B. Update blank, incomplete, and N/G cycle grades for students.

Grades can be updated for students individually or as a group (same instructor-course).

Individual Students:

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grd Update

Grd Update tab with blank and I grades highlighted

❏ Update blank, incomplete, and N/G grades with information provided by the instructor.

The updated cycle grade field will then be posted in TeacherPortal, which allows the system to calculate a current working semester average in TeacherPortal system prior to running the Grade Posting From ASCENDER TeacherPortal utility.

❏ Verify these updated fields are displayed and calculating correctly in TeacherPortal.

Group of Students:

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Group Maint > Post Grades

Group Maintenance - Post Grades with Cyc field highlighted

❏ Update blank, incomplete, and N/G grades with information provided by the instructor.