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Update 3.5.0178

ASCENDER ParentPortal logo

ASCENDER ParentPortal

Note: This was a database issue; the ParentPortal application, while affected, was not changed for this Update.

ParentPortal > Returning Student Registration

❏ Corrected the database issue that prevented a parent from successfully completing the Registration forms. In one instance, an error occurred not allowing the parent to continue. In other instances, when the parent completed a form, the form status changed to Completed but then reverted back to Pending as the parent continued to another form.

ASCENDER StudentPortal logo

ASCENDER StudentPortal


StudentPortal > Attendance

❏ Corrected the issue that caused the instructor name to be duplicated.

StudentPortal > Course Request

❏ Corrected the issue that prevented incoming students from seeing their course requests.

❏ Corrected the program to display the correct Course Request Units Remaining for record status 4 students (enrolled at another campus, will attend this campus next year).

student/update_3_5_61.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/16 16:02 by lrosdahl