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All new and changed data must be saved in order to be retained in the database. Click Save any time you need to keep the changes you have made.

IMPORTANT! Save often. Unsaved data is lost when the page times out. If you get called away, or something unexpected happens, you may lose any work you have not saved.

Registration District Country Codes table page with Save button circled

HERE’S A TIP! On maintenance pages, if the cursor is in a data field, and any data on the page has been changed, pressing ENTER saves the data or displays the appropriate error message.

If the data was successfully saved, a “Save Successful” message is displayed below the Save button.

Save Successful message

If any required data is missing, or the record cannot be saved for any reason, a red error message is displayed above the Save button. The field(s) with invalid data are highlighted.

Registration Student Maintenance page with message stating Elig Code field is required

All issues must be corrected before you can successfully save the data.

If you attempt to leave a page or access another record before saving changes, a warning message is displayed prompting you to confirm the action.

Message stating that changes you made may not be saved

Click Cancel to return to the page and save any changes. Otherwise, click Leave.

Other variations of this message may be displayed.

academy/student/overview_save_button.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:51 by