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Elementary Courses

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Elementary > Elem Courses

This tab allows you to set up elementary courses by grade level.

The grade level must be defined on the Elem Grade tab before you can add course information on this tab.

IMPORTANT: Do not include one-semester courses when setting up courses by grade level. Instead, add one-semester courses as needed using Maintenance > Student > Group Maint > Add/Delete Courses. You can verify the number of semesters for the course using Nbr Sem on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule.

Update data:

Grade Level

Select a grade level for which to add courses. Only grade levels established on the Elem Grade tab are listed.

  • If data exists for the grade level, the data is displayed.
  • The list can be re-sorted.

❏ Click +Add to add data to the table.

A blank row is added to the grid.

Or, click +Add 10 to add ten blank rows.


Select the elementary course for the grade level. Only courses where Credit Lvl = E (elementary) in the district master schedule are listed.


The course title is displayed.


The core course code is displayed if the course represents a core area.

This code set in the Elem/Misc - Core Crs field on Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule.


Select the period when the class meets.


Select the days of the week on which the class meets.

❏ Click Save.

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
gradereporting/maintenance/tables/elementary/elemcourses.1519162252.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/20 16:30 (external edit)