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discipline:reports:sds0100disciplinedetailedincidentreport [2016/11/28 14:38] jstanforddiscipline:reports:sds0100disciplinedetailedincidentreport [2020/07/08 13:51] (current) – external edit
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 ======SDS0100 - Discipline - Detailed Incident Report====== ======SDS0100 - Discipline - Detailed Incident Report======
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 //**Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS0100 - Discipline - Detailed Incident Report**// //**Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS0100 - Discipline - Detailed Incident Report**//
-<WRAP round intro>The report lists student offense records, including demographic, schedule, offense, and action information. If a date range is entered, it is displayed in the report heading. The report also indicates the offense codes that will be extracted for PEIMS.+<WRAP round intro>This report lists student offense records, including demographic, schedule, offense, and action information. If a date range is entered, it is displayed in the report heading. The report also indicates the offense codes that will be extracted for PEIMS. 
 +====Run the report:====
-If a court ordered restriction exists, all student incident data is restricted.</WRAP> 
 ^Parameter^Description^ ^Parameter^Description^
 ^Ending School Year (YYYY)|{{page>general:report_ending_school_year}}| ^Ending School Year (YYYY)|{{page>general:report_ending_school_year}}|
 ^Campus ID (Blank for All)|{{page>general:report_campus_id_blank_for_all}}| ^Campus ID (Blank for All)|{{page>general:report_campus_id_blank_for_all}}|
 +^Attendance Track (Blank for All)|{{page>general:report_attendance_track_blank_for_all}}|
 +^Include Withdrawn Students (Y, N)|{{page>general:report_include_withdrawn_students}}|
 +^Include Discipline Comments (Y, N)|{{page>general:report_include_discipline_comments}}|
 +^Student IDs (Blank for All) |{{page>general:report_student_ids_blank_for_all}}You can type or select up to 300 student IDs.|
 +^From Incident Date (MMDDYYYY)|{{page>general:report_date}}If a beginning date is entered, an ending date must be entered.|
 +^To Incident Date (MMDDYYYY)|{{page>general:report_date}}If a beginning date is entered, an ending date must be entered.|
 +^Admin By IDs (Blank for All)|{{page>general:report_discipline_admin_by_ids}}|
 +^Include Blank Admin By IDs (Y, N)|{{page>general:report_discipline_include_blank_admin_by_ids}}|
 +^Sort Order(A = Alpha, G = Grade, I = Student ID, Blank = A)|{{page>general:report_sort_order_a_g_i_blank_for_all}}|
 +^Print One Student Per Page (Y, N, Blank = N)|{{page>general:report_print_one_student_per_page}}|
discipline/reports/sds0100disciplinedetailedincidentreport.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:51 by