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Type the number of periods the course meets.


Select a condition for the periods:

Blank - If the number of periods is specified and this field is blank, the Master Schedule Generator selects the specified number of periods from the defined default conditional period range (period pattern) for the meeting time.

1-9 - The Master Schedule Generator selects the number of periods from the defined conditional period range (period pattern) for the meeting time specified.

A-C - The Master Schedule Generator assigns the specified number of periods to the meeting time that are consecutive to the periods of the previous meeting time.

• A - Consecutive (after) to the periods of the previous meeting time.
• B - Consecutive (before) to the periods of the previous meeting time.
• C - Consecutive to the periods of the previous meeting time (either before or after).

S - The Master Schedule Generator assigns the specified number of same periods to the meeting time as in the previous meeting time. This condition cannot be specified for the first meeting time.

N - The Master Schedule Generator does not assign a period falling within the specified period range to the meeting time. The From field is required. If the To field is blank, the meeting time is not scheduled during the period in the From field.


Select the actual beginning and ending periods for the class. The fields are required if the Cond field is set to N.

general/general/scheduling_ra_section_period_patterns.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/08 10:52 (external edit)