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Reset Values (Grade Reporting)

Grade Reporting > Utilities > Reset Values

This utility mass resets instructor or course data according to your selections.

It is recommended that you back up your database files before running the utility.

Update data:

A message is displayed to remind you that changes made using this utility are permanent.

❏ Click OK.

❏ Under Parameters to Reset:


If selected:

Campus ID

The field is displayed. Select the campus for which to reset values. Only campuses to which you have access are listed. If blank, values for the first listed campus are reset.

Instructor ID

If selected:

Instr ID

The field is displayed. Click to select the instructor for which to reset values. If blank, values are reset for all instructors.

Course Nbr

If selected:


The field is displayed. Click to select the course for which to reset values. If blank, values are reset for all courses.


If a course is selected, select the section to reset.

❏ Under Items to Reset:

Select Instructor or Course, and then to select the specific item to reset from the drop-down field.

• If you select Course and Rpt Card Grd Type, the following appears:

Rpt Card Grd Type Course Selection
Core Code

Indicate if you want to reset core courses, non-core courses, or both.

Credit Level

Select a particular credit level to reset, or select All.

• If you select Course and Special Consid 2 if a Special Consid 1 code does not exist, the Special Consid 2 code is displayed as the first special consideration code in the campus master schedule.

❏ Under Values to Reset:


Specific - A field is displayed listing all values for the field you selected to reset. Select the value to reset.

All - Select to reset all values (including blanks) for the selected field.

Blank - Select to reset only blanks for the selected field.


Specific - A field is displayed listing all values for the field you selected to reset. Select the new value.

Blank - Select to reset the selected field to blanks.

IMPORTANT! Verify that you have selected data correctly before you proceed.

❏ Click Reset Values. The Reset Values By Instructor/Course pop-up window opens.

Criteria For Reset

The criteria selected for the Reset Values utility is displayed for your reference.

Instructors/Courses That Meet Criteria (left grid)

Instructors or courses (depending on your selection) that meet the criteria are listed.

Select the instructors or courses to be reset.

PrintPrint a list of instructors or courses that meet the criteria.

❏ Click -> to move selected instructors or courses to the right grid.

Or, click -->> to move all instructors or courses to the right grid.

Instructors/Courses To Reset (right grid)

The selected instructors or courses are listed.

Select any instructors or courses to remove from the list.

PrintPrint a list of instructors or courses whose records will be reset.

Click <-- to remove any selected courses or instructors from the list to be reset. They will be listed in the left grid again.

Or, click <<-- to remove all courses or instructors from the list to be reset. They will be listed in the left grid again.

❏ Click Reset.

  • You are prompted to confirm that you want to reset the values. Click Yes.
  • A message displays the number of records reset. Click OK.
  • You are prompted to print a report of the reset data. Click Yes. View, save, or print the report.
ReturnClose the pop-up window and return to the utility page.

ClearClear your selections on the page.
gradereporting/utilities/resetvalues.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by