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When you want to view only certain data, you may find it useful to filter the report data. You can use specific criteria to retrieve only the data that you want. Not all reports allow this option.

From the report window, click Sort/Filter to open the Sort/Filter window. By default, the Sort Criteria section is expanded. Click Filter Criteria to expand the Filter Criteria section.

Sort Filter pop-up with Filter Criteria expanded

If the report does not allow sorting, the Filter button is displayed instead of the Sort/Filter button, and sort criterion fields are not available.

Click Add Criterion to add new filter criteria. A blank row is added to the grid.


Select a field by which to filter the data. The drop down lists the columns that appear on the report.


Select an operator.

= Equals
≠ Not equals
› Greater than
≥ Greater than or equal to
‹ Less than
≤ Less than or equal to


Type the value by which you want to filter. For example, if you selected a date in the Column field, type a date to view only data for a specific date.

Note: When filtering report data by date, you must use the following formats:

• If the date is displayed in the MM/DD/YYYY format, the filter value must be in the YYYYMMDD format.
• If the date is displayed in the MM/YYYY format, the filter value must be in the YYYYMM format.
• If the date is displayed in the MM/YY format, the filter value must be in the YYMM format.

Add Criterion Add another row.
Delete Selected Delete selected row.

Click OK to apply the selected filter criteria to the report.

Click Cancel to close the dialog box without applying a filter.

NOTE: Some applications allow you to filter by specific data:

In Test Scores, you can filter report data to include only students who are enrolled in special programs. When filtering report data for At Risk, PRS, and GT programs, you must select 1 (Yes) or 0 (No) in the Value field. For example, if you filter report data for the At Risk program by selecting Equals in the Operator field and Yes in the Value field, no data is displayed; however, if you select 1 in the Value field, the At Risk data is displayed.

general/filter_report.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/20 21:19 by apape