Grade Average

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grade Avg

This tab allows you to update a student's grade average data by year.

If you have been granted historical update access in Security Administration, you can update data in the prior year. When the data is saved, your user ID and a date-time stamp are recorded. You cannot re-run the GPA computation programs for a prior year.

Update data:

Select a student

❏ Click Retrieve.

  • The student's demographic data is displayed.

  • Graduation Plan information is displayed if available. If a student has a Graduation Plan and is pursuing or has completed Foundation High School Program (FHSP), is pursuing or has completed the Distinguished plan, and/or is pursuing or has completed any of the five endorsements, that information is displayed below the student ID.

  • The Status field displays ACT (active) or W/D (withdrawn) according to the student's current enrollment status.

❏ Click +Add to add a grade average data for a particular year.

A blank row is added to the grid.

Crdt Lvl

To include the data for the year in cumulative grade averaging, type the credit level for the year:
H - High school
M - Middle school
E - Elementary


Type the four-digit ending year of the school year.

❏ Enter the following data under Numeric Avg, Grd Pt Average, or 4 Point, depending on the type of grade averaging used at the campus when the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility was run:

Nbr Crs

Type the number of courses the student earned credit for that school year.

Total Points

Type the total points earned for the year, up to four whole numbers and one decimal (e.g., 4900.0). The value must be less than 10000.


The calculated average is displayed.


Type the credits earned by the student for the year using one whole number and one decimal (e.g., 1.0).

Do not type the period. For example, type 05 to enter 0.5 credit.

If no credit was awarded, type NC.

Rank GPA

Type the student's rank GPA, up to seven digits and a decimal (e.g., 77.09090). The value must be less than 10000.

Nbr of Stu

Type the number of students included in the class ranking when the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility was run.


The student’s rank out of the Nbr of Stu field is displayed. The student with this field set to 1 has the highest GPA for his grade level.

Once the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility is run, code G or N is displayed next to the Rank to indicate the grade averaging method used to determine the ranking for the year (G = Grade Point Avg; N = Numeric Avg).

If the program cannot determine whether numeric or grade point averaging was used in determining rank and GPA for a particular student and school year, R* is displayed instead of N or G.

❏ If you changed any data, click Refresh Averages to update the calculated averages in the Avg field.

❏ Click Save.

The Cum GPA, Cum Rank, Nbr of Students Ranked, Date Ranking, and Quartile fields are populated when the Cumulative Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility is run.


The student’s GPA for the current and prior years is displayed and is dependent on the number of years included. This is calculated as the sum of the Total Points fields for all years divided by sum the Nbr Crs fields for all years.

Cum Rank

The student’s cumulative rank is displayed, which indicates where the student’s cumulative average falls as compared to the other student’s averages in his grade level.

Nbr of Students Ranked

The total number of students ranked is displayed, which is based on the number of students in this student’s grade level at the time Cumulative Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility was run.

Date Ranking

The date on which the Cumulative Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility was run is displayed.


1, 2, 3, or 4 is displayed, indicating which quarter of the class the student falls into. The grade level population is divided into four quarters:

Quartile 1 = 0 - .25
Quartile 2 = .25 - .50
Quartile 3 = .50 - .75
Quartile 4 = .75 - 1.00

The student’s cumulative rank is divided by the total number of students in the grade level:

135 / 541 = 0.249354 = Quartile 1
139 / 541 = 0.256931 = Quartile 2
272 / 541 = 0.502772 = Quartile 3
408 / 541 = 0.754158 = Quartile 4

Student’s who fall within the first quartile often qualify for college scholarships.

If you are viewing data for a prior school year, the following fields are displayed, which are updated by the last person using the Historical Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility or Cumulative Courses tab to recalculate the grade averaging:

User ID

The user ID of the person who entered the date is displayed.


The date-time stamp of the entry is displayed.

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