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assignmentgrades [2020/03/31 20:13] jstanfordassignmentgrades [2020/05/14 14:47] (current) – removed jstanford
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-======Assignment Grades====== 
-<div #message></div> 
-//**Grades > Assignment Grades**// 
-====Update data:==== 
-VCV Select the course-section you want to enter assignment grades for: 
-^Course Section|{{page>general:course_section}}| 
-VCV Click **Retrieve Data**. 
-<WRAP box>You only need to click **Retrieve Data** the first time you retrieve a course section. After the first time, the student list automatically reloads when you change the **Semester**, **Cycle**, or **Course Section** field.</WRAP> 
-<div indent> 
-The students and assignments are displayed according to your selections in the previous steps. Students are sorted by last name, unless you have specified a custom sort order on [[teacheraccess:settings:arrangestudents|Settings > Arrange Student Order]].</div> 
-You can further filter the students and assignments displayed: 
-^Due Date|{{page>general:assignment_grades_due_date}}| 
-^Show withdrawn|{{page>general:assignment_grades_show_withdrawn}}{{page>general:assignment_grades_show_withdrawn_regular}}| 
-<div indent> 
-The grid lists all students currently enrolled in the course-section and the assignments according to your selections.\\  \\   
-++++The columns can be re-sorted.|{{page>general:sort_columns&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-<WRAP box> 
-To temporarily hide the menu and selection options in order to see more students on the page, click **^ Hide Menu** located on the right side of the page. The logo, menu, and selection options disappear from the page. To make the information visible again, click **Show Menu**. 
-^Student ID|{{page>general:student_id_link}}| 
-^{{:images:medical_alert.gif|medical alert icon}} |{{page>general:medical_alert}}| 
-^{{:images:comment_gray_new.gif|note icon - gray}} |{{page>general:assignment_grades_course_note_student}}| 
-^{{:images:transfer_gray_t.gif|transfer icon - gray T}} |{{page>general:assignment_grades_transfer_student}}| 
-^Cycle average|{{page>general:assignment_grades_cycle_average}}| 
-^Show averages as alpha|{{page>general:assignment_grades_show_averages_as_alpha}}| 
-^grade column headings|{{page>general:assignment_grades_column_headings}}| 
-^Assignments per Page|{{page>general:assignment_grades_per_page}}| 
-^<< Previous\\  Next >>|{{page>general:assignment_grades_previous_next}}| 
-VCV Enter the grades in the grid.\\  \\   
-  * Only whole numbers can be entered for numeric grades.\\  \\   
-  * For courses with percentage-based weighting, grades cannot be saved unless category weights are set up and total 100.\\  \\   
-  * When you enter or change a grade, the table cell turns gray to indicate that the grade was changed but not yet saved. Once you save the assignment grades, the cell is no longer gray.\\  \\   
-  * If you type an invalid grade, such as a letter grade that does not have a conversion value, the cell is shaded red. You must correct the entry before you can save the grades.\\  \\   
-  * Dropped grades are italicized.\\  \\   
-  * If the course is set up for alphabetical or ESNU grade posting, you can type letter grades or numeric grades. If you type a letter grade, it is automatically converted to a numeric grade for calculating the working cycle average, according to the conversion values set by the campus.\\  \\   
-  * Other codes can be typed in place of a grade:\\  \\   
-    * M - Missing 
-    * I - Incomplete (If you type I for any grade, the student's working cycle average will be I until a grade is entered.) 
-    * X - Excluded (The X functions the same way as clicking the note icon and selecting **Exclude** from the Grade Properties window.) 
-    * Only one shortcut code can be entered per assignment grade.\\  \\   
-  *  If the campus has disabled posting of grades for prior cycles, you cannot make changes to assignment grades for previous semesters-cycles. The **Save Grades** button is disabled.\\  \\   
-  * You can navigate through the grade fields ++using the keyboard|{{page>general:keyboard_shortcuts&inline}}++. 
-<div indent> 
-++++About scroll bars:|{{page>general:scroll_bars&inline}}++++ 
-\\  \\   
-^{{:images:comment_gray_new.gif|note icon - gray}} |{{page>general:assignment_grade_properties}}| 
-^{{:images:rubric_yes.gif?15|rubric icon - multicolor}} |{{page>general:assignment_grade_rubric}}| 
-^Exclude All|{{page>general:assignment_grades_exclude_all}}| 
-^Overall Averages|{{page>general:assignment_grades_overall_averages}}| 
-^Print (one assignment)|{{page>general:assignment_grades_print_one_assignment}}| 
-\\  \\   
-=====Save data:===== 
-Any data that has changed since the last time you saved your grades is indicated by gray shading in the table cell. 
-<WRAP box>Be aware that you may have changed data that is not currently displayed on the page. All changes are saved, including those that are not visible on the page. For example, if you are currently viewing assignment grades for one student, but you previously entered grades for other students, the grades for all students are saved, regardless of what is displayed on the page at the time you save the data.</WRAP> 
-VCV Click **Save Grades**. 
-<div indent>If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the grades were saved successfully.</div> 
assignmentgrades.1585685590.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/31 15:13 (external edit)