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In the grid below the legend, data is calculated when the calendar data is saved:

Membership Days

Rptng Period

Reporting periods for the campus are listed.

Mem Days

The number of membership days for each cycle is calculated and displayed.


Shrtnd Mem Waiver Days

The number of shortened membership waiver days for each cycle is calculated and displayed.

Non Mem Waiver Days

The number of non-membership waiver days for each cycle is calculated and displayed.

Daily Mins (DM)

The total number of instructional minutes for the cycle is calculated and displayed.

Waiver Mins (WM)

The total number of waiver minutes for the cycle is calculated and displayed.

Yearly Total Mins (DM+WM):

The total is calculated by adding the total number of daily minutes plus the total number of waiver minutes for the year.

This value cannot be less than the state-mandated requirement of 75,600, except in rare circumstances. Under no circumstances can the total minutes be less than 71,400.

As you adjust membership minutes, the Daily Mins (DM), Waiver Mins (WM), and Yearly Total Mins (DM+WM) fields (below the legend) change accordingly.

general/attendance_campus_calendar_membership_days.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/03 15:55 by apape