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academy:year-at-a-glance-cycle-midpoint [2021/12/06 16:03] apapeacademy:year-at-a-glance-cycle-midpoint [2022/02/09 14:39] apape
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 ======Cycle Midpoint====== ======Cycle Midpoint======
-<WRAP round intro>The following tasks must be done halfway through each grade reporting cycle (e.g., IPRs).</WRAP> +<WRAP round intro>The following tasks must be done halfway through each grade reporting cycle (e.g., IPRs).\\ \\ **IMPORTANT**: For additional information, reference the TeacherPortal midpoint reminders from the TeacherPortal guide</WRAP> 
 ^Task^Resource^ ^Task^Resource^
 |**Grade Reporting**| | |**Grade Reporting**| |
academy/year-at-a-glance-cycle-midpoint.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/11 16:07 by apape