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Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Principal/Counselor

This tab allows you to add and update data for principals and counselors who work at the campus.

NOTE: If the Advisor Number or First, Middle, or Last Name is changed on this page, any corresponding Discipline records for the same school year and campus will have the Administered by or Reported by ID or name field (respectively) updated to match, as long as the original advisor number, first name, last name, school year, and campus from the principal/counselor record match existing Administered by or Reported by information (respectively) in the Discipline record.

Update data:

Campus ID

The campus to which you are logged in is displayed. To view another campus or add a new campus, type the three-digit campus ID and click Retrieve.

Existing principals and counselors for the campus are displayed.

❏ Click +Add to add a principal/counselor record.

The fields below the grid are enabled allowing you to add data.

Advisor Number

Type the employee's three-digit advisor number, which is locally determined and assigned. The ID must be unique within the campus, but the same advisor number can be used across campuses.


Type the employee's first, middle, and last name. Select a generation code if applicable.

Role ID

Select the employee's role at the campus.

Select 000 (Other) for an employee who is neither a principal nor a counselor, but is being set up as an administrative user of TeacherPortal.

If 000 is selected, Staff ID is required.

If 000 is selected and the employee has been set up as an administrative user with access to either one campus or all campuses, the record cannot be deleted after the information is saved.

From\To Grade Level

Select the beginning and ending grade levels for the range to which the employee is assigned, if applicable.

If you select a From Grade Level, you must select To Grade Level, and vice versa. You can select the same grade level for both fields.

From\To Name Range

Type the two-character alphabetical codes indicating the range of student last names assigned to the employee, if applicable (e.g., AA and MC).

Staff ID

Type the employee's staff ID according to the setting of the Student Applications Staff ID field on Maintenance > District Profile > District Maintenance > Control Info:

If Student Applications Staff ID is still set to SSN, type the social security number.

If Student Applications Staff ID is set to Employee Number, but the employee demographic table does not exist in the Human Resources application, type the employee number.

If Student Applications Staff ID is set to Employee Number, and the employee demographic table contains employee number information, click to select the employee number.

Principal/counselors who are also instructors will only have one staff ID.

If you change a staff ID on this page, the staff ID will be changed across all applications and campuses.


Type the area code and phone number for the employee. Type a phone extension if applicable, up to four digits.

Discipline Approver

Select if the employee is a discipline approver. The field must be selected in order for the employee to be able to view discipline referrals on Discipline > Maintenance > Referrals.

Receive Discipline Referral E-mail

Select if the discipline approver wants to receive email notification of new pending discipline referrals.

If selected, you must enter the employee's email address in the E-mail Address field.

E-mail Address

Type a valid email address for the employee.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
registration/maintenance/campusprofile/campusinformationmaintenance/principalcounselor.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by