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Existing instructors are displayed in order by instructor ID.

  • If there are multiple pages, page through the list.

❏ Click +Add to add an instructor. The fields below the grid are enabled.

Instr ID

Type the three-digit instructor number.

Staff ID

Do one of the following depending on whether the district uses staff IDs or social security numbers (i.e., the setting for Student Applications Staff ID on Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Maintenance > Control Info):

• If the field is still set to SSN, type the instructor's social security number.

• If the field is set to Employee Number, but the employee demographic table does not exist in the Human Resources application, type the instructor's employee number.

• If the field is set to Employee Number, and the employee demographic table contains employee number information, you must click to select an instructor's employee number. Employees and non-employees will be available in the lookup if the employee demographic table contains values for their social security number, date of birth, and sex.

If you change a staff ID on this page, the staff ID will be changed across all applications and campuses. Principal/counselors who are also instructors will only have one staff ID.

If you have run the Set Staff ID to Employee Number utility, and an employee needs to have a temporary login (e.g., for TeacherPortal), you can assign him a temporary staff ID by selecting the Create Temp Staff ID field and clicking Search. The next available temporary staff ID (T followed by five digits) is displayed. Click the number to assign it to the employee.

Home Room

Type the instructor’s home room number, up to four characters.


Type the employee's first, middle, and last names and generation code.

Name Edits

❏ Under Maximum Values:

Study Halls/Day

Type the maximum number of study halls per day that can be assigned to the instructor.


Type the maximum number of periods per day the instructor can teach. Type 0 or leave blank if the instructor is not assigned to any classes.


Type the maximum number of sections per semester that can be assigned to the instructor. Type 0 or leave blank if the instructor is not assigned to any classes.


Type the maximum number of unique courses (preparations) per semester that can be assigned to the instructor. Unique courses usually require the instructor to do a separate preparation. Type 0 or leave blank if the instructor is not assigned to any classes.

Contact Periods/Year

Type the maximum total contact periods the instructor can be assigned for the year, up to four digits. Type 0 or leave blank if the instructor is not assigned to any classes.

A contact period is defined as a single class on a single day during one semester.

Total contact periods = semesters x days x periods


• The Resource Allocator Record Creation utility can be used to update maximum values for all instructors at one time.

• The Master Schedule Generator uses these values to determine how many sections, etc. to assign an instructor. The recommended value is 99, because values that are too small will prevent an instructor from being assigned a class.

❏ Under Restrictions:


Type the code indicating the academic department with which the instructor is associated, up to three characters. Departments are set up on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Tables > Departments.

Subject Area

Type the one-character code indicating the academic area with which the instructor is associated. Subject areas are set up on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Tables > Subject Areas.

Rsrvd Room

Type a room number if the instructor has a reserved classroom, up to four characters. If used, the instructor is assigned only to this room. The reserved room is not necessarily the same as the Home Room.

Rooms are set up on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Tables > Rooms.

If a different room number is specified for a section the instructor is teaching (i.e., the Room - ID field on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Resource Allocator > Section Info), that room number will override the instructor's reserved classroom.

❏ Under Free Time, set up free times for the instructor:

Free time is the period when the instructor is not available for a class (e.g., conference periods, an assistant coach who helps at multiple campuses but is not the teacher of record, or instructors who are shared between campuses).

❏ Click +Add under Free Time. A blank row is displayed in the Free Time grid.


Select the code indicating the type of free time.

• F-Fixed free time cannot be changed during the master schedule generation process.

• S-Selectable free time can be changed during the master schedule generation process.


Select the code indicating the day or combination of days that the instructor will not teach.


Select the code indicating the semesters during which the instructor will not teach.

Period From
Period To

Select the beginning and ending periods of the instructor's free time. If Period To is blank or set to a period before Period From, the value in the Period From field is automatically used for both.

Trashcan Icon Delete a free time period.

❏ Under Courses, set up courses that can be assigned to the instructor:

Enter all courses the instructor will be teaching, even if it was already created at the section level.

If the Max Sections for the teacher has changed since last year, it needs to be updated here as well.

❏ Click +Add under Courses. A blank row is displayed in the Courses grid.


Click to select the course.

The course title is displayed in the Title field.

Max Sections

Type the maximum number of sections that can be assigned to the instructor per semester.

Trashcan Icon Remove a course assigned to the instructor.

❏ Click Save.

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Schedule View instructor's schedule.
general/scheduling_ra_instructors_body_scheduling.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by