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You can sort data to make it easier to review or find records in the reports. Not all reports allow this option.

In the report window, click Sort/Filter to open the Sort/Filter window. By default, the Sort Criteria section is expanded. If not, click Sort Criteria.

Sort Fileter pop-up window with Sort criteria expanded

(Left grid) Columns Available for Sorting

Click the field by which you want to sort, and then click right arrow. The field moves to the right grid. Continue moving fields to the right grid as needed.

(Right grid) Sort Columns

You can rearrange the fields to indicate the order in which you want the sort applied. Click a field name, and drag it up or down to a new location.

• In the right grid, for each field, indicate if you want that data sorted in ascending (e.g., A-Z, 0-9) or descending (e.g., Z-A, 9-0) order.

• To remove a field from the sort, select the field, and then click left arrow to move it back to the left grid.

Select the Sort Criteria check box and click OK to apply the selected sort criteria to the report.

Click Cancel to close the window without re-sorting.

general/sort_report.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/20 21:06 by apape