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Trashcan Icon

On pages with grids, a trash can icon Trashcan Icon is displayed next to any row that can be deleted.

Attendance Posting Code page with trashcan icons circled

Click the icon, and the row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Attendance Posting Code page with a row selected for deletion

You can select multiple rows to be deleted at the same time.

Attendance Posting Code page with multiple rows selected for deletion

Click Save. On most pages, a message is displayed asking you to confirm that you want to delete the row.

message asking you to confirm deletion

Click Yes to continue. The selected rows are deleted. Otherwise, click No.

If restrictions exist, a message is displayed in red at the top of the page.

error message stating that row cannot be deleted

NOTE: On most pages, you can save edits and delete records in the same step (i.e., the changes are all committed when the record is saved).

Delete Button

On pages without a grid, a Delete button (or similarly named button) is used to delete the displayed record.

Discipline Student Maintenance page with Delete Incident button circled

On most pages, when you click Delete, a message is displayed asking you to confirm that you want to delete the record.

message asking you to confirm deletion

Click Yes to continue. The selected rows are deleted. Otherwise, click No.

academy/student/overview_guide_deleting_records.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:51 by