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When parameter values are set, click Run Preview. The report preview opens allowing you to review the report.

All reports can be exported as PDF files, and you can save or print the PDF file. Many files can also be exported as CSV (spreadsheet) files

SAT3500 report with PDf and CSV icons circled

Click the PDF PDF icon or CSV CSV IconCSV icon icon to export the report in a PDF or spreadsheet format. Exported files are opened or saved according to your browser settings. The report data may be reformatted to accommodate the selected file type.

For example, when a report is exported to CSV format, data is displayed in columns and rows; header and footing data is not included. You can re-sort and reformat the data as needed using your spreadsheet program (e.g., Microsoft Excel).

SAT3500 report in CSV format

When you click Run Preview, if you have entered invalid data, or if required data has not been entered, an error message is displayed at the top of the parameters page, and the affected parameters are highlighted. You must correct the issue before the report can be generated.

SAT2300 report with error messages

Click Exit to close the report. You will return to the list of reports from which this report was selected. SAT3500 report with Exit button circled

academy/student/overview_report_preview.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:51 by