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Student Reject List (Trial Scheduling Load)

Scheduling > Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Trial Scheduling Load > Stu Reject List

This tab generates the Student Reject Listing report for the scheduling load, which includes course requests that could not be satisfied. It is very important to review this report before accepting the load.

The report lists the course requests that could not be scheduled, the reason, and the course requests scheduled for each semester. The report is used to determine if changes are needed in the master schedule or student course requests.

In the Not Scheduled section of the report:

  • Type - indicates if the course is required (R) or an elective (E).
  • Req Sem - indicates if a specific semester was requested.
  • Crs # Sem - indicates the number of semesters of the course, per the district course table.
  • # Per - displays the number of periods the course meets.
  • Next to # Per - the reason the course could not be scheduled is displayed.

If you include the analysis report, the report displays all course information per period (i.e., when each course is offered by period for which days of the week).

  • If the course-section is filled to the seat loading factor, it is listed as “Closed”.
  • The section number and days of the week for the scheduled courses are displayed in bold type. If a scheduled course is the first section offered for the course, the course number and title are also displayed in bold type.
  • Unscheduled courses are displayed in regular type.
  • If the scheduling load is run with Substitute Alternate Courses selected on the Options tab, an asterisk (*) is displayed next to the course title indicating that an alternate course substitution occurred.
  • If the scheduling load cannot schedule the student's original or alternate course requests, then only the original course request data is displayed on the report.

Print and review the report before accepting the load.

View report:

❏ Enter report criteria:


Select a grade level, or select All to include all grade levels.

Student ID

Type the student ID. Leading zeros are not required. Or, click Directory to select one or more students from the directory. Leave blank to include all students.

Include Analysis

Select to include the analysis report.

❏ Click Retrieve Report.

  • Review, save, or print the report.

scheduling/maintenance/masterschedulegenerator/trialschedulingload/sturejectlisting.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by