Counselor Information

Select the student's counselor. The counselor must already be established on the Principal/Counselor tab.

NOTE: If the student does not have a control number assigned, but does have a counselor assigned, the counselor's name will be displayed/printed on the student's report card in the Counselor/Homeroom Teacher field.

Dt Entry 5th Grd
Dt Entry 8th Grd
Dt Entry 9th Grd
District Entry Date
Birth City

Type the city in which the student was born, up to 17 characters.

Birth State

Type the two-character abbreviation for the state in which the student was born (e.g., TX).

Birth Country

Select the country in which the student was born. The listed countries are set up on Maintenance > District Profile > Tables > Country Codes.

NOTE: Once you accept the student's Home Language Survey, this field is updated according to the parent's answer to the question What is the student’s country of birth?

The field will be blank if the parent entered a country manually instead of selecting it from the drop-down list.


The cohort year is the student's Dt Entry 9th Grd plus four years. A cohort is a group of students tracked from the beginning of a school year through the fall after the expected graduation date, regardless of final status. The cohort year is the ending school year when the student is expected to graduate.

The field is automatically populated when you enter the student's Dt Entry 9th Grd, press TAB, and save.
If the month entered is between July and December, add 4 years to the Cohort year, otherwise add 3 years.

Once updated, the field becomes read-only. The student's cohort year should not be changed unless it was entered in error. To update the cohort year, clear the student's Dt Entry 9th Grd and save. Then, reenter the Dt Entry 9th Grd field, press TAB, and save.