Honor Roll & Grade Averaging

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg

This tab allows you to enter honor roll and grade averaging information.

Update data:

❏ Under Honor Roll Information:

Exclude Citizenship Grade

Type the alpha grade (A, B, C, D, F or E, S, N, U) that indicates the point at which the student's citizenship grade excludes him from honor roll consideration.

If a student has a citizenship grade equal to or lower than this grade, he is excluded from honor roll consideration.

If blank, students are considered for the honor roll regardless of their citizenship grades.

Honor Roll Class Load

Type the minimum number of graded courses a student must take to be considered for the honor roll.

Honor Roll Cutoff Levels

Type up to four numbers indicating the lowest numeric grade averages a student can have and still be eligible for one of the honor rolls. Type only numbers with no decimal.

When you save, the program will zero-fill each numeric grade to four digits, with two digits on either side of the included decimal (e.g. if you type 90, the program saves 90.00).

This information is required if you are running Numeric Honor Roll - SGR2010.

Grade Point H/R Exclude Message Print Option

Indicate if you want to print the student’s name on the honor roll report, and whether the course should be excluded from the course count. The field works in conjunction with the HRoll Cd field on Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule as follows:

Grade Point H/R Exclude Message Print Option fieldHRoll CD fieldResults
Print NameExclude Student

The student name is printed on the honor roll report.

Course Count excludes the course.

Print NameExclude Course

The student name is printed on the honor roll report.

Course Count excludes the course.

Don't Print NameExclude Student

The student name is printed on the honor roll report.

Course Count excludes the course.

Don't Print NameExclude Course

The student name is not printed on the honor roll report.

Print Name & Exclusion MsgExclude Student

The student name is printed on the honor roll report with the message “Student not eligible for Honor Roll”.

Course Count excludes the course.

Print name & Exclusion MsgExclude Course

The student name is printed on the honor roll report.

Course Count excludes the course.

The message “Student not eligible for Honor Roll” is not printed.

❏ Under Grade Averaging Information:

Grds Used for Grade Avg

Type the code indicating how grade average and class rank are calculated:

C - By averaging all cycle grades
F - By using final grade entered by user
S - By averaging semester grades (most common for high school campuses)

NOTE: This setting of this field affects the grade number used in assigning the point scale entered on Ranges & Conversions. This will, in turn, affect college 4.0 scale grades.

Low Grade For Average

Type the lowest numeric grade that is considered during grade averaging.

This is the lowest grade a student can receive to be used in the grade average calculations. If a student’s grade is lower than this grade, the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility will use the grade in this field as the student’s grade. For example, if this field is set to 50, and the student receives a grade of 45, the utility will use 50 for the student’s grade.

Most campuses set this field to 50 or 00.

❏ In the College 4pt Scale field, indicate if you want to compute 4-point grade averaging information when the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility is run.

You can select to calculate with/without zero-weighted courses, or to not compute 4-point grade averaging information. This is often referred to as the College Grade Point Average. If used, the student’s grades are converted according to the Ranges and Conversions tab.

This is an additional method for calculating grade average, and it will not match other grade point averaging methods.

Most high school campuses use the 4-point scale.

Some colleges require grades that do not include zero-weighted courses.


If you select 0 - Don't compute, a student's existing 4-point average will not be overwritten.

If you select 2 - Compute & incl 0 wgt crs, zero-weight courses are treated as if the weight is 1. For example, if you have three course records with weight 1, and you have one course with weight 0, the program adds the four scores and divides by 4.

4-point Scale Example:
The Ranges and Conversions tab values are set as follows:

The following points are awarded:

Grade RangesPoints Awarded
A: 100 - 0904.0
B: 089 – 0803.0
C: 079 – 0752.0
D: 074 - 0701.0
F: 069 – 0000.0

These are sample grade conversions for a student’s un-weighted 4-point average using semester 1 grades:

Semester 1 GradesPoints Awarded
# Courses = 7Total Points = 17

The student’s un-weighted 4-point average is calculated as follows:

Total Grade Points / Number of Courses = 17/7 = 2.4

Four-point average is calculated according to the College 4pt Scale field on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg. The 4-point average may be calculated with or without weighting. Points are assigned according to the values for the Grade Conversion Information A, B, C, D, and F fields on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Ranges & Conversions.

• A = 4 points
• B = 3 points
• C = 2 points
• D = 1 point (if using Ds)
• F = 0 points

Low grade for average:

If a student’s grade is lower than the Low Grade for Average value on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg, the Low Grade for Average value is used in place of the student’s grade.

If final grades are used for grade average:

A partial record is used if the following conditions occur:

• The student is enrolled in part of a course, and no other section exists that would make the course complete.
• The course allows partial credit.
• A final grade exists.

If a student is enrolled in part of a course, and there is another section that would make the course complete, the final from the other section is used.

If a student is enrolled in the complete course, but in two sections, both records are used.

Nbr of Decimal Points

Type the number of places to the right of the decimal point to which grade averages are computed (0-5).

Many campuses set this field to 5.

Incl Wdrawn Stu in Avg

Select if you want to compute grade averages for students who withdrew after the first cycle.

Normally, withdrawn students are not included.

Incl Wdrawn Stu in Rank

Select if you want to include withdrawn students in class rank.

Normally, withdrawn students are not included in the rank.

Incl Wd Crs in Rank

Indicate how withdrawn courses should be handled with grade average for class rank.

A - Include withdrawn courses in calculations.
G - Include withdrawn courses if there is a grade for the course.
N - Do not include withdrawn courses. (most common option)

NOTE: Withdrawn self-paced courses with a semester grade are included, regardless of this field, if they are eligible courses.

NOTE: These options also affect how college 4.0 scale grades are calculated.

❏ Click Save.