create TSDS Core Collections Interchanges page

State Reporting > Reports > Fall > Student Report Group > Fall Student Demo Data

❏ Corrected the issue that prevented the Eco Dis column from being populated on the report.

State Reporting > Reports > Summer > Student Report Group > Summer Student Demo Data

❏ Added the following columns to the report, which display 1 or 0 to indicate if the indicator applies to the student, as entered on State Reporting > Maintenance > Fall > Student > Demo:

Dys Risk Cd - Results of screening for dyslexia and related disorders
Dys 504 - Whether the student received section 504 services at any time during the school year
Dys Sbec - Whether the student received SBEC services at any time during the school year
Dys Sec 39 - Whether the student received section 39 accommodations at any time during the school year

snippet of report with new fields highlighted

state_reporting/3_5.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/06 23:02 by jstanford