D. Review TeacherPortal options.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > Campus > Options

TeacherPortal Campus Options page

❏ Set Open for Grade Posting to Open so that instructors can post end-of-semester grades.

❏ Select Allow Semester Override if you wish to include the Semester Override field on the TeacherPortal Cycle Grades page allowing an instructor to override a working semester average.

For example, if a student's working semester average is 69, the instructor will be able to enter 70 in the Semester Override field. When the Grade Posting From ASCENDER TeacherPortal utility is run, the override grade from TeacherPortal will be posted as the student's semester grade in Grade Reporting (rather than calculated).

Clear the field if instructors are not allowed to override a semester grade.

Be sure to check district policy about semester override grades.

❏ Update the Campus-wide Message as needed.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > District > Options

TeacherPortal District Options tab

❏ Update the District-wide Message as needed.