Grades > IPR Comments

This page allows you to enter IPR comments and notes that will be displayed on the printed IPRs.

  • IPR comments are codes for preset descriptions that apply to all course-sections for the student.
  • IPR notes are free-text notes that apply only to the student for the selected course-section.
  • IPR comments also appear on any IPRs generated by the campus.

IPR Comments page

❏ Select the course:

Course-SectionSelect the course-section or group to enter IPR comments and notes for.

❏ Click Retrieve.

The students in the course-section or group are displayed.

Students are sorted by last name, unless you have specified a custom sort order on Settings > Arrange Student Order.

The columns can be re-sorted.

Student IDThe student's ID is displayed. Click the student ID to view the student's profile.
AverageThe student's working cycle average is displayed. For more information on calculating averages, view the online Help for Weighting Type on Settings > Manage Categories.
IPR Comments

Type up to five one-character comment codes to specify the comments you want to print on the IPR (e.g., “Conference requested”).

Show/Hide Comment Legend

(located below the grid) Click to view a list of valid IPR comment codes and descriptions. These codes are created in the Student system.

NOTE: If a description exists in Spanish, the Spanish description is displayed below the English description. If the student's report card is generated in Spanish, and a Spanish comment exists, the Spanish comment is printed on the report card. If a Spanish comment does not exist, the English comment is printed on the report card. These codes and descriptions are maintained at the campus level.

IPR Comment Legend


Click Note gray to enter notes about the student that will appear on the printed IPR. Click Ok to save the note, or click Clear to clear the note. If a note is entered for the student, the yellow note icon Yellow note is displayed.

NOTE: Your comments and notes are not actually saved until you type your PIN and click Save. When you click Ok, it only saves your notes until you save all data on the page.

Clear All IPR Comments

Click to clear all comments for all displayed students. Notes are not cleared.

NOTE: Your comments are not actually cleared until you enter your PIN and click Save.

Save data:

PINType your four-digit personal identification number (PIN).

❏ Click Save.

If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the grades were saved successfully.

To print IPRs for the selected students, go to Grades > Print IPR. Follow the instructions provided in the online Help for the page.