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❏ Place all doubleton courses as described previously.

CAUTION: When changing section numbers, the updated section number must be unique.

❏ Click Save.

This updates the Courses to be Placed ellipsis lookup with information about any sections that are now placed. It also automatically retrieves the next course to be placed, as determined by MSALGO.

You can save data at any time.

Next Crs to Place

Click to retrieve the next course to the Course to be Placed field, which will be the first course not completely placed that has the highest priority for placement, as determined by MSALGO.

The next course to place is not accurate unless all meeting time information entered is saved.

KEEP IN MIND: You can override the suggested courses at any time. However, it is to your advantage to follow the MSALGO logic as closely as possible.

general/scheduling/msalgo/place_sections_doubleton.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/08 10:52 by