Dates (Current Year)

Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Dates

This tab allows you to maintain current year date records for a student enrolled in special ed. Enter dates in the MMDDYYYY format, unless otherwise specified.

Update data:

Select a student

Refer Init by Regular Ed

Type the date when the student was initially referred for special ed services by his parent, guardian, or a campus employee.

Comp Refer Recvd by Sp Ed

Type the date when the initial referral was completed and received by the special ed department.

General Notice of Rights

Type the date when the student’s parent or guardian signed and dated a form indicating he received information on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) special education rights.

Pre-plac Assessmt Notice

Type the date when the student's parent or guardian was mailed or given written notice that the student was eligible for an assessment to determine if he is qualified for special ed services.

Pre-plac Assessmt Consnt
Pre-plac Assessmt Initiat

Type the date when the assessment began. The assessment must be conducted prior to the initial ARD meeting, at which time it is decided whether to place the student in special ed.

Pre-plac Assessmt Report

Type the date when the report was completed for the assessment.

Init ARD Committee Notice

Type the date when notice of eligibility (or ineligibility) was mailed or given to the parent or guardian who attended the initial ARD meeting.

Init ARD Committee Meet

Type the date when the initial ARD meeting was held to determine the student's eligibility for special ed services.

Initial Placement Consent
2nd ARD Meet for Transfer

Type the date when the second ARD committee meeting was held for transferred special ed students.

Current IEP/Annual Review

Type the date when the last review of the IEP occurred.

Psychological Exam

Type the date when the most recent psychological exam by a licensed or certified psychologist or psychiatrist was conducted for the student. A psychological exam is required for emotionally disturbed students.

Medical Exam

Type the date of the student's most recent medical exam by a licensed physician. A medical exam is required for conditions such as orthopedically disabled.

Speech Comp Assessment

Type the date of the student's most recent comprehensive speech assessment.

Most Recent ITP

Type the date when the most recent Individual Transition Plan (ITP) was prepared for the student. The ITP is prepared for special ed students who are at least 16 years old to indicate how the student will be prepared for community living and work after graduation.

Placed in Self-cont, Severe

Type the date when the student was placed in a self-contained severe setting.

Year Counted for Support Funds

Type the four-digit year for which the district received extra funds for moving the student out of a self-contained severe setting.

❏ Click Save.

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