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Admin > Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards (Step 1)

This page allows you to set up report cards that teachers can print from the Grades menu. For each report card, you select the components that you want to print on the report card.

Each course is associated with a report card, so the report card options are applied to the course.

This is the first of two pages. On the Step 2 page, you will select the skills that will be assessed on the report card.

NOTE: You must specify a logo in the Choose District Logo field. Otherwise, the message “No logo files found” is displayed, and the changes to the page are not saved.

Set Up Elementary Skills-Based Report Card - Step 1 - top

Report CardSelect the report card you are updating. This is a predefined list that cannot be changed.

❏ Under Print Options:

Select Print Parent Signature LineSelect to include a place for parents to sign and date the report card.
Non-Mailing Report CardSelect to print a version of the report card that will not be mailed out. The student’s mailing address is omitted to allow more data to print on one page.
Conference Requested LineSelect to print a check box on the report card to allow the parent to indicate that he wishes to schedule a conference. If selected, the check box prints below the signature with the message “check to request conference.”
Promoted/Retained Message on last report card of the year

Select to print the “Promoted” or “Retained” message on the report card for the last cycle of the last semester. The message will only print for the final semester-cycle, even if it is selected for an earlier semester-cycle.

The message displayed depends on the student's year-end-status code. For example, if a student's end-of-year status code indicates that he is retained pending completion of summer school, the message will indicate that status.

Codes and corresponding message:

Use Quarterly DisplaySelect if you use nine-week grading cycles and want the report card to print quarters 1-4 (instead of cycles 1-4) and do not want to display semester numbers.

❏ Select the letter, number, and word recognition skill sets to include:

Print Letter GridSelect to include the letter grid, which indicates the student’s alphabet letter recognition skills, such as recognizing upper- and lower-case letters. If selected, teachers will use Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Letter Skills to track the student’s progress.
Print Number GridSelect to include the number grid, which indicates the student’s recognition of and ability to write numbers. If selected, teachers will use Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Number Skills to track the student’s progress.
Print High Frequency Word ListSelect to include the high frequency word grid, which indicates the student’s recognition of common words. If selected, teachers will use Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Word Skills to track the student’s progress.
Print Color Word RecognitionSelect to include the color word recognition grid, which indicates the student’s recognition of color words. If selected, teachers will use Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Word Skills to track the student’s progress.
Print Rote CountingSelect to include the rote counting skill set grid, which indicates the student’s rote counting abilities. If selected, teachers will use Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Number Skills) to track the student’s progress.

portion of Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards - Step 1

Print Attendance

Select to print the student's attendance data on the report card. If selected, two additional fields are displayed:

Attendance Period

Select the period to use for reporting attendance on the report card:

Report Card Period - Attendance will be calculated based on the period for which the report card is being printed. For example, if the report card is printed for a fifth period reading class, attendance will be pulled for fifth period only. This is the default setting.

ADA Period - When the report card is printed, the program will determine what the ADA period is for each student's attendance track and only count absences incurred during that period.

Tardy Period

Select the period to use for reporting tardies on the report card.

Report Card Period - Tardies will be calculated based on the period for which the report card is being printed. For example, if the report card is printed for a fifth period reading class, tardies will be pulled for fifth period only. This is the default setting.

ADA Period - When the report card is printed, the program will determine what the ADA period is for each student's attendance track and only count tardies incurred during that period.

If a particular period is used for reporting tardies at the elementary level, you can select the period. This may or may not be the ADA period.

Use Fixed-Size Box for Student Note

Select to specify the number of lines allowed for a student note, in order to restrict the note to a specific size on the report card. If selected, the Number of Lines field is displayed.

Number of LinesSelect the number of lines allowed (1-5 lines). Each line will allow up to 41 characters. When a teacher enters a note on Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Report Card Student Notes > Cycle Notes, the teacher will be alerted if the note exceeds the space allowed.

If this field is not selected, the teacher can type up to 500 characters.
Use Fixed-Size Box for Student Skillset Notes

Select to specify the number of lines allowed for a student skillset note, in order to restrict the note to a specific size on the report card. If selected, the Number of Lines field is displayed.

Number of Lines

Select the number of lines allowed (1-5 lines). Each line will allow up to 41 characters. When a teacher enters a note on Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Report Card Student Notes > Skillset Notes, the teacher will be alerted if the note exceeds the space allowed.

If this field is not selected, the teacher can type unlimited notes for each skill.

NOTE: If the space allowed is reduced after a teacher has entered a note, the previously entered note(s) are shortened to the new limit. For example, if five lines were allowed in cycle 1, and the teacher entered a five-line note, all lines appeared on the cycle 1 report card. If the space allowed is reduced to three lines for cycle 2, the teacher must enter a three-line note for cycle 2. Additionally, the cycle 1 note will be shortened to three lines, which will cause part of the cycle 1 message to be cut off on the cycle 2 report card.

Force Page Break After Skills GridSelect to insert a page break after the main skills grid.
Page break after which skill setsThis section is displayed once there are skills selected for the report card. You can indicate if a page break should be inserted after one or more particular skill sets. These fields do not appear until skills have been selected for the report card.

portion of Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards - Step 1

Quarterly/Cycle Expectations

Indicate expectations for students for the quarter or cycle. These expectations apply specifically to the letter, number, and word recognition skill sets.

LetterSelect to specify expectations for alphabet letters. In the adjacent text box, type expectations for the students. For example, you could type “C1 - The student is expected to recognize at least 7 letters. C2 - The student is expected to recognized at least 14 characters” and so on.
NumberSelect to specify expectations for numbers. In the adjacent text box, type expectations for the students. For example, you could type “C1 - The student should be able to identify numbers and count to 10. C2 - The student should be able to identify numbers and count to 20” and so on.

Continue by specifying expectations for Word, Color, and Rote skills as needed.

If the check box is selected, the expectations will appear for teachers on Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Letter Skills and Elementary Number Skills, as well as on Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Word Skills, and on student report cards.

WARNING: If the text is entered, but the check box is not selected, the text is cleared when you save.

portion of Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards - Step 1

Choose District Logo

portion of Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards - Step 1

Grading TypeSelect the grading type to be used on the report card. All grading types are listed that have been set up on Admin > Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards.

Grading Type Description

A blank letter editor and formatting toolbar are displayed. The buttons on the toolbar allow you to change the font, size of font, attributes (bold, italic, underline), spacing, and other formatting of the text.

Type a detailed explanation of the grading type.

For example, if the grading type is E,S,U, the description could be as follows:

E = Excellent
S = Satisfactory
U = Unsatisfactory

This description will print on the report card under Grading Guide as it appears here. It will also appear for teachers on the Assignment Grades (skills-based) page when they hover over the Grade Types field.

portion of Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards - Step 1

District MessageType a message that will be displayed on the report card for all students.

Indicate if you want to use the narrow or wide orientation depending on your printer orientation setting.

Narrow is best for portrait orientation.
Wide is best for landscape orientation.

❏ Click Save.

portion of Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards - Step 1

Retrieve SetupClick Retrieve Setup in order to reload the page when you select a different report card.
Preview Report Card

Click to view the selected report card.

The preview window opens prompting you to make additional selections:

Preview window

IMPORTANT: Click Save before previewing the report card. Otherwise your selections will not be displayed in the preview.

Preview Elementary Report Card as an IPR Select to view the IPR preview. If selected, the heading changes from “Preview Elementary Report Card” to “Preview Interim Progress Report Card.”
Report Card Note

(Optional) Type a note that will print in the preview above the Teacher Notes section.

NOTE: When you print the report card preview, you are not printing any student data; the preview only allows you to view the layout. If you enter a Report Card Note, it allows you to simulate a note that would be entered when report cards are actually printed with student data; however, your note will not appear on a report card printed by another teacher or administrator. This note field is essentially for layout testing purposes only.

Preview Report CardClick to view the report card or IPR according to the criteria specified.

Preview window
PrintClick to print the report card or IPR preview. Only the preview is printed, not the actual report cards.

portion of Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards - Step 1

❏ Click Go to Step 2 to go to the next page for setting up elementary skills-based report cards.

Admin > Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards (Step 2)

This page allows you to select the skills that will be assessed on the report card.

Skills-Based Report Cards Step 2

❏ Save any changes on the Step 1 page.

❏ Then click Go to Step 2.

IMPORTANT: Click Retrieve Setup.

Report CardSelect the report card you are updating. This is a predefined list that cannot be changed.
Available Skills (left grid)The skill sets and skills established on Admin > Manage Elementary Skills-Based Courses are listed.

Select the skills to include on the report card.

❏ Click Double Arrow Right to add the selected skills to the report card.

The selected skills move to the Selected Skills grid and are no longer displayed under Available Skills.

❏ Under Selected Skills (right grid):

Selected skills are listed.


Indicate the order in which the skills will appear within each skill set on the report card. Type 1 to list the skill first, type 2 to list the skill second, and so on.

You can also indicate the order in which the skill sets are listed on the report card. Each skill set has an Ord field allowing you to specify its position. For example, type 1 for the skill set to be listed first. This does not apply to the letter, number, and word skill sets which will appear in grid format on the report cards.


Type notes about the skill that will print on the report card.

When you click in the field, the space expands to allow you to view more of the message you are typing. When you click out of the field, the space reverts to displaying only one row of the notes.

Any notes entered here are also displayed for the teacher on the Assignment Grades page when hovering over the skill name.


Specify the semester and cycle in which the skill should be assessed. For each skill, select the appropriate Sem#C# field.

These fields are only displayed if all semester and cycle grade reporting headers are set to the same value. For example, all grade reporting headers must be set to two semesters per year and two cycles per semester. If even one campus is set to a different value (such as one track set to 2sem-3cyc, and one track set to 2sem-2cyc), the fields are not displayed, and a message is displayed indicating that cycle availability is unavailable.

When these fields are in use, the report card will be shaded to indicate the skills being assessed in the semester-cycle for which the report card was printed.

You must select at least one cycle for each skill. If all cycles are unselected, the program will automatically select all cycles when you save.

For the Letters, Numbers, Spanish Letters, Color Word Recognition, Rote Counting, and High Frequency Word list skills, all Sem#C# fields are selected by default and cannot be changed.

For Rote Counting only, an additional field is displayed below the Sem#C# field allowing you to type up to three alphanumeric characters. The field is optional and provides a place for you to further indicate the cycle expectations. For example, for the skill Backwards, you could type /10 for Sem1C1 to indicate that the student is expected to count backwards from 10 by semester 1 cycle 1. You could type /25 for Sem1C2 to indicate that the student is expected to count backwards from 25 by semester 1 cycle 2, and so on.

❏ If any skills need to be removed from the report card, select the skills and click Double Arrow Left to remove the selected skills from the report card.

The removed skills are again listed under Available Skills.

❏ Click Save.

academy/admin-set-up-skills-based-report-cards.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/30 15:59 by jstanford