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Grade Posting from ASCENDER TeacherPortal

Grade Reporting > Utilities > Grade Posting From ASCENDER TeacherPortal

This utility posts the working cycle average, citizenship grade, and report card comments from TeacherPortal, as well as the exam and semester grades when applicable, to the student grade-course record in ASCENDER. Students who were not enrolled in the course or campus on the grade reporting cycle end date are excluded.


  • Citizenship grades used by most campuses are E, S, N, and U.
  • Comments are maintained on Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables > Rpt Card Comments when Language is English.
  • If a student is actively enrolled at the campus and in the course-section for the semester-cycle on the grade reporting cycle end date, the report card comments and citizenship will post to ASCENDER even if the cycle grade is blank.
  • The utility can be re-run as needed. When re-run, only blank grades are posted; grades that were already posted or manually written are not overwritten.

Processes performed by the utility

Update data:

CampusThe campus to which you are logged on is displayed.
Grade Posting for
Current Semester

Ensure that the semester to which grades should be posted is displayed.

Current Cycle

Ensure that the cycle to which grades should be posted is displayed.

Post Senior (12th grade) students only

Select if you want to run the utility for seniors only.

If you select to post for Senior (12th grade) students only, the utility will look through all course-sections marked Ready to Post in TeacherPortal and will only process students in grade level 12.

The utility will then reset the Ready to Post flag. This resets an instructor's course-section so that the instructor can mark grades as Ready to Post again, AFTER the course-section grades have been posted for grade level 12 students.

Post Elementary Exam/Sem when grd lvl not in Elem Grd Tbl

Select to post the elementary exam and semester average for a grade level that is not in the elementary grade table.

If the course credit level is E, the program determines if the student's grade level is in the elementary grade table.

If the grade level is in the elementary grade table, the data will post as elementary and use the Comp Sem Avg and Incl Exam fields on Maintenance > Tables > Elementary > Elem Grade to determine if the elementary exam and semester should be posted.

If the grade level is not in the elementary grade table, the program will post as secondary, which means it will use the Allow Semester Grade and Expect Exam Grade fields on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Posting to determine if the elementary exam and semester should be posted.

❏ Click Execute.

  • A message is displayed indicating that the posting is successfully completed.
  • Grades are posted to the student grade-course record.
  • The Grade Ready column is reset from “Ready to Post” to “Posted.”

View Error ListClick to view the error list if errors are encountered.
View Fail ListClick to view the list of students with blank, failing, or incomplete grades, if applicable.
gradereporting/utilities/gradepostingfromtxeistxgradebook.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by