
Health > Maintenance > Nurse's Daily Log > New

This page allows you to add or update a current year record in the nurse's daily log. Records can only be updated for the campus you are logged on to; although you can see student records for all campuses you have access to.

Nurse's Daily Log Create New screen

Update data:

You can access the page in the following ways:

Add a new record:

❏ Go to Health > Maintenance > Nurse's Daily Log > New.

❏ Or, from Health > Maintenance > Nurse's Daily Log > Inquiry, click New.

The Detail page opens with blank fields.

Update a record:

❏ Retrieve the record on the Inquiry page, and click the record.

The Detail page opens, and the fields display data for the existing record.

Log Date

Type the date of the visit in the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click to select the date from a calendar.

Log Information
Time In/Out

Type the time the visitor came to and left the clinic. Use the HH:MM format, where HH is the hour, and MM is the minute. Select AM or PM.

Period In/Out

Type the two-digit period when the visitor came to and left the clinic.

Visitor Type

Select the type of visitor.

Activity Code

Select the type of visit.


Indicate whether this is the first visit or a follow-up visit.

Stu ID#

If the visitor is a student, type the six-digit student ID, or click Stu ID# to access the directory.

If the visitor is not a student (i.e., Visitor Type is not 03-Student), the Stu ID# field is disabled.


If the visitor is a student, the student's full name is displayed.

If the visitor is not a student, type the visitor's full name.


Type a description of the visitor's symptoms, up to 70 characters.


Type the name of the provider (e.g., nurse or aide) who attended to the visitor and/or administered medication.

Vital Statistics

Enter data for any readings taken:


Type the visitor's temperature in Fahrenheit degrees in the ###.## format.


Type the visitor's pulse in beats per minute, up to three digits.


Type the visitor's height in inches in the ##.## format.


Type the visitor's weight in pounds in the ###.# format.


Type the visitor's rate of respiration in breaths per minute, up to two digits.


Type the visitor's systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.


Select all actions taken in response to the visit.


If the visit is for a screening, select the type of screening performed.

If more than one screening was performed, add a separate log entry for each screening.


Indicate if the illness is acute or chronic. Leave blank if there is no illness.


Indicate if the visitor suffered an injury. Leave blank if there is no injury.

Communicable Disease

Indicate if the visitor has a communicable disease.


If the visitor was sent home, indicate who provided transportation. Leave blank if the visitor did not go home.


If a nurse or other employee provided transportation, type the mileage, up to five digits with a decimal point to indicate a partial mile.


If the visitor was sent to a doctor or hospital, indicate who provided transportation. Leave blank if the visitor did not go to a doctor or hospital.

ContactsIndicate who was notified and how.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


Click to add comments about the record. The comments window opens, and any existing comments are displayed.

Add or update comments and click OK.

If comments already exist for the record, a paperclip icon is displayed on the button.


Click to view data from the Inquiry page. The Log Information directory opens in a pop-up window. This allows you to view previous entries without having to leave the current page.

  • The list can be re-sorted.
  • If there are multiple pages, page through the list.

Click Close to close the window.

NewClick to clear the page of data and add a new record.
DeleteClick to delete the record currently displayed. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the record. Click OK.
InquiryGo to the Inquiry page.
Medical Alert button View medical alert.