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Scheduling Transfer

Registration > Utilities > Transfer > Scheduling Transfer

This utility transfers a group of students, by grade level, from one campus to another campus. Students who are not promoted are not transferred.

The sending campus performs the transfer.

NOTE: Do not use this utility for students with record status 5 (not current enrolled in district but will attend next year).

The records of transfer students at the sending campus are set to record status 3 (currently enrolled at this campus, will attend new campus next year). The records of transfer students at the receiving campus are set to record status 4 (enrolled at another campus, will attend this campus next year). Any student scheduling requests are deleted from the sending campus.

Before using this utility, verify special program selected on Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Next Year Campus Options at both the receiving and sending campuses. Only programs offered at the receiving campus will automatically be transferred from the sending campus. The utility first looks at Attendance Next Year Campus Options for the Receiving Campus track to determine if a special program is offered at the next year campus. If the next year campus-track does not exist on that page, the program will then look at Attendance Campus Options (current year) to see if the special program is offered.

If either the sending or receiving campus does not have the special program, the program will be dropped, and the error report will list students whose special programs were not transferred.

Update data:

Sending Campus

The ID of the campus to which you are logged on is displayed. Students will be transferred from this campus.

Receiving Campus

Select the campus to which the students are being transferred.

Choose Grades

Select the grade level(s) to be transferred.

Students in 12th grade cannot be transferred, so grade 12 is not displayed.

Match Next Year Campus

If next year campus IDs have been assigned for students in the highest grade level at the campus, select this field if there are multiple next year campuses to which students will be transferred.

The program compares the Receiving Campus to each student's next year campus, and only transfers the students whose next year campus matches the receiving campus. You must repeat this utility for each receiving campus.

WARNING: If not selected, all students are transferred to the selected receiving campus, regardless of their assigned next year campus.

Transfer Withdrawn Students

Select to include withdrawn students when assigning lockers.

Transfer Residential Facility Information

If selected, all existing Residential Facility information from the most current enrollment record at the sending campus from Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll is transferred to the receiving campus when the record status 4 is created, if the Residential Facility is valid at the receiving (record status 4) campus.

❏ Click Start.

❏ If you did not select Match Next Year Campus, you are asked again if you want to match the next year campus flag. Click Yes or No to continue.

  • When the process is complete, a report of the transferred students is displayed with a message indicating the number of records processed. Review, save, and/or print the report.

Other functions and features:

ErrorsClick to view the error list if errors are encountered.
registration/utilities/transfer/schedulingtransfer.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/12 20:32 by apape