Assignment Inquiry

Scheduling > Maintenance > Student Schedules > Assignment Inquiry

This tab displays a student's assigned courses and instructors for all semesters.

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The student's status, current and next year grade levels, control number, and team are displayed.

In the Grade field, the student's current year grade level is displayed followed by his next year grade level in parentheses.

  • The grade level in parentheses is based on the Year End Status field on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3.

  • For 12th grade students who are not being retained next year, the message “Graduating” is displayed.

  • For students with a PEIMS year-end-status code of 2, 10, or 15, the current year and next year grade levels are the same.

  • Graduation Plan information is displayed if available. If a student has a Graduation Plan and is pursuing or has completed Foundation High School Program (FHSP), is pursuing or has completed the Distinguished plan, and/or is pursuing or has completed any of the five endorsements, that information is displayed below the Status.

The student's schedules for semesters 1 and 2 are displayed. If the campus has more than two semesters, the schedules for semesters 3 and 4 can also be displayed.